Showing 345 results

Subjects term Scope note Archival Description count Authority Record count

Use for: Marxism, Social democracy, Socialist movements

  • Use for records related to a variety of social and political doctrines or movements that advocate collective ownership of the means of production, a more equitable distribution of wealth, and democratic processes for achieving these ends, and which, in Marxist theory, represent the transitional stage between capitalism and communism.
69 0
Social work education 13 0
Social work education 14 0
Social sciences 348 0
Social history
  • Use for records related to the history of social structures, institutions, interaction, stability, problems, change, etc., treated collectively.
21 0
Show windows
  • Use for records that relate to window displays; for records related to educational or cultural displays, use Exhibitions.
22 0

Use for: Marine disasters, Wrecks

62 0
Ship's papers 49 0
Ships 492 0

Use for: Shipping industry, Sea transportation, Ocean traffic, Marine transportation

  • Use for records generally related to the transportation of persons or goods by water, as well as on the vessels used in this activity.
279 0

Use for: Shipping industry, Sea transportation, Ocean traffic, Marine transportation

  • Use for records generally related to the transportation of persons or goods by water, as well as on the vessels used in this activity.
176 0
Shipbuilding 284 0
Ship outfitters

Use for: Ship chandlers

5 0
Ship outfitters

Use for: Ship chandlers

4 0
Ship captains

Use for: Sea captains, Masters of ships, Ships' captains, Ships -- officers

61 1
Sexual Orientation

Use for: Sexual preference, Oreintation, sexual

33 0
Sex 9 0

Use for: Homilies

29 0
Science fiction
  • Use for records related to science fiction as realized in various media, including films, television, comic strips, etc., as well as works limited to fiction in the literary sense.
37 0
School buildings 18 0
Same-sex marriage

Use for: Gay marriage, Homosexual marriage, Lesbian marriage, Same-sex unions

34 0
Sailing ships

Use for: Schooners, Sailing vessels, Tall ships, Sloops, Sailing barges

38 0
Sailing ships

Use for: Schooners, Sailing vessels, Tall ships, Sloops, Sailing barges

28 0
Sailing 18 0
Rural life

Use for: Farm life, Country life

14 0
Rheumatology 2 0

Use for: Class reunions, Family reunions

89 0

Use for: Class reunions, Family reunions

10 0
Retail industry

Use for: Retailing, Retailing industry

403 0
Religious organizations
  • Use for records about religious or faith-based communities. For records relating to church buildings, use Churches. For records relating to major world religions, use Religion.
60 0
Religious leaders

Use for: Clergy

11 0

Use for: Religion, comparative, Religious denominations, World religions

  • Use for records related to major world religions.
153 0
Rehabilitation 18 0
Recreation 59 0
Railroads 32 0
Railroad trains

Use for: Trains, railroad, Railroad cars, Railway trains

41 0
Railroad trains

Use for: Trains, railroad, Railroad cars, Railway trains

19 0
Railroad trains

Use for: Trains, railroad, Railroad cars, Railway trains

363 0
Radio programs

Use for: Radio plays, Radio drama, Radio scripts

57 0
Radar 24 0

Use for: Race/Racial bias, Race/Racial prejudice

  • Use for records related to racism as an attitude as well as records related to both attitude and overt discriminatory behaviour directed against racial or ethnic groups.
7 0

Use for: Marionettes, Hand puppets, Finer puppets

0 0
Puppet theatre

Use for: Puppet shows, Puuetry, Puppetry

  • Use for records related to puppetry and works on the presentation of puppet plays.
7 0
Public welfare
  • Use for records related to tax-supported welfare activities. For records related to privately supported welfare activities, use [Philanthropy] .
9 0
Public relations

Use for: PR

  • Use for records related to the actions of organizations, such as corporations, stores, governments, etc., in promoting good will between themselves and the community. For records related to the process of disseminating information in order to attract public notice use [Publicity]. For records related to the sale or promotion of goods and services use [Advertising].
91 0
Public health

Use for: Health care, Community health, Public hygiene, Medical care

  • Use for records related to programs, services and policies that protect and promote the health of all members of society. For records related to the branch of medical science that investigates the factors that determine the presence or absence of diseases and disorders use [Epidemiology].
74 0
Public health

Use for: Health care, Community health, Public hygiene, Medical care

  • Use for records related to programs, services and policies that protect and promote the health of all members of society. For records related to the branch of medical science that investigates the factors that determine the presence or absence of diseases and disorders use [Epidemiology].
326 0
Public administration

Use for: Public sector management

  • Use for records related to the branch of political science that deals primarily with the structure and workings of agencies charged with the administration of governmental functions.
6 0
Psychology 457 0
Psychiatry 426 0
Results 51 to 100 of 345