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Alexander Leighton and Jane Murphy fonds

  • MS-13-86
  • Fonds
  • 1837-2020, predominant 1904-2008

Fonds contains records created and collected primarily by Alexander H. Leighton, with some by Jane Leighton Murphy. Documents span from Leighton's studies at Princeton, Cambridge, and Johns Hopkins univerities, through his government employment in World War II, and his teaching career at Cornell, Dalhousie, and Harvard. The majority of records are related to the 1961 Cornell-Aro Mental Health Research Project and the 1963 Study on the Role of Women, both based in Nigeria, and the Stirling County Study, based in Nova Scotia. Record types include correspondence, manuscripts, grant applications, reports, photographs and slides, medical and academic records, method and guidebooks, reviews, offprints and publications, teaching and course materials, and surveys and interview transcripts.

A sous-fonds contains records documenting the migration of Alexander Leighton's parents from Ireland to the United States and their subsequent life in Philadelphia. The sous-fonds contains extensive correspondence between extended family members over the course of a century, as well as photographs, diaries, wills, family trees, memoirs, and Alexander Leighton's personal correspondence.

Murphy, Jane Leighton

Ronald Justin Inness fonds

  • MS-2-600
  • Fonds
  • [19--]
Fonds consists of materials collected by Ronald Justin Inness about ships and shipping companies, including pamphlets, manuscripts, clippings, and correspondence. Fonds also contains manuscripts written by Ronald Justin Inness about the Innes' genealogy.

Inness, Ronald Justin

"A" correspondence

File contains correspondence related to persons or organizations associated with the letter "A". These include Garland Allen from Washington University, the American Association of Anatomists, Makoto Asashima at the University of Tokyo, Ron Amundson, the University of Alberta, and more.

Evolutionary Developmental Biology : 1st edition

File contains documents related to the publication of the 1st edition of Brian Hall's book "Evolutionary Developmental Biology". Materials include correspondence with Shigeru Kuratani regarding a preface Hall wrote for the Japanese version of the book.

Arrangement between the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries of the Republic of Indonesia and Dalhousie University ... on capacity building and institutional strengthening of marine environment, maritime and fisheries sector development

File contains a first and final unsigned draft agreement; a signed copy with a an attachment indicating its expiry; and correspondence and itineraries regarding visits to Dalhousie in 2003 and 2007 from the Indonesian Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 1980 to 2006

  • MS-2-615, Box 30, Folders 13 - 15; MS-2-615, Box 53, Folders 5 - 9; MS-2-615, Box 54, Folders 1 - 6; MS-2-615, Box 55, Folders 1 - 15; MS-2-615, Box 56, Folders 1 - 5; MS-2-615, Box 57, Folders 1 - 6; MS-2-615, Box 58, Folders 1 - 5; MS-2-615, Box 59, Folders 1 - 10; and MS-2-615, Box 60, Folders 1 - 8
  • File
  • 1980 - 2006
  • Part of Ronald St. John Macdonald fonds

File contains unsorted correspondence with different individuals, including Lyman R. Robinson, Bruce P. Archibald, K.V. Raman, Mark A. Roy, Manfred Lachs, Blair Seaborn, G.V. La Forest, Leon E. Trakman, Jules Deschenes, H. Scott Fairley, Luzius Wildhaber, Horace Krever, Margaret H. Ogilvie, A. Watts, Dawn A. Russell, D.H.N. Johnson, John King Gamble, Choon-ho Park, Lorenne M.G. Clark, John Willis, Gerald-A. Beaudoin, Bin Cheng, Finlay MacDonald, Roma Andrusiak, Irving Abella, Anne Bayefsky, Gerald K. Helleiner, Brian Mulroney, May Lui, Robert D. Watt, Joseph W. Samuels, Douglas Lambert, Eugene Forsey, R.J. Moores, B.S. Chimni, Jimmy Carter, Taslim O. Elias, Joseph Caron, Volodymyr Butkevych, Judith A. LaRocque, Bertha Wilson, Stewart McInnes, William R. Slomanson, Hector Gros Espiell, Rudolph Bernhardt, Timothy Wilson, Murray Fraser, Wang Tieya, Richard L. Evans, Julien S. Mackay, R.K. Dixit, Marie-Helene Boyle, Frank Iacobucci, Nicholas d'Ombrain, Hans Corell, Henry J. Bourguignon, Charles B. Bourne, Luo Haocai, Irene Courage, Frau Ulrike Dorr, Peter Weiss, K. Venkatta Raman, Detlev F. Vagts, Vladimir Semenov, Charlotte Ku, Donat Pharand, Keith B. Jobson, Gabriel Warren, W.Z. Estey, and others, regarding a wide range of topics. File includes the University of Victoria Faculty of Law newsletter vol. 3, 4, and 5 of February 1983, April 1984, and May 1985, the Canadian Council on International Law meeting minutes, Dalhousie University Faculty of Graduate Studies meeting minutes, Dalhousie University Senate meeting minutes, Dalhousie University Executive Committee meeting minutes, Dalhousie University Faculty Council meeting minutes, Dalhousie University Joint Committee on Faculty Salary Data Base report of March 1990, DFA Dialogue vol. III, no. 10, of April 1990, the Canadian Council on International Law bulletin vol. 11, no. 1, of September 1984, the African Society of International and Comparative Law newsletter no. 7 of June 1992, the American Society of International Law newsletter of January and February 2003, Foundation for International Human Rights by-laws, World Academy of Art and Science by-laws of February 1988, two photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald - in which in one of them his sister Mairi Macdonald is present - in Ottawa during an unidentified ceremony in Ottawa, ON, a photograph of a newspaper article about C.P.R. Chief, the editor's agreement between Koninklijke Brill NV., Douglas M. Johnson, and Ronald St. John Macdonald regarding the book "towards world constitutionalism: issues in the legal ordering of the world community" of 2003, the publication agreement between Ronald St. John Macdonald, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law and Martinus Nijhoff Publisher regarding the work "derogations under the article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights" of 1997, consulta contract between Ronald St. John Macdonald and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization regarding the framework of the United Nations Development Program "strengthenin training and research in selected key universities in the People's Republic of China", annotated typescripts, handwritten notes, and other materials.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 1990 to 2006

  • MS-2-615, Box 60, Folders 9 and 10; MS-2-615, Box 61, Folders 1 - 7; MS-2-615, Box 62, Folders 1 - 6; and MS-2-615, Box 63, Folders 1 - 9
  • File
  • 1990 - 2006
  • Part of Ronald St. John Macdonald fonds

File contains unsorted correspondence with different individuals, including James A. Gibson, Peter MacKinnon, Frank Iacobucci, James C. MacPherson, Allahyar Mouri, Stephen M. Schwebel, Maxwell Cohen, H.W.Arthurs, Emile K.M. Yakpo, Doug Kirkpatrick, Antonio Cassese, Madeleine Proulx, Rudolf Bernhardt, Mohamed Munavvar, Carl-august Fleischhauer, Suse Schwarzenberg, Anne McLellan, Douglas M. Johnston, John Godfrey, Ted McWhinney, Christian Dominice, Edwin A. Goodman, Bill Graham, Michael Oliver, James Otieno Odek, Hugh Paton, Bruce P. Archibald, Jessica Carroll, Juan Antonio Carrillo Salcedo, Ronald S. Wood, Doug McArthur, Charles B. Bournes, Edgar Gold, J.P. Gardner, and others, regarding a wide range of topics. File includes Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific annual report of 1997, Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific newsletter of January 1997, University of Toronto Law School Faculty Council meeting agendas and meeting minutes, World Academy of Art and Science newsletter of March 1993, the British Institute of International and Comparative Law newsletter of January 1991, the American Society of International Law newsletters, the Group of 78 newsletter of May 1993, the African Society of International and Comparative Law newsletter of January 1990, a Dalhousie University Faculty of Law full-time staff contact list of 1973, a photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald with Maxwell Bruce and an unidentified man in 1999, a photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald with James Otieno Odek in 1994, an agreement between Canada Live in trust with Doubleday Canada Limited regarding the book "Canada live: English Canada speaks out", newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, and other materials.

Recent observation of a proliferation of ranunculus trichophyllus chaix in high-altitude lakes of the Mount Everest region : [draft manuscripts and other material]

File contains manuscript, draft manuscripts, correspondence and an agreement to transfer ownership of copyright between Paresh Lacoul and Bill Freedman relating to the article Physical and Chemical Limnology of 34 Lentic Waterbodies along a Tropical-to-Alpine Altitudinal Gradient in Nepal.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 1970 to 2006

  • MS-2-615, Box 30, Folder 16; MS-2-615, Box 44, Folders 1 - 5; MS-2-615, Box 45, Folders 1 - 5; MS-2-615, Box 46, Folders 1 - 7; MS-2-615, Box 47, Folders 1 - 5; MS-2-615, Box 48, Folders 1 - 6; MS-2-615, Box 49, Folders 1 - 9; MS-2-615, Box 50, Folders 1 - 14; MS-2-615, Box 51, Folders 1 - 6; MS-2-615, Box 52, Folders 1 - 6; MS-2-615, Box 53, Folders 1 - 4
  • File
  • 1970 - 2006
  • Part of Ronald St. John Macdonald fonds

File contains unsorted correspondence with different individuals, including Franklin Berman, Hebert Petzold, Wilbur F. Bowker, Jianming Shen, Timothy T. Daley, Charlotte Ku, Ian M. MacKeigan, Ivan L. Head, John E. Read, John K. Akpalu, Emile K.M. Yakpo, Bozidar Bakotic, Donald S. MacDonald, W. Andrew MacKay, Eileen Janzen, B.A. Pollard, W.A. Charles, Ganshof van der Meersch, J. King Gordon, Kurt Herndl, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Horace E. Read, C. Trevor Anderson, Thomas R. Berger, Dawn Russel, Arnold W. Zeman, C. Rhodes Smith, Susan Mann, Wang Tieya, Niki Tobi, Sienho Yee, A. Kolodkin, Frank Milligan, M.L. Friedland, Brian Dickson, George C. van Roggen, D.H.N. Johnson, Lun S. Wong, Allan J. MacEachen, J. Zourek, Pierre Charpentier, John E.C. Brierley, Henry D. Hicks, Sandra Liebel, Marcel Cadieux, Alfred E. von Overbeck, Philip Girard, T.H.B. Symons, Edward McWhinney, Philip C. Jessup, Edward.G. Lee, E.E. Appiah, M. Jean Houston, David L. Johnston, John J. Quinn, Charles B. Bourne, L. Ferrari Bravo, John M. Davison, Edgar Gold, James C. Gervais, Ko Swan Sik, D.P. Verma, G.A. Klassen, Kathleen Fisher, Peter Malanczuk, Michael D. Harris, Alexander Marschik, Manfred Lachs, Thea E. Smith, J.S. Castel, Paul E. Martin, R.M. Warren, Hideo Takabayshi, and others, regarding a wide range of topics. File includes a transcript of an interview with Innis Christie in 1988, the Halifax Club pamphlet, a United Nations Economic and Social Council report of 1991, the British Institute of International and Comparative Law director's report for 1989, the Africa Society of International and Comparative Law supplement to the application for funding submitted to the Canadian International Development Agency of June 1988, the Africa Society of International and Comparative Law annual report of 1989, University of Western Ontario Faculty of Law newsletter vol. 1, no. 2, of May 1977, and vol. 5, no.1, of January 1981, Osgoode Hall Law School Continuum periodical, vol. 2, no. 1, of 1974, the American Society of International Law newsletter vol. 21, issue 4, of August/ October 2005, the World Academy of Art and Science newsletter of winter/spring 1999, the International Ocean Institute Across the Oceans newsletter, vol. 1, issue 1, of January 1982, Cyprus Bulletin, vol. 34, no. 23 and 24, of November 1996, University of Toronto Nexus periodical of February 1991, Dalhousie University Hearsay of January 1976, Amnesty International bulletin, vol. 1, no. 1, of January 1974, McGill University Quid Novi periodical, vol. 4, no. 9, of November 1983, Dalhousie Faculty Association Dialogue, vol. 3, no. 8, of March 1990, Dalhousie Law School programme for indigenous, blacks, and Mi'kmaqs of January 1994, Dalhousie University Marine Affairs Program, Dalhousie University Faculty of Graduate Studies meeting minutes, Dalhousie University Faculty of Law special meeting minute of January 1973, Council of Europe 67th plenary administrative session meeting minute of March 1989, Lester B. Pearson College Board of Trustees meeting minute of February 1979, Council of Europe report on the functioning of the organs of the European Convention on Human Rights of 1984, the editor's agreement between Koninklijke Brill NV., Douglas M. Johnson, and Ronald St. John Macdonald regarding the book "towards world constitutionalism: issues in the legal ordering of the world community" of 2003, photograph of John E.C.B. in front of Killam Memorial Library in 1985, a photograph of John Peters Humphrey possibly in 1995, two photographs of Ronald St. John Macdonald with a group of unidentified individuals in Calgary in 1974, a photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald with Bozidar Bakotic and an unidentified man possibly in the late 1970s, a photograph of Charles B. Bourne in 1995, three photographs of Dalhousie University Law School Students of 1982-1983, a drawing of an unidentified man - possibly a judge, a transcript of an interview with Myres S. McDougal in 1994, a transcript of an interview with Charles B. Bourne in 1992, annotated typescripts, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, and other materials. File includes a letter from Bozidar Bakotic to Ronald St. John Macdonald reporting that censorship forbade him to contribute to the development of one of Ronald St. John Macdonald's book.

Ronald St. John Macdonald’s correspondence by recipient

Subseries contains Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence with different individuals and organizations, including A. Donat Pharand, J. Alan Beesley, Bozidar Bokatic, Charles B. Bourne, Donald A. Kerr, Donald McInnes, Douglas M. Johnston, Edgar Gold, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Gerald L. Morris, Ivan Leigh Head, John P. Humphrey, John King Gamble Jr., Leslie C. Green, Maxwell Cohen, Wang Tieya, the Canadian Department of External Affairs, the Council of Europe, and others, regarding a wide range of subjects.

Ronald St. John Macdonald fonds

  • MS-2-615
  • Fonds
  • 1823 - 2006
Fonds comprises Ronald St. John Macdonald's records regarding his personal, academic, and professional activities as a jurist, judge, and professor. Records include those related to Macdonald's involvement with Osgoode Hall, University of Western Ontario, University of Toronto, Dalhousie University, the European Court of Human Rights, the Hague, Peking University, World Academy of Arts and Science, Canadian Council of International Law, United Nations, Institute of International Law, African Society of International Law, British Institute of International Law, Canadian Institute of International Law, International Law Association, and others. Records types include correspondence; meeting minutes and agendas; research materials; photographs; newsletters; newspaper clippings; manuscripts; and off-prints.

Macdonald, Ronald St. John, 1928-2006

Ronald St. John Macdonald’s correspondence

Series comprises correspondence regarding Macdonald's professional and academic involvement with institutions including Osgoode Hall, University of Western Ontario, University of Toronto, Dalhousie University, the European Court of Human Rights, the Hague, Peking University, World Academy of Arts and Science, Canadian Council of International Law, United Nations, Institute of International Law, African Society of International Law, British Institute of International Law, Canadian Institute of International Law, International Law Association, and others. Series also contains correspondence between Ronald St. John Macdonald and individuals including Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau, Paul E. Martin, Jean Chrétien, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Wang Tieya, A. Donat Pharand, and others.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 1961 to 2005

  • MS-2-615, Box 40, Folders 20 and 21; MS-2-615, Box 41, Folder 4; MS-2-615, Box 42, Folders 1 - 10; and MS-2-615, Box 43, Folders 1 - 8;
  • File
  • 1961 - 2005
  • Part of Ronald St. John Macdonald fonds

File contains unsorted correspondence with different individuals, including Krystyna Kowalik-Banczyk, R.P. Anand, Dieter Tietz, Jeremy Thomas, Hugo Caminos, Peter H. Rohn, H.D. Hicks, W.A. MacKay, Matthew Garfield, Martin Cohn, Andrew J. Peter, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Richard N. Gardner, Paul E. Martin, Stephen Hanson, Gerald A. Beaudoin, H. Wade MacLauchlan, J.D. Arnup, H. David Archibald, Ian G. Baxter, M.I. Bateman, G.V.V. Nicholls, Colonel Wendell Blanchard, J.F. Edmonds, Ivan L. Head, J.S. Nutt, M.B. Dymond, Eiichi Fukatsu, L. Brothers, John R. Cartwright, Diana Maughan, Amber Pashuk, Alexandre Kiss, Reem A. Bahdi, Wolgang Strasser, Tauno Bergholm, A. Ch. Kiss, Eileen Janzen, Suzanne Lalonde, Marianne Scott, Manuel Rama-Montaldo, Donat Pharand, Walter Truett Anderson, Barry L. Mawhinney, Hans Corell, and others, regarding a wide range of topics. File includes the American Society of International Law newsletter of March and May 1994, the American Society of International Law newsletter vol. 21, issue 3, of May and July 2005, the Society of Legal Scholars newsletter of winter 2003, the Canadian Council on International Law bulletin vol. 27, no. 2, of spring 2001, the Canadian Council on International Law bulletin vol .31, no. 1 and 2, of spring and summer 2005, a United Nations General Assembly reports of 1965 and 1970, a photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald with an unidentified man in 2001, a photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald receiving his Doctor of Laws degree at McGill University in 1988, a photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald with B.L. Laskin and J.B. Milner in 1965, annotated typescripts, handwritten notes, and newspaper clippings.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 2000 to 2005

File contains unsorted correspondence with different individuals, including Hamdallah Zedan, Krystyna Kowalik, Obiora Chinedu Okafor, John Hobbins, Randle Edwards, Stephen M. Schwebel, Barbara Uteck, Jean Chrétien, Christian I. Dominice, Wang Tieya, Peter Malanczuk, Frederic L. Kirgis, Maureen O'Neil, J. Allan Beesley, Ivan L. Head, John F. Hamm, and others, regarding a wide range of topics. File includes correspondence from December 1999 that is attached to correspondence from 2000, a photograph of a group of four unidentified individuals, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, and other materials.

Records regarding Ronald St. John Macdonald’s academic work

Series comprises Ronald St. John Macdonald's records regarding his academic activities, including his involvement as a faculty member of York University Osgoode Hall, University of Toronto, Dalhousie University, and other institutions. Series also includes records and research materials regarding the development of Macdonald's publications, unpublished papers, and other materials.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence regarding the Journal of the History of International Law

File contains correspondence with different individuals, including Suzanne Lalonde, Peter Macalister-Smith, Dietrich Schindler, Rudolf Bernhardt, Raimund Schutz, Ruth Donner, Shabtai Rosenne, Choon-Ho Park, Franz Matscher, Jeremy Thomas, Hector Gros Espiell, Karl Zemanek, Antonio Truyol y Serra, Peter Haggenmacher, Mariska Duindam, Betsy Roben, Edward Wu, Yuji Iwasawa, Donald W. Greig, Stephen Neff, Jutta Brunnee, Dorothee Walther, Lucinda Jones, Emile K.M. Yakpo, Dorinda G. Dallmeyer, Masaharu Yanagihara, Pepe Ragoni, Eric Lee, R.P. Anand, Bernhard Roscher, Laurens Winkel, Jerzy Makarczyk, J.J. Cremona, Philip Allott, William Alford, David J. Bederman, and others. File includes a photograph taken in November 1994 of an unidentified man, woman - possibly Jutta Brunnee - and child. File includes other materials related to the subject.

Correspondence by subject

Subseries contains Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence regarding a wide range of subjects, including his visits to China, his research on the teaching of international law at Canadian universities and other topics, the development of various of his books, Dalhousie University, Dalhousie Law School Journal, Dalhousie Law School centenary, the Hague, the United Nations, the Canadian Council on International Law, and many other matters. Subseries contains correspondence between Ronald St. John Macdonald and different individuals, including Paul Martin, Quing-nan Meng, Edgar Gold, Paul Fauteux, Dominique Alheritiere, Tom Hick, R. C. Strother, W.A. MacKay, Wang Fusun, J.D. Kingham, Patti Allen, John Vandermeulen, Rene Jean Dupuy, M.C.W. Pinto, Jacqueline Dauchy, Leo Nevas, Avard Bishop, Charles B. Bourne, John Willis, and many others.

Ronald St. John Macdonald’s professional records

Series comprises Ronald St. John Macdonald's records regarding his professional activities, including his involvement with different organizations, such as the Council of Europe, the European Court of Human Rights, the Hague, World Academy of Arts and Science, Canadian Council of International Law, United Nations, Institute of International Law, African Society of International Law, British Institute of International Law, Canadian Institute of International Law, International Law Association, and others. Series contains meeting agendas, meeting minutes, newsletters, reports, and other records.

Chinese Subcommittee 2002-2004

File contains records related to the Chinese regional subcommittee for the Census of Marine Life. File includes information related to meetings in Qingdao in 2003 (the 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Algal Biotechnology) and 2004 (First China Workshop on Census of Marine Life). File also includes proposals submitted to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation in support of a Chinese National Implementation Committee for the Census of Marine Life submitted by Yunqing Zhang and Song Sun. File also includes correspondence related to the conferences, and developing Chinese CoML activities. File includes correspondence from between Ron O'Dor, Qisheng Tang, Phoebe Zhang, Shuhei Nishida, Ximing Guo, Fred Grassle, Jesse Ausubel, Kristen Yarincik, and others.

Ronald St. John Macdonald’s correspondence by decades

Subseries contains Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence with different individuals, including John Holmes, Paul Martin, Maxwell Cohen, Roland Michener, D.W. Fulford, Donald S. Macdonald, Charles B. Bourne. Christine Boyle, Donald E. Buckingham, David R. Chipman, Innis Christie, H.C. Charles, George F. Curtis, Audrey Davis, L.C. Green, and others, regarding a wide range of subjects.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence regarding the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights

File contains correspondence with different individuals, including Moffat Hancock, Junos Miklavc, Bernard Adell, Claude Emanuelli, Balfour J. Haley, D.A. Soberman, Richard B. Potter, Gerard J. Wiarda, Antonio LaPergola, Franz Karasek, Herbert Petzold, Janice Paskey, Marc-Andre Eissen, Wolfgang Heinz, Hans Eberhard Wohlfarth, Maggie Nicholson, J. Wolf, George Soros, Alan Stephens, Hans-Peter Furrer, Eva Smith, Franz Matscher, Jutta Brunne, V.S. Vereshchetin, J. Robert S. Pritchard, Luzius Wildhaber, Christine Chinkin, John K. Akpalu, William R. Pace, Adel Omar Sherif, Richard A. Falk, I.I. Lukashuk, Alberto Sanguinetti, Roger S. Clark, J. Callewaert, Rudolf Bernhardt, Rolv Ryssdal, Bakhtiyar Tuzmukhamedov, and others. File includes meeting minutes, reports, handwritten notes, 19 photographs of Ronald St. John Macdonald with a group of unidentified individuals possibly at the European Court of Human Rights in 1993, one photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald with Rudolf Bernhardt at the European Court of Human Rights' old deliberation room in 1982, and other materials related to the European Court of Human Rights. File contains a copy of the editor's agreement between Ronald St. John Macdonald and Martinus Nijhoff Publisher regarding the manuscript "the European system for the protection of human rights" and Bakhtiyar Tuzmukhamedov's resume.

Japanese Subcommittee of CoML 2002-2003

File contains records related to the Japanese regional subcommittee for the Census of Marine Life. File includes information related to a meeting of the Oceanographic Society of Japan in Tokyo in March 2002 (where O'Dor attended and presented), at which much discussion regarding the forming of a Japanese CoML committee was undertaken. File includes correspondence between Ron O'Dor, Philip Hicks, Robin Rigby, Satoquo Seino, and Yoshihsa Shirayama. File also includes information related to NaGISA.

Records regarding Peking University and Dalhousie University Law School

Subseries contains handwritten notes, annotated typescripts, correspondence, pamphlets, booklets, a copy of the agreement between Peking University International Law Institute and University Rotterdam GLODIS Institute of the Faculty of Law regarding a research and teaching program, a copy of the Canadian-Chinese programme in international and comparative law between Dalhousie University Faculty of Law and Peking University College of Law, a preliminary proposal for a joint research and education project on international law and human rights between Peking University International Law Institute and the University of Ottawa Human Rights Research and Education Centre, and other materials.

'D' - 'F' miscellaneous correspondence

Files contains correspondence with individuals with names beginning from D to F. Correspondents include Maltese politican Guido de Marco (on implementing Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLos)), Annick de Marffy-Mantuano; Al Duda (on deep sea-bed mining), and Professor Tsutomu Fuse (sent with attached recommendations for UNCLoS Part XI by Elisabeth Mann Borgese). All correspondence is outgoing only.

Photographs of travels in Nepal

File contains 198 photographs taken by Bill Freedman during his travels in Nepal in the autumn of 1998. Photographs show people, buildings, temples, markets, and natural scenery, in Kathmandu (and the Kathmandu Valley, the Arun River, Bhaktapur, and various sites in eastern Nepal.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence with Wang Tieya

File includes correspondence with Zheng Ping, Innes Christie, W.H. Charles, Dick Evans, C. Wiktor, John Yogis, Wen-Zong Liu, Arthur von Mehren, Prosper Weil, and D.W. Bowett. File includes Dalhousie Law School memoranda regarding the visit of Wang Tieya, Hunghui Lui, and Chen An at Dalhousie University in March 1984.
Results 1 to 50 of 418