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606 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Letter of agreement between Dalhousie University and the University of Malta, Msida

File includes a letter to the director of the International Office at University of Malta regarding the agreement, which notes a particular interest in institutional cooperation in the areas of marine science, marine law, coastal zone management and other areas concerned with oceans/marine affairs and the area of humanities, specifically classics, history and literature.

Jospeh Stalin

File contains notes and translations of Russian-language articles as well as English-language news clippings.

Soviet Union and youth

File contains translations of Russian-language articles and two issues of Analysis of Current Developments in the Soviet Union.

Soviet Union and travel

File contains translations of Russian-language articles, English-language newspaper clippings and published tourism pamphlets.

Soviet Union and tourism

File contains notes and translations of Russian-language articles and an English-language manuscript copy of a Moscow travel article.

Soviet Union and religion

File includes translations of Russian-language newspaper articles and a 7-page manuscript titled "slug orthodox" by Marc de Villiers.

Soviet Union and leadership

File includes a translation of a Russian-language newspaper article and an off print of "Soviet Science and Technology: Some Implications for US Policy," by Foy R. Kohler and Mose L. Harvey, published in Ex Orbis (U of Pennsylvania): Fall 1969.

Soviet Union and science and technology

File includes a translation of a Russian-language newspaper article and an off print of "Soviet Science and Technology: Some Implications for US Policy," by Foy R. Kohler and Mose L. Harvey, published in Ex Orbis (U of Pennsylvania): Fall 1969.

Soviet Union and Romania

File includes translations of Russian-language newspaper articles and an issue of Analysis of Current Developments in the Soviet Union.

Soviet Union and sport

File contains translations of Russian-language articles and an English-language letter to the Toronto Telegram regarding the visit of Punch Imlach's visit to the USSR.

Soviet Union and pollution

File contains translations of Russian-language articles and interviews, English-language news clippings and an issue of the Institute for the Study of the USSR's Analysis of Current Developments in the Soviet Union.

Soviet Union and population

File contains translations of Russian-language articles, English-language news clippings and an issue of Analysis of Current Developments in the Soviet Union.

Soviet Union and foreign policy — USA

File contains English- and Russian-language newspaper articles; 1971 and 1972 issues of Institute for the Study of the USSR's Analysis of Current Developments in the Soviet Union; and a copy of "In Russia," by Arthur Miller, published in Harpers Magazine (September 1969).

Soviet Union and pedestrians

File includes translations of Russian-language newspaper articles and an English-language news release from the Hamilton Automobile Club.

Soviet Union and housing

File contains transcriptions of Russian-language articles and a photograph of balconies on an apartment building with no access.
Results 1 to 50 of 1302