Showing 83 results

Genre term Scope note Archival Description count Authority Record count
Notated music

Use for: Sheet music

69 0
Notated music

Use for: Scores, sheet music

628 0
Notebooks 261 0
Obituaries 52 0
Offprints 112 0
Oral histories 76 0

Use for: Watercolours; Oil paintings.

  • Color paint applied by hand to a surface (support) such as paper, canvas, wood, glass, or other.
30 0

Use for: Booklet

  • Published non-periodical volumes with no cover or with a paper cover. Usually 5 or more pages and fewer than 49 pages.
426 0

Use for: Magazines, Journals

  • Serials usually issued at regular intervals and more frequently than annually.
1304 0

Use for: Slides

  • A general designation for any photographic process.
10440 0
Physical objects
  • Something perceptible by one or more of the senses, especially by vision or touch; a material thing.
22 0
  • Graphic representations, especially of the face, of real persons, usually posed, living or dead. Pictures whose purpose is the portrayal of an individual or several people, not pictures that merely include people as part of an event or scene.
2197 0
  • Cards on which a message may be written or printed for mailing without an envelope; often include a pictorial, comic, or other scene on one side.
187 0
  • Single or multi-sheet notices made to attract attention to events, activities, causes, goods, or services; also, purely decorative posters. For posting, usually in a public place; chiefly pictorial. Intended to make an immediate impression from a distance.
1196 0
Press releases 244 0
  • Images formed by transfer from one surface or source to another. Usually created with ink(s) and produced in multiple impressions.
20 0
  • Lists of the events, pieces, performers, speakers, etc., of an entertainment, ceremony, or the like.
2395 0
Radio broadcasts

Use for: Radio programs

58 0
Receipts 30 0
Records and briefs

Use for: Briefs, Legal briefs and records, Court records

  • Documents representing the arguments of one or more parties and other documents submitted to, or generated by, a court in a particular case.
12 0
Registers 7 0
Reports, publications, studies, and documentation

Use for: Theses, dissertations

1681 0
Research notes 1007 0
Research proposals 107 0
Résumés and curricula vitae 55 0
Reviews 140 0
Schedules 62 0
Sound recordings 402 0

Use for: Public addresses; Academic addresses; Orations; Talks

1057 0
Surveys and questionnaires 258 0
  • Something that has been transcribed, especially: Music. An adaptation of a composition. A recorded radio or television program. Linguistics. A representation of speech sounds in phonetic symbols.
178 0
Video recordings

Use for: Videos

  • Collections of video recordings that are composed of multiple genres and/or forms to which more specific headings such as [Video recordings for the hearing impaired] cannot be applied.
638 0

Use for: Annuals; Almanacs; Class Books

346 0
Results 51 to 83 of 83