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Authority Record

Johnston, James Robinson

  • Person
  • 1876-1915
James Robinson Johnston was born March 12, 1876 in Halifax, NS. He attended a black segregated school before they were repealed in 1884, and he was able to attend a white school. He went on to do a Bachelor of Letters (Arts) at Dalhousie University in 1896. He then went to Law School at Dal and got his degree in 1898. Johnston was the first black person to earn a degree from Dalhousie, and the first African Nova Scotian to earn a university degree. He started working at John Thomas Bulmer’s law firm, and took it over in 1901 when Bulmer died. Johnston was the only black person practicing law in Nova Scotia before WWI. In 1902 he married his wife Janie. They had one son but he died when he was an infant. Johnston was an organ player at the Cornwallis Street Baptist Church, and an active member of the black community in Halifax. He was on many committees and boards. He was an advocate for education. James Johnston died on March 3, 1915, at 38 years old after being shot and killed by his brother-in-law at home.

Johnston, William H.

  • Person
  • 1874-1937
William H. Johnston was the International President of the Industrial Alliance (I.A.) and a prominent labour leader of his day. He was born in Westville, Nova Scotia, on 30 December 1874. Raised by his father in a trade union atmosphere, he started an apprenticeship with the Rhode Island Locomotive Works in 1888. He later worked for the Builders' Iron Foundry and between 1895-1897 he aided the Jencks Manufacturing Company in refining their experiments on automatic knitting machines. During this time he became a charter member of a new lodge, No. 379 of the I.A. He was elected president of Local No. 147 while employed with Armington and Sons from 1897-1903, then became the Local No. 147 delegate for the Boston Convention, and by 1912 was the International President of the I.A. of M.

Johnstone, Dean

  • Person
Dean Johnston became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in the 1979 because of their involvement in the video recording “Coke adds life?” which became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Johnstone, John Hamilton Lane

  • Person
  • [ca. 1890-1973]
John Hamilton Lane Johnstone was educated at Pictou Academy before before earning a B.Sc. (1912) and M.Sc. (1914) at Dalhousie University. He became a student instructor of mathematics in 1911 and received the University Medal in mathematics and physics in 1912. Johnstone went on to complete a Ph.D. at Yale in 1916, after which he joined the army and became captain of the Royal Canadian Engineers in France. He also fought with British forces in Salonika and was made a member of the Order of the British Empire. In 1919, Johnstone returned to Dalhousie to teach and was made a full professor in 1926. In 1925, he was sent by Dalhousie to Newfoundland to advise in the creation of Memorial College. During the second World War, Johnstone was seconded to the National Research Council for naval research, along with fellow Dalhousie professor G. H. Henderson. The two professors research magnetic mines that were used by the Germans and built an instrument to detect them. After the war, Johnstone returned to Dalhousie and became the head of the Physics Department. In 1949, he was appointed as the first Dean of Graduate Studies. Johnstone was involved in the construction of the Sir James Dunn Science Building and the Nova Scotia Research Foundation building. He passed away in the winter of 1972-73 at the age of 83 during a holiday in Mexico.

Joint Review Panel for the Whites Point Quarry and Marine Terminal Project.

  • Corporate body
  • March 24, 2003-October 22, 2007

On March 24, 2003 Fisheries and Oceans Canada received a proposal from Bilcon of Nova Scotia for the construction of a 152-hectare basalt quarry, processing facility and marine shipping terminal at White’s Point, approximately 35 km southwest of Digby, Nova Scotia, along the shores of the Bay of Fundy.

A joint federal-provincial review panel for the Whites Point Quarry and Marine Terminal Project was announced on November 5, 2004. The three-member panel consisted of Dr. Bob Fournier, Dr. Jill Grant, and Dr. Gunter Muecke. On March 31, 2005 the panel released final guidelines for the preparation of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS), which would provide direction to Bilcon in preparing a statement of the project's anticipated environmental impact.

The joint panel review provided the report to the Ministers on October 22, 2007. The Ministers released the report on October 23, 2007.

After consideration of the report, the Minister of Environment and Labour announced on November 20, 2007 that the project posed unacceptable risk to the environment and to the community. The application to establish Whites Point Quarry and Marine Terminal was not approved.

Jonàs, Alberto

  • Person
  • 1868-1943
Alberto Jonàs was a Spanish pianist, composer, and, perhaps most prominently, piano pedagogue. He started his musical education at the Madrid Roal Conservatory under Manuel Mendizábal before entering the Brussels Conservatory where he studied with Arthur De Greef and François-Auguste Gevaert. After competing the the first international Anton Rubinstein Competition, he became one of Rubinstein's pupils in St. Petersburg. In 1893, he moved to New York City, where he performed regularly. He returned to Europe in 1904 to teach at the Klindworth-Scharwenka Conservatory in Berlin. The First World War forced him to return to New York, where he remained for the rest of his life. During this time, he became a respected and sought-after piano teacher. One of his students in New York City was the Canadian pianist Ellen Ballon. His correspondence and experiences during this time also led him to write the seven-volume Master School of Piano Playing and Virtuosity, with a number of well-known contributors and numerous examples from the piano repertory.

Jones, Burnley A. (Rocky)

  • Person
  • 1941-2013
Burnley Allan “Rocky” Jones was born in Truro, NS on August 26, 1941. He joined the armed forces when he was 16 and served for three years. When he was 19 he moved to Toronto, where he got involved in social justice. He was actively involved in issues of racism against Black populations. He moved back to Halifax where he started many initiatives to further the Black Nova Scotia population in society. He got his bachelor’s degree from Dalhousie University in 1974, and was the co-founder of the Transition Year Program at Dalhousie, which brought Black and Indigenous students into university. He taught in the program for ten years. In 1989 he helped create the Indigenous, Black & Mi’kmaw Initiative at Dalhousie Law School, to bring more minority populations into law school. He was valedictorian of the program when he graduated from Dalhousie Law School in 1992. He worked as a legal aid lawyer after graduating, and eventually opened his own law firm – B.A. Rocky Jones & Associates. He worked mainly with black and aboriginal communities and on prisoner’s rights. Rocky Jones was the co-founder of the Black United Front of Nova Scotia and the National Black Coalition of Canada. He brought the Black Power movement to Nova Scotia in the 1960s and 1970s, and was tailed by the RCMP and FBI for over ten years for his involvement in political and racial activism. Rocky Jones holds and honourary degree from Guelph University, and was named to the Order of Nova Scotia in 2010. Rocky Jones passed away from a heart attack in 2013 at the age of 71.

Jones, Derek

  • Person
Derek Jones is a professor emeritus in Dalhousie's Faculty of Dentistry who was previously the first assistant dean of research for the Faculty. He graduated from the University of Birmingham with his PhD in 1970, and came to Canada to teach at Dalhousie in 1974 at the request of current dean Dr. J. D. McLean. Jones retired in 1999, but continued to write and teach part time. He was recently awarded the 2016 Distinguished Service Award from the International Association for Dental Research.

Jones, Mary

  • Person
Mary Jones was an avid theatre goer who collected programs from the various cultural events she attended. She was the wife of Robert O. Jones, a former professor of psychiatry and founder of the Department of Psychiatry at Dalhousie University.

Jones, Robert Orville

  • Person
  • 1914-1984

Robert Jones was a 1937 graduate of Dalhousie Medical School and the founder of its department of Psychiatry. Born in Digby County on 31 March 1914, he received his early education at Bridgetown and entered Dalhousie University at age 16, graduating with his BSc at 19 and his MD at 23. After completing a year of general practice, he began his training in psychiatry in 1938 at the Maudsley Hospital in London, followed by two years at Johns Hopkins as a Rockefeller Fellow.

In 1941 Dr. Jones joined the Dalhousie Faculty of Medicine as an associate professor of psychiatry. In 1949 he established the department of Psychiatry and was appointed professor and head, a post he held for 26 years. He was charter president of the Canadian Psychiatric Association and charter fellow of the American College of Psychiatrists. In 1973 he was made a life fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and he received the Order of Canada in 1981. During his prestigious career, he was president of the Medical Society of Nova Scotia, Nova Scotia Psychiatric, Canadian Mental Health (Nova Scotia Division), and the Atlantic Provinces Psychiatric Association. He died on 26 August 1984.

Joseffy, Rafael

  • Person
  • 1852-1915
Rafael Joseffy was a Hungarian pianist, teacher, and composer. He studied with a number of teachers, including Ignaz Moscheles, Carl Tausig, and Franz Liszt. In 1879, he moved to New York City, where he spent the rest of his life.

Joseph, Clifton

  • Person
Clifton Joseph is an award-winning poet, journalist and broadcaster who is the founding member of the Dub poetry movement in Canada. Joseph wrote a number of books and has performed in North America, the United Kingdom and the Caribbean. Clifton Joseph became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in the 1980s because his audio recordings became a part of the centre’s tape collection.


  • Corporate body

Kaill, Pauline

  • Person
Pauline Kaill is a film and video artist based in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Kaill became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 2001 because their video “The Knit Club” was featured on a compilation tape that became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Kane, Don

  • Person
Don Kane became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in the 1980s because of their involvement in a video recording which became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Kane, Rolanda

  • Person
Rolanda Kane became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 2001 because their audio recording “In the Village of Our Poetry” became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Kansas, Jane

  • Person
Jane Kansas is a Halifax-based writer who is a part of the LGBTQ+ community as an activist. Kansas was born in 1954 in Wichita, Kansas but did most of her growing up in Ottawa. Kansas been in Nova Scotia since 1986. Kansas has been associated with Halifax’s CKDU, Wayves Magazine, GALA, Pride Celebrations, and The Coast to name a few. Kansas became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 1993 because their video recording “How Lesbians Kiss” became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Kaplan, Jacob Gordin

  • Person
  • 1922-1988

Gordin Kaplan taught physiology and biophysics at Dalhousie University between 1950-1966. He was born in 1922 in New York City. Following active service in the US Army Medical Corps during World War Two, he completed his MA and PhD at Columbia University and moved to Canada in 1950 to take up an appointment at Dalhousie. In 1966 he moved to Ottawa, then in 1981 he joined the Department of Biochemistry at the University of Alberta. He served as that university's first Vice-President (Research), a position he held until his retirement in 1987.

During his fifteen years in Halifax, Kaplan was an active member in community affairs and was a key figure in the founding of the Halifax Grammar School. He died in 1988.

Karmo, Endel Artur

  • Person
  • 1912-1991
Endel Artur Karmo was Provincial Apiarist from 1948-1977 and taught at the Nova Scotia Agricultural College from 1950-1977. He is well-known for his contributions to Nova Scotia's nascent blueberry industry in recognizing honeybees as pollinators of both tree fruits and berries. Born on 10 November 1912 in Vihti, Finland, he moved to Nova Scotia from Denmark in 1948, working at the Nova Scotia Agriculture and Marketing Board. In 1950 he joined the faculty of Nova Scotia Agricultural College, retiring in 1977. He died on 1 May 1991 in Halifax.

Karn, Denyse

  • Person
Denyse Karn is a set, projection, and costume designer in Canadian theatre who has been active for more than 30 years. She is a graduate of the Ryerson Theatre School and has a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (NSCAD) in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Karsh, Yousuf

  • December 23, 1908 – July 13, 2002
Yousuf Karsh was an Armenian-Canadian photographer best known for his portraits of notable individuals. He has been described as one of the greatest portrait photographers of the 20th century.

Kash, Marcia

  • Person
Marcia Kash is a theatre director, playwright, and actor. She trained as an actor at The Drama Centre in London, England and began her career in the United Kingdom at the Royal Court Theatre. In North America, she has appeared in productions at the Stratford Festival, the Kennedy Center, Broadway, Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati, Arena Stage, The Citadel Theatre, Theatre Plus, ATP, Theatre Calgary, and Neptune Theatre. She started writing in the early 1990s and has had several of her plays performed in Canada and the United States. She has also worked as a director with Neptune Theatre, the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre, The Segal Centre in Montreal, Theatre Aquarius, ATP, The Grand Theatre, Drayton Entertainment, and the Charlottetown Festival.

Kaufman, Andrew

  • Person
Andrew Kaufman became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 1998 because many of their video recordings became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Kaulback, Henry Adolphus Newman, 1830-1896

  • Person

Henry Adolphus Newman Kaulback was a lawyer, ship owner and political figure. He was born 28 December 1830 in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, the son of John H. Kaulback, high sheriff, and Sophia Fredericka Newman. Kaulback was educated at Harvard University and was called to the Nova Scotia bar in 1855, practising in Lunenburg. He served on the province's board of agriculture and was a lieutenant-colonel in the local militia. From 1863-1867 he represented Lunenburg County in the Nova Scotia House of Assembly. After an unsuccessful run for the House of Commons in 1867 he sat for Lunenburg in the federal Senate from 1872-1896.

He was twice married, first in 1858 to Eunice Sophie Harris, with whom he had four sons, John Frederick (b.1865), Rupert John Creighton (b. 1868), W.W. Hodson (b. 1870), and William Henry (b. 1872). In 1880 he married Sophie Ann Ryland. Kaulback died in 1896 while in office in Ottawa.

Kealey, Gregory

  • Person
  • 1948-
Greg Kealey was a labour historian who taught at Dalhousie and Memorial before becoming Vice President of Research at the University of New Brunswick, from where he retired in 2012. He was the founding editor of Labour/le Travail, which he edited from 1976-1997, and served as treasurer and chair of the publications committee of the Canadian Committee on Labour History. He also edited the Canadian Social History Series for University of Toronto Press. His publications include Toronto Workers Respond to Industrial Capitalism (1980, 2nd ed. 1991); Dreaming of What Might Be: The Knights of Labor in Ontario (1982); and Secret Service: Political Policing in Canada from the Fenians to Fortress America (with Reg Whitaker and Andy Parnaby, 2012). Kealey was elected to the Royal Society of Canada in 1999.

Keating, Lulu

  • Person
Lulu Keating is an award-winning writer, producer, and filmmaker who operates her own film company, Red Snapper Films Limited since 1985. Her education includes studying Media and Communications at the Vancouver School of Art, and Motion Picture Studies at Ryerson. Keating has taught film across Canada, and continues to produce one film a year. Keating became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 2009 because their video recording “Madam Ada” became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Keith Hall Investments.

  • Corporate body

Keith Hall Investments was an investment and trading company originally established by the Oland Family as Lindola Investments Limited. The company was established to manage various rental properties and real estate holdings owned by the Oland Family. The company also owned Chester Hotels Limited and also made investments in land and community development businesses such as Halifax Developments. The company mortgaged properties and real estate holdings and negotiated the sale of the Oland residence "Lindola" on Young Avenue in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

In 1979, the company wound down its activities and was struck off by the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stocks. Lindwood Holdings continued to register the business name until 2009, when it was revoked by Richard H. Oland.

Kelly, Sean

  • Person
Sean Kelly became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 1996 because their video recording “Postcards from Thailand” became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Kelly, Stephen

  • Person
Stephen Kelly is an artist, computer programmer and musician living in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Kelly has exhibited and been a part of residency programs both nationally and internationally. He is interested in how music and audio art interact. Kelly’s education includes a BFA from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, a Master of Computer Science degree from Dalhousie University and is a current PhD candidate in the Faculty of Computer Science. Kelly became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 2005 because their video recording “Soundroam” which became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Kelly, Terry

  • Person

Terry Kelly, born in Newfoundland, is an award-winning singer, songwriter, athlete, entertainer, and professional speaker. He attended the Halifax School for the Blind and, while still in his youth, had learned to play the accordion, clarinet, guitar and piano and was also a founding member of a very successful high school band, The Stringbusters. While studying psychology at Saint Mary’s University, Terry performed in clubs and bars with the popular rock group Janus.

Many of Terry's songs focus on subjects about which he is passionate including abilities and literacy, veterans, home and family, and cancer and poverty awareness. Throughout his career, he has shared the stage with such artists as Rita MacNeil, The Rankin Family, Faith Hill, and Ray Charles. Terry's music has gained international recognition and has won numerous awards including seven East Coast Music Awards and a Juno. He has also earned honourary degrees, an Order of Canada induction, and the Queen’s Silver and Diamond Jubilee Medals attained for “outstanding achievement and public service”.

Results 1851 to 1900 of 4114