Pennington, Marion

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Authorized form of name

Pennington, Marion

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Marion Pennington was one of two faculty members hired by Dalhousie's nascent School of Nursing. She was born in Cranbrook, BC, graduated from Vancouver General Hospital in 1932, and receiving her degree in nursing from UBC in 1933. In 1943 she joined the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps and later worked for the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration in Germany as a nursing supervisor in camps for displaced persons.

In 1949 she obtained her MA at Columbia University and was appointed Assistant Director of the new School of Nursing at Dalhousie University. She left in 1952 to become the Director of the Teacher Training Program for graduate nurses in Ankara, Turkey, under the auspices of WHO. Later she returned to Cranbrook, where she was a school teacher from 1965-1971. She died in 1991.


Legal status

Functions, occupations and activities

Mandates/sources of authority

Internal structures/genealogy

General context

Relationships area

Related entity

Dalhousie University. Faculty of Health. School of Nursing (1949-)

Identifier of related entity

Category of relationship


Dates of relationship

1949 - 1952

Description of relationship

Marion Pennington was the Assistant Director of the School of Nursing from 1949-1952.

Access points area

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Authority record identifier

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