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Address and profiles of Japanese political leaders in 1991

This file contains an address by the Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu at the United Nations Kyoto Conference on disarmament; profiles of the prime minister Toshiki Kaifu; the minister for Foreigh Affairs Taro Nakayama; the Finance minister of Japan Mr. Kyutaro Hashimoto; and the International Trade and Industry Eiichi Nakao. This file also contains brochures related to Japan.

A memorandum on the exclusive economic zone and handwritten conference notes

File contains a memo is from the Federal Republic of Germany, Singapore, Nepal, and Zambia to Reynaldo Galindo Pohl, the Chairman of the Second Committee of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLoS III) on the concept of an economic zone. The file also contains handwritten notes by Elisabeth Mann Borgese.

'U' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with M.J. Anstee (Department of Technical Co-operation for Development) and K. Mushakoji (UN University - with "The United Nations University's Next Stage: Statement before the Sixteenth Session of the Council of the UN University on 1 December 1980"). File also includes handwritten notes by Elisabeth Mann Borgese for a United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) talk (on the new industrial revolution and the oceans).

Correspondence regarding United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

File contains project descriptions, documents related to Pacem in Maribus X and XIV (ten / 10 and fourteen / 14), correspondence to Pierre Elliott Trudeau, "Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution," "Report of the ad hoc Expert Group meeting on the Draft World Charter for Nature," and other miscellaneous reports. Reports written in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.

'W' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with G. Weiss, G. Wassenberg, and Ambassador Karl Wolf, including a copy of the report "Fish Used to Eradicate Paddy-field Mosquitoes" by Song Ming.

'D' - 'F' miscellaneous correspondence

Files contains correspondence with individuals with names beginning from D to F. Correspondents include Maltese politican Guido de Marco (on implementing Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLos)), Annick de Marffy-Mantuano; Al Duda (on deep sea-bed mining), and Professor Tsutomu Fuse (sent with attached recommendations for UNCLoS Part XI by Elisabeth Mann Borgese). All correspondence is outgoing only.

'H - I' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with Nobuhiro Habuto, the Deputy Director of the Foreign News Department, NHK (on Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and ocean-mining), correspondence with and Guyana Ambassador to the United Nations Samuel R. Insanally (also on Part XI). All correspondence is outgoing only.

'M - P' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence. Correspondents include the Permanent Ambassador of Jamaica to the United Nations Lucille Mair (attached is a copy of the G-77 Draft Paper); Ambassador Don Mills; Claude Morel (Ministry of the Environment, Economic Planning and External Relations for Seychelles) ; Satya Nandan (attached is a statement by Elisabeth Mann Borgese to the United Nation's Commission for Sustainable Development), Professor Kaldone Nweihed (sent with a list of countries that have ratified the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea); Chinese Premier Li Peng; M.C.W. (Chris) Pinto; Steve Polansky; Senator Claiborne Pell (sent with the non-paper: "Agreement on the Implementation of Part XI and Annexes III and IV of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea"); and Jan Pronk.

Board of directors of the International Centre for Ocean Development : [meeting documents]

File contains meeting minutes and agenda for ICOD Board of Directors meeting held on June 24 - 25, 1991. File includes supporting documentation, such as: memos, financial documents, project proposals and summaries, statements, reports, and by-laws. Topics discussed include: ICOD Forum seeking sustainable development of the Oceans, selection of candidates for the position of President, Presentation by Mr. Jioji Kotobalavu, president's report, report of the executive committee, report of the audit and evaluation committee, financial report, four (4) project proposals, corporate plan and policy issues, election of committee members, and revisions of ICOD by-laws. File also contains a fax to "The Group of Fifteen" from the International Ocean Institute (IOI) on the implementation and ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLoS).

China, 24 March 1794

Item is a journal kept by James Dinwiddie from March 24 - June 30, 1794, with entries written aboard ship on the return journey and in or near Batavia (now Jakarta).


Item is a notebook kept by Dinwiddie during his time in Madras (now Chennai), India, in which he wrote about mining saltpetre and diamonds.

Vol. 18 [Queries and Hints]

Item is volume 18 of James Dinwiddie's "Queries and Hints," which contains queries numbered 2457-2508 and was created when Dinwiddie was in China.

Printed matter : jury print show

Items are catalogues for a juried exhibition of printed matter from an selection of international artists, organized by the Owens Art Gallery, Mount Allison University. The exhibition was presented at Dalhousie Art Gallery in April and May 1975.

Catalogues contain images of work in the exhibition, an introduction by Christopher Youngs (Director, Owens Art Gallery), and short biographies for artists included in the show.

Shiryu Morita exhibition

File consists of records related to the exhibition 'Shiryu Morita' organized by Mr. Tetsuo Yamada, Director of the Yamada Art Gallery, Kyoto, Japan, and circulated by the National Gallery of Canada. The Exhibition was presented at Dalhousie Art Gallery from October 13 - November 15, 1970.

Records consist of correspondence between Ernest Smith (Director, Dalhousie Art Gallery) and National Gallery staff, an exhibition agreement contract, a cumulative condition report, shipment invoice, and a packing list.

'P' miscellaneous correspondence

File includes correspondence with Alexandera Post, T.V.R. Pillay (Food and Agricultre Organization of the United Nations), Princeton University Press, O.S. Plue, Prentice-Hall of Canada Ltd, Les Presse de la Cité, Elaine Partnow, Praeger Publishers Inc., M. Piovene, and PHP Institute Inc. Also includes "The Implications of Change in Mining Finance and Participation" by Alexandra Post, excerpts from "Ocean mining" by Alexandra Post, a proposal on deepsea mining by Alexandra Post and a report from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, "Progress of Aquaculture" by T.V.R. Pillay.

Correspondence concerning "Encyclopaedia Universalis"

File contains correspondence with Claude Gregory, John Dodge, F. Weizsacker, Jean R. de Salis, John Kendrew, P. Kapitza, Salvatore Quasimodo, Daniele Bovet, Georg Likacs, D. Lavergne, Linus Pauling, S. Radhakrishnan, C.F. Weizsacker, Werner Heisenberg, Robert Forbes, Robert Hutchins, and Theodor Svedberg. Correspondence mainly includes invitations to join the Encyclopedia Universalis' project. Also includes comments written about the encyclopedia by Marcello Colocci (on the "Physics" and "Chemistry" pieces) and Guiseppe Barbreri (on the "Geography" section). Contains English, Italian, and German correspondence.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence with Wang Tieya

File includes correspondence with Zheng Ping, Innes Christie, W.H. Charles, Dick Evans, C. Wiktor, John Yogis, Wen-Zong Liu, Arthur von Mehren, Prosper Weil, and D.W. Bowett. File includes Dalhousie Law School memoranda regarding the visit of Wang Tieya, Hunghui Lui, and Chen An at Dalhousie University in March 1984.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence with Wang Tieya

File contains handwritten and typed correspondence between Ronald St John Macdonald and Wang Tieya, between 1991 and 1994, around preparation for a series of interviews between the two, around the publication of a festschrift in honour of Professor Wang's career, and a conference at the Institute of International Law.

Ronald St. John Macdonald’s correspondence by decades

Subseries contains Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence with different individuals, including John Holmes, Paul Martin, Maxwell Cohen, Roland Michener, D.W. Fulford, Donald S. Macdonald, Charles B. Bourne. Christine Boyle, Donald E. Buckingham, David R. Chipman, Innis Christie, H.C. Charles, George F. Curtis, Audrey Davis, L.C. Green, and others, regarding a wide range of subjects.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence from the 1980s

File contains correspondence with different individuals including W. Donald Goodfellow, Jutta Brunne, D.P. Verma, Florentino P. Feliciano, Krzysztof Skubiszewski, K. Wang, Barbara J. St. Bernard, T.O. Elias, Shigemi Watanabe, Daniel Ish, Charles B. Bourne, Piero Ziccardi, Charles A. Lussier, K. Subrahmaniam, Peter J. Spiro, Peter J. O'hearn, Allan J. MacEachen, Geral A. Regan, W.A. MacKay, John Willis, Howard C. Clark, Lyman R. Robinson, Bertha Wilson, Donald McInnes, Roland Michener, James A. Coutts, Mark MacGuigan, Alan D. Stephens, Donat Pharand, R.J. Marin, L.H. Legault, Dimitri S. Constatopoulos, T.R. Berger, Constance Glube, Bora Laskin, Jim MacPherson, Innis Christie, James B. Fanning, Patti Allen, George F. McCurdy, Ton J.M. Zuijdwijki, Russell N. Fairbanks, Ian G. McLeod, Shamsul Morshed, Madeleine Wehberg, G.A.H. Pearson, Erik Suy, Eiichi Fukatsu, Julie Loranger, Jean Denis Gagnon, Alan Gotlieb, David Makonnen, Brian Flemming, Erwin N. Griswold, Myres S. MacDougal, Y.L. Chan, Armand de Mestral, Allan C. Dunlop, Berry Mawhinney, Rosalyn Higgins, James H. Lenihan, Laura Villarreal Bueno, Carl-Goran Heden, Bin Cheng, Antonio Cassese, Thomas R. Berger, B.G. Ramcharan, Ilsabeth Mann Borgese, Hu Shikai, James Grey, F.J.C. Newbould, James Vorenberg, A.W. Bradley, Etty George, Christopher S. Axworthy, Renate Platzoder, T.A. Cromwell, Michael I. Jeffery, Pamela Thomnson, Douglas M. Johnson, John McNait, J. King Gordon, Richard B. Lillich, Virginia A. Scott, Bing Ho, Ni Mengxiong, Samuel Freedman, Jean-Louis Magdelenat, Richard Falk, H.W. Arthurs, Stephen Clarkson, Max Habicht, Gerald-A. Beaudoin, Thea Smith, Nicolas Jackson, Carolyn H. Filteau, William C. Gilmore, Nicole Leplante, Oscar Schachter, R. Riedel, Li Yuguo, Dale Gibson, Geral A. Klassen, and others, regarding a wide range of subjects. File includes the issue vol. 4, no. 21, of November 1853, of the British Noth Ameican periodical, the issue no. 100, of June 1984, of the Canadian Department of External Affairs press-release, a Dalhousie University Faculty of Law Executive Committee meeting minutes of September 1989, the issue vol. 11, no. 23, of March 1988, of the Dalhousie Law Journal, a photograph of Renate Platzoder, Meng Quin-nan's resume, newspaper clippings, and handwritten notes.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 1961 to 2005

  • MS-2-615, Box 40, Folders 20 and 21; MS-2-615, Box 41, Folder 4; MS-2-615, Box 42, Folders 1 - 10; and MS-2-615, Box 43, Folders 1 - 8;
  • File
  • 1961 - 2005
  • Part of Ronald St. John Macdonald fonds

File contains unsorted correspondence with different individuals, including Krystyna Kowalik-Banczyk, R.P. Anand, Dieter Tietz, Jeremy Thomas, Hugo Caminos, Peter H. Rohn, H.D. Hicks, W.A. MacKay, Matthew Garfield, Martin Cohn, Andrew J. Peter, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Richard N. Gardner, Paul E. Martin, Stephen Hanson, Gerald A. Beaudoin, H. Wade MacLauchlan, J.D. Arnup, H. David Archibald, Ian G. Baxter, M.I. Bateman, G.V.V. Nicholls, Colonel Wendell Blanchard, J.F. Edmonds, Ivan L. Head, J.S. Nutt, M.B. Dymond, Eiichi Fukatsu, L. Brothers, John R. Cartwright, Diana Maughan, Amber Pashuk, Alexandre Kiss, Reem A. Bahdi, Wolgang Strasser, Tauno Bergholm, A. Ch. Kiss, Eileen Janzen, Suzanne Lalonde, Marianne Scott, Manuel Rama-Montaldo, Donat Pharand, Walter Truett Anderson, Barry L. Mawhinney, Hans Corell, and others, regarding a wide range of topics. File includes the American Society of International Law newsletter of March and May 1994, the American Society of International Law newsletter vol. 21, issue 3, of May and July 2005, the Society of Legal Scholars newsletter of winter 2003, the Canadian Council on International Law bulletin vol. 27, no. 2, of spring 2001, the Canadian Council on International Law bulletin vol .31, no. 1 and 2, of spring and summer 2005, a United Nations General Assembly reports of 1965 and 1970, a photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald with an unidentified man in 2001, a photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald receiving his Doctor of Laws degree at McGill University in 1988, a photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald with B.L. Laskin and J.B. Milner in 1965, annotated typescripts, handwritten notes, and newspaper clippings.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 1980 to 2006

  • MS-2-615, Box 30, Folders 13 - 15; MS-2-615, Box 53, Folders 5 - 9; MS-2-615, Box 54, Folders 1 - 6; MS-2-615, Box 55, Folders 1 - 15; MS-2-615, Box 56, Folders 1 - 5; MS-2-615, Box 57, Folders 1 - 6; MS-2-615, Box 58, Folders 1 - 5; MS-2-615, Box 59, Folders 1 - 10; and MS-2-615, Box 60, Folders 1 - 8
  • File
  • 1980 - 2006
  • Part of Ronald St. John Macdonald fonds

File contains unsorted correspondence with different individuals, including Lyman R. Robinson, Bruce P. Archibald, K.V. Raman, Mark A. Roy, Manfred Lachs, Blair Seaborn, G.V. La Forest, Leon E. Trakman, Jules Deschenes, H. Scott Fairley, Luzius Wildhaber, Horace Krever, Margaret H. Ogilvie, A. Watts, Dawn A. Russell, D.H.N. Johnson, John King Gamble, Choon-ho Park, Lorenne M.G. Clark, John Willis, Gerald-A. Beaudoin, Bin Cheng, Finlay MacDonald, Roma Andrusiak, Irving Abella, Anne Bayefsky, Gerald K. Helleiner, Brian Mulroney, May Lui, Robert D. Watt, Joseph W. Samuels, Douglas Lambert, Eugene Forsey, R.J. Moores, B.S. Chimni, Jimmy Carter, Taslim O. Elias, Joseph Caron, Volodymyr Butkevych, Judith A. LaRocque, Bertha Wilson, Stewart McInnes, William R. Slomanson, Hector Gros Espiell, Rudolph Bernhardt, Timothy Wilson, Murray Fraser, Wang Tieya, Richard L. Evans, Julien S. Mackay, R.K. Dixit, Marie-Helene Boyle, Frank Iacobucci, Nicholas d'Ombrain, Hans Corell, Henry J. Bourguignon, Charles B. Bourne, Luo Haocai, Irene Courage, Frau Ulrike Dorr, Peter Weiss, K. Venkatta Raman, Detlev F. Vagts, Vladimir Semenov, Charlotte Ku, Donat Pharand, Keith B. Jobson, Gabriel Warren, W.Z. Estey, and others, regarding a wide range of topics. File includes the University of Victoria Faculty of Law newsletter vol. 3, 4, and 5 of February 1983, April 1984, and May 1985, the Canadian Council on International Law meeting minutes, Dalhousie University Faculty of Graduate Studies meeting minutes, Dalhousie University Senate meeting minutes, Dalhousie University Executive Committee meeting minutes, Dalhousie University Faculty Council meeting minutes, Dalhousie University Joint Committee on Faculty Salary Data Base report of March 1990, DFA Dialogue vol. III, no. 10, of April 1990, the Canadian Council on International Law bulletin vol. 11, no. 1, of September 1984, the African Society of International and Comparative Law newsletter no. 7 of June 1992, the American Society of International Law newsletter of January and February 2003, Foundation for International Human Rights by-laws, World Academy of Art and Science by-laws of February 1988, two photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald - in which in one of them his sister Mairi Macdonald is present - in Ottawa during an unidentified ceremony in Ottawa, ON, a photograph of a newspaper article about C.P.R. Chief, the editor's agreement between Koninklijke Brill NV., Douglas M. Johnson, and Ronald St. John Macdonald regarding the book "towards world constitutionalism: issues in the legal ordering of the world community" of 2003, the publication agreement between Ronald St. John Macdonald, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law and Martinus Nijhoff Publisher regarding the work "derogations under the article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights" of 1997, consulta contract between Ronald St. John Macdonald and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization regarding the framework of the United Nations Development Program "strengthenin training and research in selected key universities in the People's Republic of China", annotated typescripts, handwritten notes, and other materials.
Results 1 to 50 of 418