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Faculty of Medicine - Second Year Session 1975-1976

File contains photographs of Wendy Amirault; V. Arcieri-Piersanti; Duncan Armstrong; Stephen Atkinson; John Baker; Jane Barlow; Harris Barton; Gordon Beck; Helen Bell; Allen Bishop; Laurence Black; Joanne Blaxland; Kevin Bonner; Charles Boucher; Alan Buckley; George Burden; Robert Burris; Kenneth Chen; Mark Clark; Jacqueline Cloney; Basilon Cole; Alban Comeau; Gary Costain; Anthony Constantino; Warren Crooks; Yolanda D'Intino; Thomas Davies; Carolyn Dean; Margaret Dingle; Rebecca Dobson; Gregory Donald; Anne Drysdale; Frederick Dykeman; Jacquelyn Evans; Leon Everett; Pamela Forsythe; Frank Gogan; Thomas Goulding; Robert Graham; Mary Guptill; William Harper; David Hirsch; Brian Horsman; Keith Jackson; Shawn Jennings; David Kallio; William Killorn; Thomas Laughlin; Joseph Lawen; James Leahy; Norman Lister; Mary Lobban; Harold MacCausland; Diane MacDonald; Francis MacDonald; Linda MacDonald; Robert MacDonald; Alexander MacDougall; John MacEachern; David MacRae; Patrick McIntyre; John McKelvey; Monica McNeill; Ronald Milne; Thomas Morgan; John Murphy; Michael Murphy; Gerald Myatt; Richard Nason; Attilio Negro; Paul Newton; James O'Connor; Minkel Oja; Dustan Osborn; Thomas Park; Robert Paterson; James Poirier; Allen Rodgers; Rita Ruparelia; Sonia Russell; Beatriz Sainz; Brian Schnare; Liisa Selin; Robert Silver; Thomas Simpson; Paul Smith; Margaret Spencer; James Taylor; Anna Timell; Brenda Tomilson; Hendrik Visser; William Vlahos; Earle Wadden; Bruce Walmsley; and Glenn Webb. - Kellogg Reference Number 76-51.

Faculty of Medicine - 4th year class photo 1975-76

File contains photographs of John Amirault; Rachel Armstrong; Eric Barrett; Lee Barro; Patricia Beresford; Allen Boettcher; David Craig; Robert Gunn; Joyce Curtis; Kenneth Dauphinee; Elizabeth Dayton; Albert Doucet; Philip Earle; Marylin Ferguson; Alvin S. Hawkins; Terence Hart; Howard Haysom; Paul Hingley; Daniel Hogan; David Holmes; John Iceton; Gregory Butler; Heather Cheeseman; Jeffrey Chernin; Barry Conway; Lawrence Costello; Katherine Cox; John Forbes; Frank Fowlie; Blair Fraser; Zachary Fraser; Barry Gamberg; Martin Gardner; James Giacomantonio; Thomas Izzekutz; Alexander Jablanczy; Harold Jacobson; Peter Johnson; James Johnston; Brian Keith; Ronald McAllister; Linda McCracken; Allen McIntyre; Gilles Melanson; Harold Molyneaux; Ian Morris; Roland Muise; Thomas Murphy; Ronald Rondeau; Donna Ryckman; Kimitaka Saito; John Schaffner; Robert Sers; Robert Seymour; Felicity Simms; Mary M. Slayter; Donald Vair; Josephus Van Gurp; Paul Vanghan; Ian Verryn-Stuart; Donald Vickerson; Rebecca Walker; Robert Wallace; John Williams; Deborah Smith; David I. Stewart; Alan Tarshis; Deborah Thompson; Gregory Thompson; Matthew Vail; Keith Williamson; Robert Kimball; Jeffrey Kirby; Edward Leahey; Thomas Loane; Mark Lowney; John Lorimer; Gerald Mackean; John MacLachlan; Katherine MacLean; Carl Makarewicz; and Olga Mann. - Kellogg Reference Number 76-53.

Faculty of Medicine - Third year - session 1975-1976

File contains photographs of Minoli Amit; William Boudreau; Ellen Cameron; James E. Carter; Fenwick Charters; Donald Cheverie; Dougal Chisholm; Robert Cooper; Caroline R. Covert; James S. Cowan; Carol Critchley; David Davison; William Deagle; Susan Dempsey; Frank Doane; Libni Eapen; Edwin Elliot; Denis Falvey; Donald Fiander; William Fitch; Michael Fleming; Handrick Fong; Ronald Foran; Elizabeth Frenette; Deborah Godsoe; Glenda Goodine; Richard Green; Duncan Hadley; John Hamilton; Roy Harding; David Hogan; John Kan; Charles Kelly; Kevin Kelly; Josephine Kennedy; Mark Kingston; Teresa Klyszejko; Peter Landau; Frank Lo; Ronald MacCormick; Jon Macdonald; Nancy MacDonald; David MacKinnon; Brian MacKinnon; Margaret MacRae; Gerald Maloney; Rosemary Marchant; Lorne Marsh; David Marsters; Catherine Matchett; John McCleave; Spencer McCleave; James McKim; Robert McLean; Gregory Mitton; William Montgomery; Garry Morash; Mary Moriarty; Colin Muir; David Neima; Richard Norman; Gerald O'Hanley; Juko Otsuki; Rowland Phillips; Jean Plourde; John Prentice; John Purdy; Robert Rae; John Richardson; Alexander Robertson; Mark Romanowsky; Robert Sadler; Bernard Schelew; John Scovil; George Shaw; Jane Sidorov; Gary Simon; Sarah Skinner; John Smith; Susan Smith; Robert Stalker; Willis. T'ien; Edward Taiani; Kenneth Thomas; David Tingley; Elizabeth Trenholm; Charles Turner; Donald Turner; Eric Tweedie; Alison Vanderberg; Clare Vaughan; Robert Walker; and Elric Winter. - Kellogg number (76-52).

Photograph of the Dalart Trio

File consists of a photograph of the Dalart Trio: William Valleau (cello); Phillippe Djokic (violin); and William Tritt (piano). The photograph was selected for inclusion in the publication "The Lives of Dalhousie University, Vol. 2" by Peter B. Waite (page 372).

Faculty of Medicine - Second Year Session 1974-1975

File contains photographs of Wendy Amirault; M. Amit; W. Boudreau; E. Cameron; R. Cameron; J. Carter; F. Charters; D. Cheverie; D. Chisholm; R. Cooper; C. Covert; J. Cowan; C. Critchley; T. Davies; D. Davison; W. Deagle; S. Dempsey; F. Doane; L. Eapen; E. Elliott; D. Falvey; D. Fiander; W. Fitch; M. Fleming; H. Fong; R. Foran; E. Frenette; D. Godsoe; G. Goodine; R. Green; D. Hadley; J. Hamilton; R. Harding; D. Hogan; J. Kan; C. Kelly; K. Kelly; P. Landau; Lo. F.; R. MacCormick; J. MacDonald; N. MacDonald; B. MacKinnon; D. MacKinnon; M. MacRae; G. Maloney; L. Marsh; D. Masters; C. Matchett; J. McCleave; S. McCleave; J. McKim; R. McLean; G. Mitton; W. Montgomery; G. Morash; M. Moriarty; C. Muir; D. Neima; R. Norman; G. O'Hanley; J. Otsuki; R. Phillips; J. Plourde; J. Prentice; J. Purdy; R. Rae; J. Richardson; A. Robertson; M. Romanowsky; R. Sadler; B. Schelew; J. Scovil; G. Shaw; J. Sidorov; B. Silver; G. Simon; S. Skinner; J. Smith; S. Smith; R. Stalker; W. T'ien; K. Thomas; D. Tingley; E. Trenholm; C. Turner; D. Turner; E. Tweedie; E. Wadden; R. Walker; E. Warren; E. Winter; and C. Vaughan. - Kellogg Reference Number 76-55.

Seven photographs of David Wegenosis' sketch "Les Feuilles"

File consists of seven photographs of David Wegenosis' sketch "Les Feuilles" which accompanied the poem in the Dalhousie Gazette, 24 Oct. 1976, The photograph was selected for inclusion in the publication "The Lives of Dalhousie University, Vol. 2" by Peter B. Waite (page 405) .

Photograph and a photographic negative of a cartoon regarding Henry Hicks's travel between Halifax and Ottawa

File consists of a photograph and a photographic negative of a cartoon regarding the travel between Halifax and Ottawa of Senator Henry Hicks. The cartoon appeared in the Dalhousie University News, in 1976.. The photograph was selected for inclusion in the publication "The Lives of Dalhousie University, Vol. 2" by Peter B. Waite (page 325).

Photograph of athletic directors

Item is a photograph of Nila Ipson (Intramural Coordinator); Ken Bellemare (Athletic Director); Nancy Buzzell (Women's Athletic Director) standing in a gym with a Dal Tigers logo on the floor and looking at a piece of paper. They may be making some sort of presentation.

Photograph of students checking exam lists

File consists of a photograph of students checking exam lists, in the basement of the Arts and Administration Building, The photograph was selected for inclusion in the publication "The Lives of Dalhousie University, Vol. 2" by Peter B. Waite (page 331) .

Faculty of Medicine - First year - Session 1974-1975

File contains photographs of V. Arcieri-Piersanti; D. Armstrong; S. Atkinson; J. Baker; J. Barlow; H. Barton; G. Beck; H. Bell; A. Bishop; L. Black; J Blaxland; K. Bonner; B. Boucher; A. Buckley; G. Burden; R. Burris; K. Chen; M. Clark; J. Cloney; R. Cochrane; B. Cole; A. Comeau; H. Corston; G. Costain; A. Constantino; W. Crooks; Y D'Intino; C. Dean; M. Dingle; R. Dobson; G. Donald; A. Drysdale; B. Dykeman; J. Evans; L. Everett; P. Forsythe; G. George; F. Gogan (Rev.); T. Goulding; R. Graham; E. Guptill; W. Harper; D. Hirsch; B. Horsman; K. Jackson; S. Jennings; D. Kallio; P. Killorn; T. Laughlin; J. Lawen; J. Leahy; N. Lister; M. Lobban; H. Maccausland; D. Macdonald (Mrs); F. Macdonald; L. Macdonald; R. Macdonald; J.R. MacEachern; D. MacRae; B. McIntyre; R. McKelvey; M. McNeil; B. McVicar; R. Milne; T. Morgan; T. Murphy; M. Murphy; G. Myatt; R. Nason; A. Negro; P. Newton; P. O'Connor; M. Oja; T. Park; R. Paterson; J. Poirier; A. Rodgers; R. Ruparelia; B. Sainz; B. Schnare; L. Selin; R. Silver; T. Simpson; P. Smith; M. Spencer; R. Taylor; A. Timell; B. Tizard; B. Tomilson; S. Veysey; H. Visser; D. Vlahos; B. Walmsley; and R. Webb. - Kellogg reference #76-54.

Faculty of Medicine - Fourth year - Session 1974-1975

File contains photographs of M Addison; D Allen; M Allen; J Archibald; G Beatty; Bruce, C,; P Cadegan; J Calvin; D Clark; M Cook; H Crooks; N. Dalrymple (Miss); M Davis; C. Dean (Tim); J Doane; S. Dove (Miss); R Dunn; L. Erlich (Mrs.); E.S. Farrell; H. D. Fawcett; D. Farrell; B. Filliter; N. Fishman; M. B. Flanagan (Miss); A. Foley (Miss); E. Foley (Miss); R Forsythe; S. George; D. Glasgow; G. Gray; P. Hargrave; R. Hatheway; T. Heckman; W. Henderson; L. Hicks; M. Hutchinson (Mrs.); K. Jim; J. Johnston; A. Kelland (Miss); C. Kilcollins; R. Killeen; B. Knight; V. Krajina; K. Langille; S. Leahey (Miss); B. Ling; Lo. C.; D. Marr; L. Marr; N Merchant; J. Miller; R. Nicholson; Noseworthy J.; S. O'Brien; G. Olscamp; J. Quinn; D. Rippey; L. Rosen; G. Roy; I. Silver; P. Spencer; J. Stewart; S. P. Sturmy; D. Zwicker; D. C. MacDonald; J. Macdonald (Miss); J. MacDonald; A. Maddox (Miss); M. Miller; P. Muirhead; D.J. Murphy (Miss); R. Murphy; T.A. Peacocke; P. Pearche (Miss); C. Penny; P. Phillips; R. Saunders; H. Saunderson (Miss); G. Schaller; D. Scullion; A. Thompson; S.E. Thompson; M. Vondette; C. Young (Mrs); W. Malloy; W. Mutrie; J. H. Pope; J. Shaw; and H. Zitner (Mrs). - Kellogg # (76-57).

Faculty of Medicine - Third year - session 1974-1975

File contains photographs of J. Amirault; R. Armstrong (Miss); E. Barrett; L. Barro; A. Boettcher; P. Boyd; G. Butler; J. Chernin; W. Christie; B. Conway; L. Costello; K. Cox (Miss); D. Craig; J. Curtis (Miss); K. Dauphinee; E. Dayton (Miss); A. Doucet; P. Earle; M. Ferguson (Miss); J. Forbes; F. Fowlie; B. Fraser; Z. Fraser; B. Gamberg; M. Gardner; J. Giacomantonio; R. Gunn; A. Hawkins; T. Hart; H. Haysom; P. Hingley; D. Hogan; D. Holmes; J. Iceton; T. Izzekutz; A. Jablanczy; H Jacobson; P. Johnson; B. Keith; J. Kennedy (Mrs); R. Kimball; M. Kingston; J. Kirby; A. Kristofferson; E. Leahey; L. Leech; T. Loane; J. Lorimer; M. Lowney; G. MacKean; J. MacLachlan; K. MacLean (Miss); E. MacMullin; C. Makarewicz; O. Mann (Mrs); McAllister R.; L. McCracken (Miss); A. McIntyre; G. Melanson; H. Molyneaux; I. Morris; R. Muise; T. Murphy; B. Neu; B. Pace (Miss); R. Preston; K. Murray; J. Schaffner; R. Sers; R. Seymour; D. Thompson; G. Thompson; M. Vail.; D. Vair; R. Wallace; J. Williams; K. Williamson; P. Beresford; F. Simms (Miss); J. Van Gurp; L. Resch; I. Romney (Mrs.); R. Rondeau; D. Ryckman (Mrs); M. Slayter (Mrs); D. Smith (Miss); D. Stewart; A. Tarshis; P. Vaughan; I. Verryn-Stuart; D. Vickerson; and R. Walker (Miss). - Kellog Reference #76-56.

Photograph and a photographic negative of the signing of the contract between the Dalhousie Staff Association and the Board of Governors

File consists of a photograph and two photographic negatives of signing of the Dalhousie Staff Association contract with the Board of Governors. Included in the photograph are: (left-to-right) Mrs. H. A. MacDonald, Board of Governors; Mrs. Enid Jimenez, DSA President; President Henry Hicks; and Suzanne Jodrey, DSA secretary. The photograph was selected for inclusion in the publication "The Lives of Dalhousie University, Vol. 2" by Peter B. Waite (page 378).

Faculty of Medicine - First year class photo 1975-76

File contains photographs of Robert Andrews; David Blair; Geoffrey Bland; Andrew Burnett; Marcus Burnstein; Jennifer Caldwell; Stewart Cameron; Lorna Carter; Rachel Carver; John Chauvin; David Chaisson; Joan Christie; Arthur Clark; Gregory Clarke; Kevin Coady; Shelagh Connors; James Cox; Thomas Crawford; Jean Crosby; Kathryn Diefenbach; Clarey Dowling; Beverley Eisener; Francis Ervin; Donald Fay; Gordon Ferguson; Daniel Fleming; William Forgie; William Fraser; John Freedman; Gary Gallant; Gayle Garber; Charles George; Anne Gillis; John Graham; Sturle Hansen; Dale Harris; Ben Hoffman; Helika Hudoffsky; Paul Hughes; Mohammed Husain; Ian Johnson; Barbara Johnston; Rose Johnston; Carol Joyce; Douglas Keeling; David Kirkpatrick; Ross Leighton; John Lewis; James Livingstone; Bruce Lockhart; Vance Logan; Gregory Lutz; Blair MacBeath; Elizabeth MacCormic; Imelda MacDonald; Joseph MacDonald; Norman MacDonald; Michele MacLean; Gerald Mader; David Malloy; Deborah Marsters; Ralph Matthews; Charles Maxner; Martha McCarthy; Robyn McKenzie; Gary McLean; Barbara Meier; James Millar; Karen Mockler; Suryachandra Patel; Stephen Pelham; Michael Quigley; David Rachmel; Edward Reardon; Mary Redmond; John Roberts; Ernest Robson; Vikas Saini; Robert Sarsfield; Erwin Seywerd; John Simms; Jack Simonsen; Alistair Taylor; Nancy Taylor; Sajni Thomas; Brenda Tingley; Ann Veale; Janet Veinot; Pamela Walsh; Joan Wenning; Peter Wentzell; Margaret Woodside; Kwong Wu; Martin Wybenga; Joe Zucker; and John D. Chiasson. - Kellogg reference number - 76-50.

Photograph of Pacem in Maribus VI

File contains a photograph of the first open session of Pacem in Maribus VI, held in Okinawa, Japan. Inscription on the reverse reads: “The first open session of the “Pacem in Maribus VI” conference, held at Moon Beach Hotel, Okinawa, on October 2 and 3. The Conference drew delegates from twenty-eight nations, and was held as a prelude to the law of the sea conference to be convened next year.” Photograph originally found among Pacem in Maribus (PIM) VI materials.

Photograph of Stop Smoking Contest : Dr. E. Belzer, Assistant Dean of Health Professions and winner Kathleen Berrigan

File contains one photograph and seven proofs of photographs of Kathy Berrigan. winner of the Stop Smoking Contest, being presented with a cash prize by Dr. E. Belzer, assistant dean of Health Professions. A caption included with the photographs reads: "Stop Smoking Contest, By Dr. E. Belzer, assistant dean, Health Profession, and winner Kathy Berrigan. Happy and healther, Phys Ed's Kathleen Berrigan gave up smoking and got richer - by the amount of money that she saved by not buying cigarettes and the $110.33 she won from Dr. Ed Belzer's Experimental Pool to Overcome Tobacco."

Wamboldt-Waterfield Photography Limited

Faculty of Medicine - Fourth Year Session 1973-1974

File contains photographs of Lorne W. Adams; Kirk L. Anderson; John G. Andrew; Thomas J. Barry; David H. Barss; Robert L. Bartlett; Fred Berlin; Drew C. Bethune; Graeme H. Bethune; Henry Birnbaum; John D. Black; David C. Blagrave; Morley Bleviss; Terrence E. Brennan; Douglas A. Cameron; Robert O. Campbell; Stephen C. Chao; Alexander J. Clark; Margo S. Clarke; Clarence W. Cole; Arthur J. Davies; George R. Davis; Edward J. Doherty; Ronald R. Durling; Catherine F. Falvey; Virginia J. Findlater; Michael G. Flax; Bruce K. Flemming; Clary P. Foote; Donald K. Fraser; Kenneth G. Gass; Douglas E. Gorman; Dana W. Hanson; Steven Herzig; Peter H. Jeffrey; Lawrence C. Jewett; L. Clautier-Robinson; Satinder Kaur; Larry R. Kennedy; Alan F. Kenney; Deborah C. Knight; Donald B. Langille; David B. Lehrman; Henry A. Litz; Norman H. McCurdy; J. Wayne MacDonald; Marion N. MacDonald; Eleanor A. McKenna; Ruth Anne E. MacKenzie; Ronald E. McLeod; Robert A. MacNeil; Robert A. Miller; John W. Morse; Peter C. Morse; Heather M. Morrison; Paul F. Murphy; Nash - Roy, Leslie A.; Paul R. Nicholas; Blair A. Nichols; Gerald P. Reardon; Patrick M. Reardon; Claudia C. Resch; Ceridwen A. Richard; Ian M. Slayter; Daivd Y. Smith; Wililam R. Smith; Eric E. Spindler; Dianne L. Stackhouse; John M. Steeves; Donald S. Stephens; Thomas A. Stuart; Wayne H. Sullivan; Donald W. Swan; David E. Swee; Donald K. Taylor; Rosemarie A. Taylor; David A. Thompson; Ian D. Thompson; Cynthia L. Watson; Heather M. Wellwood; Rosemary A. White; Brenda B. Wiliams; Stephens A. Willis; Robert J. Wilson; Roy Wai Wong; Charles Wreschner; and Arthur W. Zilbert. - Kellogg Reference # (76-61).

Faculty of Medicine - First year class photo - Session 1973-1974

File contains photographs of Keith M. Adams; Wendy A. Amirault; Minoli N. Amit; Clare E. Bishop; William J. Boudreau; Ellen A. Cameron; James W. Carter; Fenwick M. Charters; Donald J. Cheverie; Dougal R.. Chisholm; Robert J. Cooper; Caroline R. Covert; James A. Cowan; Carol A. Critchley; Thomas C. Davies; D.W. Davison; William R. Deagle; Susan R. Dempsey; Frank R. Doane; Libni J. Eapen; Edwin B. Elliott; Denis M. Falvey; Donald C. Fiander; William M. Fitch; Michael J Fleming; Handrick M. Fong; Ronald B. Foran; E.I.F. Frenette; Deborah E. Godsoe; Glenda M. Goodine; Richard D. Green; Duncan J. Hadley; John Hamilton; Roy A. Harding; David B. Hogan; John Y. Kan; Charles P. Kelly; Kevin G. Kelly; Peter Landau; Frank L. Lo; Ronald E. MacCormick; Jon K. MacDonald; Nancy L. MacDonald; Alexander D. MacDougall; Brian J. MacKinnon; Bruce A. Mackinnon; David A. MacKinnon; Margaret J. MacRae; Gerald P. Maloney; Lorne A. Marsh; David W. Marsters; Catherine L. Matchett; John J. McCleave; Jim C. McKim; Robert H. McLean; Theodore V. Migas; Gregory D. Mitton; William R. Montgomery; Garry W. Morash; Mary F. Moriarty; Colin M. Muir; David R. Neima; Richard W. Norman; Gerald P. O'Hanley; Juko A. Otsuki; Rowland L. Phillips; Jean-Yves Plourde; John D. Prentice; John W. Purdy; Robert E. Rae; John D. Richardson; Alexander R. Robertson; Mark B. Romanowsky; Robert M. Sadler; Bernard C. Schelew; John E. Scovil; George G. Shaw; Jane L. Sidorov; Brenda J. Silver; Gary S. Simon; Sarah J. Skinner; John D. Smith; Robert W. Smith; Susan E. Smith; Willis L. T'ien; Kenneth N. Thomas; Mary C. Timmins; David R. Tingley; Robert E. Stalker; Elizabeth J. Trenholm; Charles G. Turner; Donald C. Turner; Eric L. Tweedie; Earl A. Wadden; Edward J. Warren; Elric D. Winter; and Spencer H. McCleave. - Kellogg Reference # 76-58.

Photograph and photographic negative of Louis G. Vagianos

File consists of a photograph and a photographic negative of Louis G. Vagianos, (University Librarian, 1966-1969; Vice-President University Services, 1975-1979; and Vice-President Administration, 1977-1980). The photograph was selected for inclusion in the publication "The Lives of Dalhousie University, Vol. 2" by Peter B. Waite (page 297).

Composite photograph of the Faculty of Medicine - Second Year Class, 1973-1974

File is a composite photograph of the Faculty of Medicine, Second Year Class of 1973-1974. The photograph consists of individual portraits. Individuals identified as follows: John D. Amirault, Rachel J. Armstrong, Eric B. Barrett, Lee D. Barro, Allen D. Boettcher, Paul C. Boyd, Gregory J. Butler, Richard S. Cameron, Jeffrey M. Chernin, William H. Christie, Barry P. Conway, Lawrence M. Costello, Katharine S. Cox, David W. Craig, Joyce B. Curtis, Kenneth R. Dauphinee, Elizabeth A. Dayton, Robert E. Dobson, Albert D. Doucet, Philip Earle, Marilyn J. Ferguson, John G. Forbes, Frank E. Fowlie, Zachary R. Fraser, Barry A. Gamberg, Martin J. Gardner, James M. Giacomantonio, Robert F. Gunn, Alvin S. Hawkins, Howard H. Hayson, Frederick E. Hazel, Paul S. Hingley, Daniel J. Hogan, John A. Iceton, Thomas B. Issekutz, Harold N. Jacobson, Peter G. Johnson, Brian R. Keith, Mark B. Kingston, Jeffrey C. Kirby, Arthur N. Kristoffersen, Edward W. Leahey, Lawrence H. Leech, Thomas D. Loane, John W. Lorimer, Mark J. Lowney, Ronald E. McAllister, Gerald L. MacKean, Katherine L. MacLean, Elwood C. MacMullin, John R. MacLachlan, Linda J. McCracken, Allan J. McIntyre, Joan P. McPeake, Carl R. Makarewicz, Olga E. Mann, Rosemary E. Marchant, Gilles G. Melanson, Harold W. Molyneaux, Ian R. Morris, Roland J. Muise, Kenneth A. Murray, Thomas J. Murphy, Beverly A. Pace, Ronald L. Preston, Lothar Resch, Ingrid A. Rowney, Ronald L. Rondeau, Donna L. Ryckman, Kimitaka Saito, Wayne R. Sarty, John P. Schaffner, Robert N. Sers, Robert G. Seymour, Slayter, Mary M., Felicity C.Simms, Deborah J. Smith, Josephine A. Smith, David I. Steward, Alan M. Tarshis, Deborah L. Thompson, Gregory K. Thompson, Matthew A. Vail, Donald B. Vair, Josephus G. Van Gurp, Paul A. Vaughan, Ian T. Verryn-Stuart, Rebecca M. Walker, Robert M. Walker, Robert B. Wallace, John G. Williams, Keith A. Williamson, Bernd R. Neu, Fraser, Blair F. Fraser.

Faculty of Medicine - Second Year Session 1973-1974

File contains photographs of John D. Amirault; Rachel J. Armstrong; Eric B. Barrett; Lee D. Barro; Allen D. Boettcher; Paul C. Boyd; Gregory J. Butler; Richard S. Cameron; Jeffrey M. Chernin; William H. Christie; Barry P. Conway; Lawrence M. Costello; Katharine S. Cox; David W. Craig; Joyce B. Curtis; Kenneth R. Dauphinee; Elizabeth A. Dayton; Robert E. Dobson; Albert D. Doucet; Philip Earle; Marilyn J. Ferguson; John G. Forbes; Frank E. Fowlie; Zachary R. Fraser; Barry A. Gamberg; Martin J. Gardner; James M. Giacomantonio; Robert F. Gunn; Alvin S. Hawkins; Howard H. Haysom; Frederick E. Hazel; Paul S. Hingley; Daniel J. Hogan; John A. Iceton; Thomas B. Issekutz; Harold N. Jacobson; Peter G. Johnson; Brian R. Keith; Mark B. Kingston; Jeffrey C. Kirby; Arthur N. Kristofferson; Edward W. Leahey; Lawrence H. Leech; Thomas D. Loane; John W. Lorimer; Mark J. Lowney; Ronald E. McAllister; Gerald L. MacKean; Katherine L. MacLean; Elwood C. MacMullin; John R. MacLachlan; Linda J. McCracken; Allan J. McIntyre; Joan P. McPeake; Carl R. Makarewickz; Olga E. Mann; Rosemary E. Marchant; Gilles G. Melanson; Harold W. Molyneaux; Ian R. Morris; Roland J. Muise; Kenneth A. Murray; Thomas J. Murphy; Beverly A. Pace; Ronald L. Preston; Lothar Resch; Ingrid A. Romney; Ronald L. Rondeau; Donna L. Ryckman; Kimitaka Saito; Wayne R. Sarty; John P. Schaffner; Robert N. Sers; Robert G. Seymour; Mary M. Slayter; Felicity C. Simms; Deborah J. Smith; Josephine A. Smith; David I. Stewart; Alan M. Tarshis; Deborah L. Thompson; Gregory K. Thompson; Matthew A. Vail; Donald B. Vair; Josephus G. Van Gurp; Paul A. Vaughan; Verryn-Stuart, Ian T.; Donald G. Vickerson; Rebecca M. Walker; Robert M. Walker; Robert B. Wallace; John G. Williams; Keith A. Williamson; Bernd R. Neu; and Blair F. Fraser. - Kellogg Reference Number 76-59.

Faculty of Medicine - Class of 1974 After Internship

File contains photographs of David Alexander; Paul Alexander; John Archibald; John Archibald; David Baker; George Black; Stephen Boudreau; Wayne Brown; Eric Button; William Canham; Kenneth Chan; Valentive Conway; Richard Denton; Diana Dobson; Christopher Elliot; Barbara Fleetwood; Paul Gardiner; Joseph Gibeault; Robert Gaultois; Thomas Gillis; Brian Giovanetti; James Gordon; James Grant; Sheila Herscovitch; John Hickey; John Holanscin; Robert Humber; William Irving; Andrew Issekutz; Donald Johnson; Gary Jollymore; Douglas Keith; Grant Kirk; John Landry; Lorne Leahey; John Lemoine; Wayne Longmore; Christopher Loomer; Patrick McDermott; Lawrence McDonald; William MacGillivray; Paul McGuire; Mary McKnight; Douglas MacMichael; James Mabee; Kevin Melvin; Robert Miller; Daniel Morris; Michael Morse; Claire Murphy; John Newcomb; Robert Nolan; Mary O'Connor; Bruce O'Hearn; Wayne Phillips; William Pollett; George Prescott; Shirley Prescott; Ronald Purdy; James Rafferty; Herman Reid; Robert Rice; Norbert Richard; Kevin Roache; Kevin Robbins; Sjoerd Roggeveen; Gerald Ross; Peter Roy; Rodney Ryan; Richard Simms; Robert Simms; Donald Single; Jack Sommers; Josef Spatz; Peter Stevenson; John Sullivan; Patrick Sullivan; Graydon Taylor; Barbara Thorpe; Paula Tippett; Morris Trager; John Walker; Trevor Watson; Fernald Wentzell; Pete White; Gordon Young; David Zitner; Derek Jones; Donald McBurney; and Douglas Norman. - Kellogg Reference # 77-3.

Faculty of Medicine - 3rd year class photo 1973-74

File contains photographs of Mark R. Addison; V. Bernice Albright; Allen, Douglas, L; Michael J. Allen; John F. Archibald; Gary L. Beatty; Calvin D. Bruce; Kent Cadegan; James E. Calvin; Donald L. Clark; Michael W. Cook; Harris G. Crooks; Nancy I. Dalrymple; Michael G. Davis; Charles R. Dean; James A. Doane; Susan E. Dove; Rex S. Dunn; Lisa E. Erlich; E. Stephen Farrell; H. Daniel Fawcett; Donald H. Farrell; Bruce D. Filliter; Nathan P. Fishman; M. Barbara Flanagan; Anita A. Foley; Eileen M. Foley; Richard J. Forsythe; Stephen A. George; Daniel F. Glasgow; Gerald E. Gray; Paul D. Hargrave; Terry T. Hart; Ronald J. Hatheway; Thomas C. Heckman; William R. Henderson; Lawren S. Hicks; D. Nicholas Holmes; Mary E. Hutchison; Alexander N. Jablanczy; King Jim; James T. Johnston; Allison A. Kelland; Calvin T. Kilcollins; Ronald A. Killeen; Robert R. Kimball; Burton W. Knight; Vladimir P. Krajina; Kenneth R. Langille; Shelagh M. Leahey; Barry E. Ling; Charles D. Lo; D. Christopher MacDonald; Janeen M. MacDonald; John W. MacDonald; Anne-Marie Maddox; William F. Malloy; David F. Marr; Lawrence B. Marr; Nigel Merchant; John D. Miller; Mark W. Miller; Philip D. Muirhead; D. Jane Murphy; Ronald J. Murphy; William M. Mutrie; Ronald D. Nicholson; John H. Noseworthy; Stephen R. O'Brien; Gregory C. Olscamp; T. Alexander Peacocke; Patricia A. Pearce; Christopher J. Penney; Peter G. Phillips; J. Hector Pope; John M. Quinn; David M. Rippey; Leonard Rosen; Gregory L. Roy; Robert C. Saunders; Heather Saunderson; Gerald H. Schaller; David F. Scullion; John B. Shaw; Ivan L. Silver; Perry W. Spencer; John S. Stewart; S. Paul Sturmy; Andrew D. Thompson; S. Elmer Thompson; Michael J. Vondette; Cathy A. L. Young; Heather Zitner; and Daniel McL. Zwicker. - Kellogg Reference # 76-60.

Faculty of Medicine - Class of 1974 before internship

File contains photographs of L.W. Adams; K.L. Anderson; J.D. Andrew; T.J. Barry; D.H. Barss; R.L. Bartlett; F.S. Berlin; D.C.G. Bethune; G.H.G. Bethune; H. Birnbaum; J.D. Black; D.C.N. Blagrave; T.E. Brenna; M. Bleviss; D. A. Cameron; R.O. Campbell; S.C. Chao; A.J.M. Clark; M.S. Clarke; C.W. Cole; A.J. Davies; G. R. Davis; E.J. Doherty; R.R. Durling; C.F.M. Falvey; V.J. Findlater; B.K. Flemming; C.P. Foote; D.K. Fraser; K.G. Gass; D.E. Gorman; D.W. Hansen; S. Herzig; P.H. Jeffrey; L.C. Jewett; S. Kaur; L.R. Kennedy; A.F. Kenney; D.C. Knight; D.B. Langille; D.B. Lehrman; H.A.R. Litz; J. W. MacDonald; M.N. MacDonald; E.A. McKenna; R.A.E. MacKenzie; R.A. MacNeil; N.H. McCurdy; R.E. McLeod; R.A.W. Miller; H.M.D. Morrison; J.W.I. Morse; P.C. Morse; P.F. Murphy; L.A.X. Nash; P.R. Nicholas; B.A. Nichols; G.P. Reardon; P.M. Reardon; C.C. Resch; C.A.L. Richard; B.L. Rix-Ballard; I.M. Slayter; D.Y. Smith; W.R. Smith; D.L. Stackhouse; J.M. Steeves; D.S. Stephens; T.A. Stuart; W.H. Sullivan; D.W. Swan; D.K. Taylor; R.A. Taylor; D. A. Thompson; I.D. Thompson; C.L. Watson; H.M. Wellwood; R.A. White; B.B. Williams; S.A. Willis; R.J. Wilson; R.W. Wong; C. Wreschner; and A.W. Zilbert. - Kellogg Reference # 76-63.

Photograph and a photographic negative of the Dalhousie University honourary degree recepients

File consists of two copies of a photograph and two copies of the photographic negative of the 1974 Dalhousie University honourary degree recipients: (left-to-right) Sister Catherine Wallace, Mount St. Vincent University; Roland Michener, Governor-General of Canada; and Dr. Kenneth Frederick Boyd, with President Henry Hicks. The photograph was selected for inclusion in the publication "The Lives of Dalhousie University, Vol. 2" by Peter B. Waite (page 352).

Photograph and a photographic negative of a Bob Chambers' cartoon regarding university expansion

File consists of a photograph and a photographic negative of a cartoon by Bob Chambers entitled: "It's not that I'm against higher education - it's just that I'm running out of barrel staves". The photograph was selected for inclusion in the publication "The Lives of Dalhousie University, Vol. 2" by Peter B. Waite (page 401).

Photograph from the 50th reunion of the class of 1924

Item is a photograph taken at the 50th reunion of the Dalhousie University class of 1924. The photograph shows Rev. Donald Sinclair; A. Blenus Morton; Donald McInnes; two unidentified men; Dr. Clyde Marshall; Dr. James J. Carroll; Fred W. M. Bissett; A. C. Milner; Horace E. Read; Elsie Campbell (Mrs. Fred MacAloney); and unidentified woman; Eunice Read (Mrs. A. C. Hawkins); Erma Geddes (Mrs. C. L. Fillmore); Esther MacKay (Mrs. R. F. Ross); and Margaret King sitting or standing in two rows.

Photograph of Dalhousie Award Winners 1974

Pictured in the photograph left to right: Ronald A. Chalmers, Grace Maternity Hospital Medical Staff Award; William B. Wheelock, Victoria General Hospital Award, Halifax Infirmary Department of Surgery Award and Department of Medicine Prize; Theophilus D. Ling, Department of Gynecology Prize of the Victoria General Hospital; Jerome S. Wilson, The C.B. Stewart Gold Medal in Medicine, Victoria General Hospital Medical Staff Award, Department of Surgery Prize, and Grace Maternity Hospital Board of Management Award.

Photograph of Dalhousie Award Winners 1974

Pictured in photograph left to right: Alfred E. Bent, Halifax Infirmary Award in Family Practice; David A. Gass, Department of Psychiatry Prize; George A. Ferrier, City of Sydney Hospital Award; Eric R. Gozna, Izaak Walton Killam Hospital Board of Governors Award and Ross Stewart Smith Fellowship in Medical Research.
Results 201 to 250 of 2618