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Engraving from book West Port Murders, A laconic narrative : [1829]

File is an engraving from book West Port Murders. Inscription reads: A laconic narrative of the Life & Death of James Wilson known by the name of Daft Jamie. In which are interspersed, several anecdotes relative to him and his old friend Boby Awl, an idiot who strolled about Edinburgh for many years. He's to be pitied, that's such a silly elf, who cannot speak nor wrestle for himself. Jamie was such a simpleton, he'd not fight with a boy; nor did he ever curse or swear, at those who'd him annoy. Published by W. Smith, Bristo Port, Edina. Price Thrip Pence. 1829. Reprinted (1881) by A. & G. Brown, 15 Bristo Place and the Mound, Edinburgh.

Engraving of Authentic Confessions of William Burk : [1829]

File is an engraving from book West Port Murders published in 1829. Text reads: AUTHENTIC CONFESSIONS OF WILLIAM BURK, Who was Executed at Edinburgh, on 28th January 1829, for Murder, emited before the Sheriff-Substitute of Edinburgh, the Rev. Mr. Reid, Catholic Priest, and others, in the Jail, on 3rd and 22d January. EDINBURGH: Printed and Sold by R. Menzies, Lawnmarket. 1829. Price Twopence.

Title page of West Port Murders; or an authentic account of the atrocious murders committed by Burke and his associates : [1829]

File is an engraving from book West Port Murders. Inscription reads: West Port Muders; or an authentic account of the atrocious murders committed by Burke and his associates; containing a full account of all the extraordinary circumstances connected with them. Also, a report of the trial of Burke and McDougal. With a description of the execution of Burke, his confessions, and memoirs of his accomplices, including the proceedings against Hare, &co. Illustrated by portraits and views. "O horror! horror! horror! tongue nor heart cannot conceive nor name thee!" Macbeth. Edinburgh: published by Thomas Ireland, Junior, 57, South Bridge Street. 1829.

Engraving of Portrait of Daft Jamie : [1829]

File is an engraving from book West Port Murders. Inscription reads: Portrait of Daft Jamie. See the impudence of that little boy, challenging Jamie to fight with him ; had Jamie possessed the spink o' a louse, he would have taken him and drawn his neck, as a poultry man draws a hen's; but what else can be expected from such pigmy delinquents, when so much encouragement is given to vice.

Engraving of page of book West Port Murders, character statements : [1829]

File is an engraving from book West Port Murders published in 1829. Text reads:
West Port Murders.
[From the Noctes Ambrosiance of Blackwood's Magazine for March 1829.]

Shepherd. - Did you ever see sic a preparation o' a skeleton o' a turkey? We maun send it to the College Museum, to staun in a glass case aside Burk's.
North. - What did you think, James, of the proceedings of these two Irish gentlemen?
Shepherd. - That the were too monotonous too impress the imagination. First ae drunk auld wife, and then anither drunk auld wife - and then a third drunk auld wife - and then a drunk auld or sick man or twa. The confession got unco monotonous - the Lights and Shadows o' Scottish Death want relief - though, to be sure, poor Peggy paterson, that Unfortunate, broke in a little on the uniformity ; and sae did Daft Jamie ; for whilk last murder, without ony impiety, ane may venture to say, the Devil is at this moment ruggin' that Burk out o' hell fire wi' a three-prong'd fork, and then in wi' him again, through the ribs - and then stirring up the coals wi' that eternal poker - and then wi' the great bellows blawin' up the furnace, till like an Etna, or Mount Vesuvius, it vomits the murderer out again far ower into the very middle o' the floor o' the infernal regions.
R. Menzies, Printer, Edinburgh.

Poem of elegiac lines on the tragical murder of poor Daft Jamie

File is a photograph of a poem in a book about the death of Daft Jamie during the West Port Murders by William Burke. Photograph was published in the book West Port Murders in 1829. Poem reads:
Alas! Jamie's Pickled
Tragical Murder

ATTENDANCE give, whilst I relate
How poor Daft Jamie met his fate;
'Twill make your hair stand on your head,
As I unfold the horrid deed :--

That hellish monster, William Burke,
Like Reynard sneaking on the lurk,
Coyduck'd his prey into his den,
And then the woeful work began :--

" Come, Jamie, drink a glass wi' me,
And I'll gang wi' ye in a wee,
To seek yer mither i' the town-
Come drink, man, drink, an' sit ye down."

" Nae, I'll no' drink wi' ye the nou,
For if I div 'twill mak' me fou;"
" Tush, man, a wee will do ye guid,
'Twill cheer yer heart, an' warm yer bluid."

At last he took the fatal glass,
Not dreaming what would come to pass ;
When once he drank, he wanted more--
Till drunk he fell upon the floor.

" Now," said th' assassin, "now we may
Seize on him as our lawful prey."
" Wait, wait," said Hare, " ye stupid ass,
He's yet too strong--let's tak' a glass."

Like some unguarded gem he lies--
The vulture waits to seize its prize;
Nor does he dream he's in its power,
Till it has seized him to devour.

The ruffian dogs,--the hellish pair,--
The villain Burke,--the meagre Hare,--
Impatient were the prize to win,
So to their smothering pranks begin :--

Burke cast himself on Jamie's face,
And clasp'd him in his foul embrace;
But Jamie waking in surprise,
Writhed in an agony to rise.

At last, with nerves unstrung before,
He threw the villain on the floor ;
And though alarm'd, and weaken'd too,
He would have soon o'ercome the foe :

But help was near--for it Burke cried,
And soon his friend was at his side;
Hare tripp'd up Jamie's heels, and o'er
He fell, alas! to rise no more !

Now both these blood-hounds him engage,
As hungry tygers fill'd with rage,
Nor did they handle axe or knife,
To take away Daft Jamie's life.

No sooner done, than in a chest
They cramm'd this lately welcom'd guest,
And bore him into Surgeons' Square--
A subject fresh--a victim rare !

And soon he's on the table laid,
Expos'd to the dissecting blade;
But where his members now may lay
Is not for me--or you--to say.

But this I'll say--some thoughts did rise :
It fill'd the Students with surprise,
That so short time should intervene
Since Jamie on the streets was seen.

But though his body is destroy'd,
His soul can never be decoy'd
From that celestial state of rest,
Where he, I trust, is with the bless'd.

Written by J. P.

N. B.--There is published by the same Editor, (the second Edition with alterations,)
a LACONIC NARRATIVE of the LIFE and DEATH of POOR JAMIE ; in which are inter-
spersed, several Anecdotes relative to him, and his old friend BOBY AWL :--PRICE THRIP
PENCE. The work will be embellished with a striking Portrait of Jamie.
Published by WILLIE SMITH, No. 3, Bristo Port,

Photograph of Adam and Eve panels from the Ghent Alterpiece by Jean van Eyck : [1432]

File is a reproduction of two panels from the Ghent Alterpiece by Jean van Eyck in Brussels. Inscription below: Jean van Eyck, Adam and Eve. Violets du Retable de l'Agneau. Musee de Bruxelles. Accompanying note states :Adam and Eve, by John van Eyck. From Les Premiers Maitres des Flandres. By Fierens-Gevaert, Bruxelles, 1905.

Photograph of First National Conference Medical Services of Canada - Ottawa, December 18, 1924

File is a photograph of the attendants of the First National Conference on Medical Services Canada. The conference was held in Ottawa on December 18, 1924. Individuals identified are as follows: from left to right: 1. Fitsgerald 2. Connell 3. Young 4. Arthur, Low, Kidd, Primrose, Amyot, Carder, Bates, Roulley, Austin, Connell, Roulley, unknonw, Melvin, Young, McCullough, Thorton, Young, Wright, M. Callum, Leask, Bert Merson, Laidlaw, Orr, Larkin, MacKay, Noble, Wodehouse, Graham, Normand, Guerin, McLeod, Cruickshank, Prof. Henderson, Dr. Garner, Poole, McKippon, Rehfuss, McCallum, Chisholm, MacLaren, M.P.

Photograph of Memorial University of Newfoundland, Faculty of Medicine 1973 - Honorary Degrees

Description included with photograph: Six distinguished physicians received the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa, at the special Convocation marking the graduation of the first class of doctors from Memorial University's Faculty of Medicine. In photo taken following Convocation June 16, 1973 are left to right : Dr. John R. Evans, President of the University of Toronto; Sir Richard Doll, Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford University; Dr. Nigel F.S. Rusted, Clinical Professor of Surgery at MUN; Dr. G. Alain Frecker, Chancellor of Memorial University; Lord Stephen Taylor, President and Vice-Chancellor of Memorial University; Dr. Oliver J. Vaughan-Jackson, Visiting Professor of Orthopedic Surgery at MUN; Dr. Melville George Coxon, Senior Medical Officer, James Paton Memorial Hospital, Gander and Dr. Charles George Drake, President of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Editorial photographs of Memorial University of Newfoundland's Faculty of Medicine, First Graduating Class [1973]

File is an editorial sheet of photographs. Includes seven photographs. Individuals identified on sheet. First row of photos: (Left) R. Penney; A Paul. (Right) T. Delaney; D. Banikhin; D. Shu. Second row of photos: (Left) A. Giovanni; D. Simms; R. Mead; J. Hardy; A. Pike. (Right) M. Chalom; P. Hart; S. Shore. Third row of photos: (Left) N. Hilliard; O. Waler; D. Moores; A. Frost. (Centre) F. Tudiver; R. Hutchison; H. Strong. (Right) D. Eddy; F. Noseworthy; R. Shadera.

Photograph of Dalhousie Award Winners 1974

Pictured in the photograph left to right: Ronald A. Chalmers, Grace Maternity Hospital Medical Staff Award; William B. Wheelock, Victoria General Hospital Award, Halifax Infirmary Department of Surgery Award and Department of Medicine Prize; Theophilus D. Ling, Department of Gynecology Prize of the Victoria General Hospital; Jerome S. Wilson, The C.B. Stewart Gold Medal in Medicine, Victoria General Hospital Medical Staff Award, Department of Surgery Prize, and Grace Maternity Hospital Board of Management Award.

Photograph of Dalhousie Award Winners 1974

Pictured in photograph left to right: Alfred E. Bent, Halifax Infirmary Award in Family Practice; David A. Gass, Department of Psychiatry Prize; George A. Ferrier, City of Sydney Hospital Award; Eric R. Gozna, Izaak Walton Killam Hospital Board of Governors Award and Ross Stewart Smith Fellowship in Medical Research.

Composite photograph of the Faculty of Medicine - Fourth Year Class, 1977-1978

File is a composite photograph of the Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine, Fourth Year Class - 1977-1978. The photograph consists of portraits of Wendy, Amirault, Vincenzo Arcieri-Piersanti, Duncan Armstrong, John Baker, Jane Barlow, Harris Barton, Laurence Barzelai, Gordon Beck, Helen Bell, Allen Bishop, Joanne Blaxland, Kevin Bonner, Benjamin Boucher, Alan Buckley, George Burden, Robert Burris, Kenneth Chen, Mark Clark, Jacqueline Cloney, Alban Comeau, Robert Cooper, Gary Costain, Anthony Costantino, Warren Crooks, Yolands D'Intino, Thomas Davies, Carolyn Dean, Margaret Dingle, Rebecca Dobson, Anne Drysdale, Bruce Dykeman, Jacquelyn Evans, Leon Everett, Michael Fleming, Pamela Forsythe, Catherine George,Thomas Goulding, Robert Graham, Elizabeth Guptill, William Harper, David Hirsch, Brian Horsman, Keith Jackson, Shawn Jennings, David Kallio, Patrick Killorn, Thomas Laughlin, Joseph Lawen, Norman Lister, Mary Lobban, Harold MacCausland, Diane MacDonald, Francis MacDonald, Linda MacDonald, Robert MacDonald, Alexander MacDougall, John Roy MacEachern, David MacRae, Bernard McIntyre, Roger McKelvey, Monica McNeill, Ronald Milne, Thomas Morgan, Thomas Murphy, Michael Murphy, Gerald Wyatt, Richard Nason, Attilio Negro, Paul Newton, Patrick O'Connor, Mihkel Oja, Dustan Osborn, Thomas Park, Robert Paterson, James Poirier, Allen Rodgers, Rita Ruparelia, Sonia Russell, Beatriz Sainz, Brian Schnare, Robert Sliver, Thomas Simpson, Paul Smith, Robert Taylor, Anna Timell, Brenda Tomilson, Hendrik Visser, William Vlahos, Earle Wadden, Bruce Walmsley, Robert Webb, Elric Winter.

Composite photograph of the Faculty of Medicine - First Year Class, 1977-1978

File is a composite photograph of the Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine, First Year Class - 1977-1978. The photograph consists of portraits of David Abriel, Brian Armson, Kenney Atkins, Daniel Bedecki, Stephen Belgrave, Stephen Bolton, Joseph Boudreau, Mary Ann Bramstrup, Christopher Brandys, Michael, Chapman, Stever Connor, Roger Cook, Robert Coombs, Kim Crawford, John Cusack, Gudarz Davar, Bruce Demont, David Elliott, Joanne Embree, Ronald Fontaine, Lynn Fraser, Christopher Gallant, Patrick Gill, William Goodine, Mary Gorman, Susan Gray, Ashim Guha, Joan Guptill, Gregory Haines, Richard Hall, Carl Hannah, Daniel Harrigan, Barbara Hayden, Elizabeth Johnson, Anthony Kelly, Carter Kennedy, Mary Kernohan, David King, George Knight, Howard Lamb, Sharon LItz, Colin Lockhart, Gerard Losier, Shirley Maccara, Owen Maccausland, Kathryn Maccullam, William MacDonald, Peter MacKean, James MacKillop, Karen MacLeod, Robert MacNeill, Rayma MacPherson, Joan MacVicar, Roxanne Malenbaum, Richard Manuel, Donald Mcdonah, Elizabeth Mcinerney, Graham Miles, Hugh Monteith, Bruce Montgomery, Rachel Morehouse, Nancy Morrison, Victoria Morrison, Robert Mullan, Johnson Ngan, Marie O'Hanley, Paul Oar, Kevin Orrell, Shawna Perlin, Edwin Pineau, Gordon Plummer, Peter Poulos, Mary Pushie, William Rice, David Ross, Arthur Ryan, Christopher Seamone, Brian Shaw, Cathryn Smith, Preston Smith, Stephen Smith, Erich Sperker, Barbara Stanford, Daniel Steeves, Nolan Stein, John Sullivan, George Sutherland, Johnathan Taylor, David Tilley, Rose Anne Tubetti, Ben Umeze, Gary Vaughan, Avon Wakefield, Elizabeth Weld, Patrick Whelan, Celina White, James Whitlock, Robin Wilson

Composite photograph of the Faculty of Medicine - First Year Class, 1981-1982

File is a composite photograph of the Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine, First Year Class - 1981-1982. The photograph consists of portraits of Valerie Adams, Michael Armitage, Karen Arnold, David Assaff, Blaine Beaton, Carol Boutilier-Kendall, Sandra Brown, Peta Brunsdon, Clay Butler, Charles Butts, Jean Cameron, Ian Campbell, Jeffrey Champion, Michael Chandler, Gregory Clark, Kevin Clarke, Moira Cooper, Ian Dempsey, Pamela Doig, Mary Boyle, Carolyn Drysdale, Hans Dy, Lisbi Eapen, George Eyerer, David Fagan, Stephen Fitzpatrick, Kenneth Fletcher, Michael Flynn, Cynthia Forbes, Mark Foster, Darrell Gallant, Christopher Gardiner, Valerie Gilbert, Glenn Gill, Judith Graham, Ian Grant, Karen Hann, Gordon HOllway, Joseph Horan, Michael Howlett, Khaled Instrun, Umesh Jain, Dilprett Jammu, John Jollymore, Eilen Jost, Sylvia Kaptein, Douglas Kohlsmith, Daniel Landry, Bonny Lee, John Li, Margo Lindener, Renee Lutwick, Scott MacDiarmid, Bernard MacGregor, Annette MacIntyre, David MacKenzie, Christopher MacKinnon, Catherine MacLean, Terrence MaGennis, Colin Mann, Elizabeth Massarelli, Donna McCulloch, Anne McDonah, Ellen McKeough, John McNeil, Patrick Melanson, Kent Monteith, Alfred Morais, Thomas Muise, Terrence Murphy, Suzanne O'Hanley, Richard Paxton, Leo Pereira, Stephen Pond, Ellen Power, Jan Prsala, Mai Riives, Dale Robinson, Susan Roche, Timothy Rourke, Gary Rubin, Asutosh Ruparelia, Yolande Samson, Kevein Schnare, Anil Sharma, Atul Sharma, William Sigsworth, Philip Smith, Wesley Stephen, Ross Thomas, Barbara Tiller, Patricia Towney, Achla Vats, Claire Weeks, Lyle Weston, Ronald Wojcik, David Woodbury, Main Yee.
Results 1 to 50 of 62