Personal archives of Harry Thurston
- MS-2-691.2013-065
- Accession
- 1977-2012
Accession contains records that largely document Harry Thurston's journalistic and non-fiction writing during the 1980s. Materials include editorial correspondence, research notes and secondary materials, annotated drafts and printer's proofs, and press releases and reviews for articles published in such magazines as Atlantic Insight, Audubon, Equinox, Harrowsmith and National Geographic. There are similar materials documenting Thurston's work on Tidal Life : A Natural History of the Bay of Fundy, as well as correspondence and administrative records documenting his work with the Writers Federation of Nova Scotia and various professional activities such as attending or organizing workshops and conferences.
Accession also contains a small volume of materials from the late 1970s related to Thurston's activities as a poet, including some correspondence and administrative records related to the poetry journal, Germination, as well as his involvement with the Dirge Poets and their Merry Men, a performance group of poets and musicians.
Thurston, Harry, 1950-