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Elisabeth Mann Borgese fonds With digital objects
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United Nations sessions and various articles written about the Law of the sea

File contains several articles and background documents. Specific titles include: "UNCLOS (United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea) III, eighth session," "Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea: Geneva Assembly Resolutions Relating to the Law of the Sea," "The Sea Lawyers," "Memorandum on Marine Resources, Ocean Management, the Law of the Sea, and the New International Economic Order," "Sharing the Ocean Resources : Unresolved Issues in the Law of the Sea" by Shegeru Oda, and "Law of the Sea: New Perspectives."

United Nations Seabed Committee report

File includes a report arising from the July, 1972 meeting of the Mediterranean States Members of the United Nations Seabed Committee, newsclippings ("UN Seabed Committee Report," "Seabed 'belongs to the world,'" "Dividing the Spoils of the Sea into National Parcels"), a memorandum presented to United Kingdom Foreign Office officials ("Ocean Space Beyond the Limits of National Jurisdiction"), and a report ("Sea-Bed and Ocean Floor Developments," from October 1970). File also includes a piece of correspondence from Elisabeth Mann Borgese on the notion of an ocean development tax. Duplicate copies in the file have not been digitized.

United Nations resolutions

File contains copies of the draft resoultion of the "Law of the Sea" and a resolution concerning sea-bed mining. The file also includes a non-paper entitled "Agreement on the Implementation of Part XI and Annexes III and IV of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea."

United Nations informal consultative process on the oceans and the law of the sea (UNICPOLOS) : [reports]

This file contains reports by Elisabeth Mann Borgese on the first two sessions of the United Nations Informal Consultative Process on the Oceans and the Law of the Sea (UNICPOLOS), which had the aim to build a global system of ocean governance. The first session was held May 30-June 2, 2000, and the second session was held from May 7 to May 11, 2001.

United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)

File includes reports created by the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), correspondence, notes, and drafts. Included are copies of: "The UNIDO Programme on Technological Advances," a copy of "Report on the Possibility of Establishing Regional Centres for Research and Development in Marine Industrial Technology" by Elisabeth Mann Borgese, background information on the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, report on the Meeting of Experts on the Establishment of a Mediterranean Regional Centre for Research and Development in Marine Industrial Technology," April 1989, "International Co-operation in Industrial Research and Development," a paper on marine industrial technology, "Deep Seabed Minerals: Mining and Related Technologies," a report from the 1991 meeting of the Expert Group on the Establishment of a Caribbean Centre for Marine Industrial Technology, a copy of "Feasibility Study on Mediterranean Centre for Research and Development in Marine Industrial Technology" by Elisabeth Mann Borgese (a paper that was contracted by UNIDO), a copy of a speech ("The New International Technological Order Emerging from the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea"), and several partial reports. See file MS-2-744 Box 264, Folder 2 for related correspondence. File contains duplicate copies, which have not been digitized.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) prize

File contains brochures, newsletters, papers, project proposals, news releases, newspaper clippings, and print-outs from UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme) website. Documents deal with the UNEP's Sasakawa Prize (for the years 1998, 1999, 2000, and 2002), a report by previous award winners (of whom Elisabeth Mann Borgese was one), reports on collaboration with the International Ocean Institute (IOI), a copy of GESAMP's (the Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Environmental Protection) draft report ("Sea of Troubles: State of the World's Oceans"). The file also includes a copy of "Das Parlament" (for which Borgese wrote an article), the United Nations' "Protocol for the Prevention and Elimination of Pollution of the Mediterranean Sea by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft or Incineration at Sea," information on the Caribbean Environment Programme, and information on Agenda 21. File contains duplicate copies, and oversize material, which have not been digitized.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Global Programme of Action (GPA) for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities : [meeting documents]

File contains documents used and created by participants in various Global Programme of Action (GPA) conferences and meetings held between 2000 and 2001. Includes (from the April 2000 meeting): a list of documents, agendas, background papers, correspondence about the participation of the International Ocean Institute (IOI), an "Alternative Draft High Level Declaration," conclusions from the co-chairs, a draft report from Discussion Panel B: "Economic and Social Impact of Marine Pollution and Degradation, Especially in Coastal Areas." Contains, from the August 2000 meetings: correspondence, and discussion papers. Also contains correspondence, a non-paper, press releases, agendas, membership lists, policy papers, copies of a website, a paper from the International Oil Pollution Compensation Funds 1971 and 1992, steering committee documents (Mann Borgese was a member), all arising from the Fourth Meeting of Regional Seas held in Montreal between November 21 and 23, 2001. Also included is a copy of "The Montreal Declaration on the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities," which arose out of the conferences. The file also contains a plan for the International Ocean Institute booth at one of the conferences, and handwritten notes by Elisabeth Mann Borgese. See file MS-2-744, Box 257, Folder 10 for correspondence between GPA and International Ocean Institute during this period, and MS-2-744, Box 257, Folder 11 and MS-2-744, Box 257, Folder 12 for related documents. File contains duplicates which have not been digitized.

United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) - Fourth Global meeting of regional seas conventions and action plans

File contains documents from the meeting, which was held in Montreal from November 21-23, 2001. File includes: A list of documents; a list of participants; a report from the 1999 meeting of this group; a provisional agenda; a presentation by the International Ocean Institute (IOI); an inventory of work in chemicals undertaken by regional sea programmes; "Ecosystem-based Management of Fisheries: The Way Forward;" a report of transboundary movements of wastes; reports on a process to establish the state of the marine environment; a report on cooperation in the Mediterranean; a policy papers from the Open-Ended Intergovernmental Group of Ministers or Their Representatives on International Environmental Government meeting of July 17, 2001; reports multilateral environmental agreements; a report on the "Implementation of the Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment rom Land-based Activities through Improved Coastal and Ocean Governance;" a report on issues facing regional sea conventions and plans; meeting minutes from the Caspian Sturgeon Resources: Stakeholders' Meeting (July 12-13, 2001); a memorandum of understanding between the Secretariat of the South Pacific Regional Environment Programme and the Secretariat of the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific; and the "Report of the Third Global Meeting of Regional Seas Convention and Action Plans" from November 2000.

United Nations Economic Commission for Africa - regional leadership seminar on marine/ocean affairs in Africa

File contains agendas, reports, case studies, lists of participants, brochures and handwritten notes from the seminar, which was held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia between March 28 and April 2, 1994. Elisabeth Mann Borgese was the coordinator for one of the sessions (April 1, 1994), and made several presentations. The seminar was sponsored by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the International Ocean Institute (IOI), and the IOI's Africa office. Several of the case studies relate to the implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLoS) and landlocked Africian nations. File contains duplicate copies, which have not been digitized.

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and Global Environment Facility (GEF) reports on international waters

File includes two documents: a copy of "International Waters," which is the fourth chapter of a book, and a report from a Global Environment Facility (GEF) council meeting held in Washington D.C., on February 22-24, 1995, entitled "Scope and Preliminary Operational Strategy for International Waters," providing an update on GEF activities, and program priorities for 1995.

United Nations Development Programme publications

File contains documents relating to the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Included is a news release on the publication of the fourth annual "Human Development Report," "Terms of Reference for a Review of a Possible UNDP Strategic Initiative in Ocean and Coastal Management," "Summary of Recommendations of Working Group on Technology Cooperation," memorandums, a draft report ("Ocean and Coastal Resources Management for Sustainable Human Development"), the "Action Plan for Human Resources Development and Capacity Building for the Planning and Management of Coastal and Marine Areas, 1993-1997," a note from Philip Reynolds on a meeting discussing a possible UNDP initiative on ocean and coastal management.

Underseas foundation lecture on fifth session of the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea by Elisabeth Mann Borgese

File contains a lecture by Elisabeth Mann Borgese delivered at the Undersea Foundation, in Santa Barbara, California. It discusses the fifth session of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, providing a brief background of the Conference, and four points about the future of the conference. This version contains some handwritten notes/corrections.

UN informal consultative process on the oceans and the law of the sea (UNICPOLOS) : [charts and correspondence]

File contains a chart created by Elisabeth Mann Borgese that may have been presented or distributed as part of UNICPOLOS (United Nations Informal Consultative Process on the Oceans). Includes draft versions with corrections by Mann Borgese. Also includes correspondence on the chart, and copies of "Call to International Action" adopted at the 1996 Coastal Zone Conference.

'U' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with M.J. Anstee (Department of Technical Co-operation for Development) and K. Mushakoji (UN University - with "The United Nations University's Next Stage: Statement before the Sixteenth Session of the Council of the UN University on 1 December 1980"). File also includes handwritten notes by Elisabeth Mann Borgese for a United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) talk (on the new industrial revolution and the oceans).

'U' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with include Christian Ude (mayor of Munich, concerning an exhibit on Klaus Mann); George B. Udvarhelyi (concerning the legacy of Thomas Mann); Juha I. Uitto; B. Ulianich; Barbara Ungeheuer; M.A. Upare; Victor Urquidi; and Reizo Utagawa.

'U' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with the University of Rhode Island, a USSR publishing house (regarding the Russian version of "The Drama of the Oceans"), and Henry Usborne. Also includes the introduction to "The Drama of the Oceans" for the Russian translation.

Twenty-sixth session of the planning council and board of trustees of the International Ocean Institute : [meeting documents]

File contains draft agenda, three copies of the meeting minutes (including one with handwritten annotations) for the Twenty-sixth (26th) session held in Moscow, USSR. Topics of discussion include Pacem in Maribus (PIM) XVIII, XIX and XX. File also includes draft agendas (one with handwritten comments by Elisabeth Mann Borgese) for the Twenty-Seventh (27th) Session of the Planning Council and Board of Trustees. File also includes correspondence with the European Association of Development Research and Training Institute (EADI) concerning the International Ocean Institute (IOI)’s membership, a copy of “An Alternative Proposal for the Restructuring of the IOI” by Caroline Vanderbilt, and a proposal for PIM XXI.

Twenty-ninth meeting of the board of the International Ocean Institute : [meeting documents]

File contains documents for the Board Meeting held in Malta. Includes an agenda, meetings of the previous Board Meeting, an agreement between the International Ocean Institute (IOI) and Malta, revised IOI statutes, documents relating to staff appointments, Report of the Interim Executive Director, a Five-Year Plan of Activities for 1993-1998, and an agenda for the next session of the Planning Council.

Twenty-first session of the Planning Council of the International Ocean Institute : [draft meeting minutes]

File contains draft meeting minutes of the session held in Colombo, Sri Lanka on October 24, 1983. Discussed at the meeting were current projects (including the "Ocean Yearbook," and the training programme), research projects, the re-evalutation workshop, a five year plan for the Interntation Ocean Institute (IOI), upcoming Pacem in Maribus (PIM) conferences (PIM XIII through PIM XVII).

Twenty-eighth meeting of board and planning council of the International Ocean Institute

File contains meeting documents for the session, which was held in Libson, Portugal. Includes agenda, and appendixes. Includes draft meeting minutes of the Twenty-seventh (27th) meeting of the Board and Planning Council, a copy of the International Ocean Institute (IOI)’s Statutes, a business plan, a list of board members, an agreement between the Maltese Government and the IOI, and material relating to financial materials (including a plan to change audit procedures, in response to a request from the International Centre for Ocean Development (ICOD)). The file also includes material relating to Pacem in Maribus (PIM) XVIII.

Twentieth session of the planning council and twelfth session of the board of trustees of the International Ocean Institute

File contains a meeting agenda held on October 25, 1982 in Mexico City. This version includes five annexes: 1) minutes of the Nineteenth Session; 2) tentative outline for "Ocean Yearbook;" 3) draft proposal for two annual seminars on marine affairs for decision-makers; 4) proposed future Pacem in Maribus (PIM) conferneces (XII through XV); and 5) income and expenditure account for the year ended 30 September 1981.

Twentieth session of the planning council and the twelfth session of the board of trustees of the International Ocean Institute

File contains documents relating to the International Ocean Institute (IOI)'s Planning Council. Includes a memo, draft minutes of the joint 20th Session of the Planning Council and the 12th Session of the Board of Trustees (held October 25, 1982 in Mexico City), and correspondence from UNITRAVEL, relating to Pacem in Maribus (PIM) XII.

Trends in ocean uses and related institutional aspects by the Delegation of Portugal to UNCLOS III

File contains a preliminary draft, by the Delegation of Portugal to UNCLoS (United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea) III. The report was co-authored by Mario Ruivo and M.E. Gonçalves, and was written after the fourth (4th) session of UNCLoS. See MS-2-744, Box 126, Folder 22 for another version of this speech.

Transcription from various experts regarding the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea

File contains a transcription from an unknown conference or seminar at which the law of the sea is discussed, which was found loose and disorderly. Transcript includes delegates [Richardson], [Yankov], [Brucan], Elisabeth Mann Borgese, [Sohn], [Hambro], [La Que], [Abi-Saab], Arvid Pardo, [Peresic], Lord Ritchie-Calder, Sidney Holt, J. van Ettinger, Ambassador Boudjakdji, [Castaneda], [Boud], and [Vargas].

Transcription : law of the seas conference

File contains a copy of the typed transcript. Present are Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Robert Hutchins, Arvid Pardo, [Friedman], [Hambro], [Andrassy], [Rao], [Freeman], [Kaplan], [Crawford], [Wheeler], [Wilkinson], [Mero], [Kruger], [Tugwell], [Armstrong], [Hoffman], Harry Ashmore, [Kelly], [Bucher], [Campbell], [Khan], [Busha], and [Gaskell]. The transcript covers the June 17th and 18th, 1968 sessions.

Train-Sea-Coast Programme

File contains information on the Train-Sea-Coast Program, which was a United Nations initiative run by DOALOS (Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Some documents discuss the International Ocean Institute (IOI)'s running a training programme on behalf of the Train-Sea-Coast Program. Includes reports, drafts, proposals, newsletters, conference and meeting material, website print-outs, program rules; and project documents. Correspondence is attached to some publications. File also contains duplicate copies, which have not been digitized.

Training programs in development and management of marine resources : a strategy for the International Centre for Ocean Development

File contains a report by the Dalhousie Ocean Studies Programme, entitled "New Directions in Ocean Law, Policy and Management: Training Programs in Development and Management of Marine Resources: A Strategy for the International Centre for Ocean Development." The report details potential training programs, and identifies potential Canadian and international partners.

Towards a world space organization by Elisabeth Mann Borgese

File contains a paper published by the Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security (CIIPS) in their "Points of View" series (number 5, November 1987). The paper addresses a recent proposal to the United Nations on the subject of a UN agency that coordinates activities in outer space. The paper compares this with the process that brought about the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLoS), and also discusses benefits for Canada that would flow from a World Space Organization.

Three speeches by Elisabeth Mann Borgese

File contains three speeches/lectures by Elisabeth Mann Borgese. One labelled "Lousie Recreation Center" (located in Santa Barbara), which discusses her typing dogs, oil spills, and management of international ocean space. Another is labelled "Bordeaux Lecutre," and discusses the International Ocean Institute (IOI) and the Pacem in Maribus (PIM) conferences. Another version of the "Bordeaux Lecture" paper is also included.

Three papers on the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

File includes three documents, which are likely by Elisabeth Mann Borgese. Includes 1) "Progress Report" (regarding the New International Technological Order emerging from the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, or UNCLoS); 2) "The United Nations Decade of International Law and the Law of the Sea," a document from the 1990s, outlining the new concepts that emerged from UNCLoS (including the common heritage of mankind); and 3) an untitled document relating the events of the tenth and eleventh sessions of the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLoS).

Three different chapters from an unidentified publication or publications

File contains three chapters, Including: 1) Chapter six: United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, 2) Chapter XII: The Enterprise; and 3) Chapter XV: The International Seabed Authority and Preparatory Commission. Presumably all authored by Elisabeth Mann Borgese. Also has some handwritten annotations which may be by Arvid Pardo.

Thirty-seventh meeting of the governing board of the International Ocean Institute and ninth meeting of the planning council of the International Ocean Institute : [meeting documents]

File contains documents relating to these meetings. Includes budgetary information, correspondence, and background documents for the meeting. Includes the previous meetings of the Governing Board and the Executive Committee, a report from the Executive Director for 1998 (which includes documents relating to the IOI-India’s Ecovillages project, and Pacem in Maribus (PIM) XXVI), audited financial statements for 1997, and other reports.

Thirty-fourth meeting of the governing board of the International Ocean Institute

File contains documents for the meeting held in Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Includes an agenda, meeting minutes from the previous meeting of the Governing Board, meeting minutes from the Second Meeting of the Executive Committee of the International Ocean Institute, audited financial statements for the year ending December 31, 1994, a Report from the IOI’s Executive Director, finances and budgets for 1996, and announcements about the Independent World Commission for the Oceans (IWCO), and the “Ocean Yearbook.”
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