Findlay, Allan Charles

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Findlay, Allan Charles

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Allan Charles Findlay was born in 1914 in Watson, Saskatoon. He moved to Sydney, Nova Scotia with his family in 1929 when his father was transferred to a branch of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. Allan Findlay entered Dalhousie in 1921, winning the third Campbell scholarship. In 1934, he obtained his B.A. with the highest honors, the only honor degree awarded at Dalhousie-Kings that year. He enrolled in the Dalhousie Law School that fall, but withdrew after the conclusion of his first year to accept a teaching position at King’s Collegiate School in Windsor. Allan would return to Dalhousie in 1939 as a full time junior lecturer. It was a one year position, renewable by mutual consent. On December 2nd, 1939, he was charged under the Defence of Canada Act with having sent a treasonable letter. Allan had sent a letter to his Danish fiancée which included a sketch of Halifax Harbour. On December 28th, 1939, Findlay was found guilty as charged however it was believed that romantic impulse did not constitute treason. Therefore, the fine for his actions was $1 plus costs which amounted to $6. Allan continued with his position at Dalhousie until the year was over. His contract was not renewed as The Board of Governors stated that due to budget constraints brought on by the war, the University could only afford three law school staff. Findlay left Canada on October 4, 1941 as a member of the R.C.A.F and was stationed in the Middle East. He returned to Canada in January 1945, and died September 27, 1982 in Toronto, Ontario.


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Functions, occupations and activities

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Internal structures/genealogy

General context

Relationships area

Related entity

Dalhousie University. Schulich School of Law (1883-)

Identifier of related entity

Category of relationship


Dates of relationship


Description of relationship

Allan Findlay was a student and professor in the Faculty of Law.

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