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Authority Record

Yeo, William

  • Person
James Yeo (1790-1868) was a was a Cornish-born shipbuilder, merchant, farmer and political figure in Prince Edward Island. James established a shipbuilding business in Port Hill, Prince Edward Island. James had three sons: William Yeo (1813-1873), James (1827-1903) and John (1834-1924). James and John worked with the family shipbuilding business. John and James built over 200 vessesls in their time. William, from Appledore, was also known as "Black Ram" and lived in England.

Young, Alexander J.

  • Person
  • 1938-2000

Alexander (Sandy) Young was a prominent Nova Scotian educator, author and sports historian. Born in New York City in 1938, he was educated in Pennsylvania and Maryland before moving to Canada in 1970 to join Dalhousie’s School of Physical Education. Young was an active member of the Dalhousie community, serving as president of the Dalhousie Faculty Association in the mid-1980s, director of the School of Health and Human Performance from 1989-1993, and helping to establish Dalhousie’s popular “Noon-time Ball” competition. He continued teaching at the university until 1998.

Young was widely known for his commitment to and knowledge of Nova Scotia athletics. He was the author of Beyond Heroes: A Sport History of Nova Scotia (1998), which examined the cultural and historical impact of sports in the province. He was a founder the Nova Scotia Sport Heritage Centre and co-hosted the Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame induction ceremonies for some twenty years. He died on 6 August 2000 at the age of sixty-two, survived by his four daughters, Nicole, Michelle, Julie and Gabrielle.

Recognition for Sandy Young’s years of dedication to Nova Scotia sport include the 2000 renaming of the Dalhousie Award to the Sandy Young Award and a posthumous induction to the Nova Scotia Sport Hall of Fame in 2002.

Young, Elrid Gordon

  • Person
  • 1897-1976
Eldrid Gordon Young was a Dalhousie professor and biochemist, and conducted secret research in chemical warfare for the Department of National Defence during World War Two. He was born in Quebec City in 1897, and graduated with an MA from McGill University in 1919 and a PhD from Cambridge University in 1921. Following post-doctoral studies in Chicago, he moved to Halifax in 1924 to work at Dalhousie, retiring in 1948 as head of the Department of Biochemistry. Dr. Young was a member of many professional organizations and national and international societies. He was awarded an Honorary DSc from Acadia University in 1957 and an Honorary LLD by Dalhousie University in 1965. He died on 24 March 1976.

Young, George Renny, 1802-1853

  • Person

George Renny Young was a publisher, lawyer, author and politician. He was born in Falkirk, Scotland, on 4 July 1802 to John Young and Agnes Renny. In 1814 he came with his family to Nova Scotia, where he helped to establish John Young and Company with his father and brother William. Young worked for the family dry goods business until 1821, when he started at Pictou Academy. In 1824 he founded a weekly newspaper, The Novascotian. In 1827 he sold the paper to Joseph Howe in order to pursue legal studies in Britain. He became an attorney in 1833 and a barrister in 1834, when he established an insurance practice with William that would last into the 1850s. In 1838 he married Jane Brooking, with whom he had one son, John.

Young entered the Nova Scotia assembly in 1843 as the member for Pictou County. He was a strong and vocal supporter of the reformers, protesting the General Mining Association’s monopoly in the province and supporting the creation of a Halifax and Quebec Railway. In 1848 he became a minister in J.B. Uniacke’s government. In the following years Young’s physical and mental health deteriorated. Although he did not seek re-election in 1851, he continued to voice his political opinions in a series of letters published in the British North American.

George Young wrote articles, books and letters to newspapers on a variety of topics. His first book, The British North American Colonies, was published in 1834. He also wrote a romantic fiction, The Prince and his Protégé, which appeared in a variety of formats in 1844. Young lectured and served as president of the Halifax Mechanics’ Institute. He died in Halifax on 30 June 1853.

Young, James

  • Person
  • fl. 1970s
James Young was an honours student in the sociology program at Dalhousie University during the 1970s.

Young, John

  • Person
  • 1773-1837

John Young was a Halifax merchant, author, and politician. Born in Falkirk, Scotland in 1773 to Janet and William Young, he was educated at the University of Glasgow ca. 1790. Young performed well in his theological studies but chose to pursue business in Falkirk and Glasgow. He married Agnes Renny, with whom he had nine children, including George, Charles, and William. In 1814 Young and his family moved to Nova Scotia, where he founded John Young and Company.

Young became interested in agriculture shortly after his arrival in Nova Scotia. Between 1814 and 1816, under the pseudonym "Agricola," he wrote letters to The Acadian Recorder, championing ideas such as the creation of a provincial farming board, rural farming societies, and other initiatives. His suggestions were popular and supported by Lord Dalhousie, who established a Central Board of Agriculture in 1819. Young was appointed secretary and treasurer, making him responsible for mediating between the board and the newly formed farming societies, importing and distributing seeds, tools and other items, managing agricultural competitions, and handling correspondence and other administrative duties. In 1822 many of Young’s Agricola letters were published in the book The Letters of Agricola on the Principles of Vegetation and Tillage. While the board was initially popular and well supported, the House of Assembly failed to renew its charter in 1826.

In 1823 Young ran unsuccessfully in Halifax for a seat in the assembly, and in 1824 he won a Sydney by-election. He proved to be a vocal and active member in the assembly, where he remained until his death in Halifax on October 6, 1837.

Young, William, Sir

  • Person
  • 1799-1887

William Young was a Nova Scotia businessman, lawyer and politician. He was born in 1799 in Falkirk, Scotland, to John Young and Agnes Renny. In 1814 he moved with his family to Nova Scotia, where he helped to establish John Young and Company, a wholesale dry goods business. He acted as his father’s agent in Halifax and New York. In 1815 he formed a partnership with James Cogswell to operate an auction and commission business that lasted until 1820.

Young began an apprenticeship in 1820 with the Halifax law firm of Charles Rufus and Samuel Prescott Fairbanks. The relationship ended in 1823 when Young was accused of sharing Fairbanks' campaign information with his father during John Young's failed bid against Charles Fairbanks in a Halifax by-election. In 1824 he managed his father’s successful campaign in a Sydney by-election. He became an attorney in 1825 and a barrister in 1826. In 1834 he and his brother, George, established an insurance business that lasted into the 1850s. He married Anne Tobin in 1830.

In 1832 Young won his first seat in the provincial assembly. The election results were invalidated because of interference from his brother, George. In the election of 1836 he ran and won in Inverness County, a seat he held for twenty years. Young was active in the assembly, working with reformers and supporting responsible government. He was a member of a delegation to Quebec City for constitutional discussions with Lord Durham in 1828 and served as speaker of the assembly for many years and as attorney general from 1854–1857. In 1859 he ran and won in Cumberland County and served briefly as premier before being appointed chief justice, a position he held until his retirement in 1881.

Young was actively involved in many aspects of Halifax society. He donated books and money to the Citizen’s Free Library. He was instrumental in negotiating the land lease for Point Pleasant Park, contributed financially to Dalhousie College and served as chairman of the college’s Board of Governors for 36 years (1848-1884). William Young died in Halifax on 8 May 1887.

Zhang, Tracy Ying

  • Person
Tracy Ying Zhang became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 2002 because their video recording “Fiddling with the Arts” became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Zillig, Edith

  • Person
  • 1915-2009

Edith Zillig was born and raised on a farm in the province of Pomerania, Germany. She studied at the Agricultural College of Potsdam before gaining employment as a farm manager. In 1954 she immigrated to Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, and one year later married Gernot Zillig, who had also recently emigrated from Germany. In 1958 the Zilligs bought 150 acres overlooking the Kennetcook River in Scotch Village, Nova Scotia. Although they were interested initially in mixed farming, after concluding that the land was better suited to livestock, they began to build up a variety of cattle, swine, domestic waterfowl and sheep, including six mature crossbred Suffolk ewes from the Annapolis Valley.

During the 1950s and 1960s, Edith and Gernot belonged to the provincial sheep farmers' association, which later became the Sheep Producers Association of Nova Scotia (SPANS). Between 1973-1983 she was an active promoter of the Nova Scotia sheep industry through SPANS sheep fairs and served as the association's director during the mid-1980s. In 1981 she was appointed Western Director of the Nova Scotia Wool Marketing Board, a position she held until 1993. In addition, she maintained an interest in the Purebred Sheep Breeders Association of Nova Scotia.

Edith continued to farm and raised sheep after the death of her husband in 1993, working with her son, Manfred, and her daughter, Margaret, until her own death in 2009.

Zimmerman, Bob

  • Person
Bob Zimmerman became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in the 1980s because of their involvement of video recordings which became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Zinck, Russell B.

  • Person
  • 1897 - 19--
Russell B. Zinck was born in 1897 in Blandford, Nova Scotia. He attended the local school, but left at an early age to farm and fish. In 1916 he enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force and was sent overseas in 1918, where he fought at the battle of Amiens with the Nova Scotia 25th Battalion. After the war he moved to Halifax and married Edith May Davis in 1922. Zinck was a member of the Twenty-fifth Battalion Memory Club, the Royal Canadian Legion, the Telephone Pioneers of America and the Nova Scotia Centre of Poetry Society. He had more than one hundred poems published by the local press. His poetry was also published in the Nova Scotia Book of Verse, the Alberta Poetry Yearbook, and the Maritime Anthology of Verse.


  • Person
  • 1900-
Richard Samuel Pearce taught in the Department of Agricultural Biology at the University of Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom, and in 1982 co-authored an article in the Canadian Journal of Botany 61 (1983) with J.H.M. Willison, a former professor of biology at Dalhousie University.
Results 4101 to 4126 of 4126