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Authority Record

Dalhousie University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Department of Classics

  • Corporate body (Dalhousie University)
  • 1924-
The study of classics was at the core of the Dalhousie College curriculum from the beginning and continued to be so, albeit in a slightly diminished form, right through the middle of the twentieth century. While the establishment of the first chair in classics, Professor John Johnson, occurred when Dalhousie reopened as a university in 1863, it was 1924 when McLeod Professor Howard Murray (pictured above) was appointed head of a Department of Classics. In 2009 the department absorbed the former Department of Religious Studies and in 2017 began also to administer the Arabic Studies Program.

Dalhousie University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Canadian Studies Program

  • Corporate body (Dalhousie University)
  • 1998-
Canadian Studies is an academic program that reaches across departments and faculties to expand students’ understanding of Canada from multiple perspectives, including historical, economic, political, literary, and sociological. Beginning in 1998, Canadian Studies was based upon a strong tradition of research and teaching in a wide range of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Faculty of Science departments and in other associated faculties and professional schools such as Health Professions, Law, and the University of King’s College School of Journalism.

Dalhousie University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences

  • Corporate body (Dalhousie University)
  • 1988 -

The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences was established on 1 July 1988, composed of humanities and social science departments within the former Faculty of Arts and Science. The restructuring of the Faculty began in 1986 with the establishment of a committee to consider its future direction. The Smith Report, drafted in 1987 by Rowland Smith, McCulloch Professor of English and Acting Dean of Arts and Science, recommended the division of the Faculty, which was followed by a faculty-wide referendum resulting in marginal favour of the decision.

The earliest university calendar lists only a Faculty of Arts. However, to obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree, students were first required to pass matriculation examinations in classics, mathematics and English, while subsequent classes included rhetoric, logic and psychology, natural philosophy (experimental physics), modern languages, metaphysics, chemistry, ethics, political economy, and history. MA degrees were granted on completion of a thesis on a literary, scientific or professional subject.

In 1878 a Department of Science was established in connection with the Faculty of Arts, and in 1880 the university calendar lists a Faculty of Science. By 1906, the university calendars refer to a single Faculty of Arts and Science, a title which lasted until the administrative division in 1988.

Dalhousie University. Faculty of Architecture and Planning

  • Corporate body (Dalhousie University)
  • 1997-

The Faculty of Architecture was established on 1 April 1997 with the merger of the Technical University of Nova Scotia (TUNS) and Dalhousie University. It was the outgrowth of the first school of architecture in Atlantic Canada, which opened at the Nova Scotia Technical College in 1961, sharing a building on Spring Garden Road with the Nova Scotia Museum of Science. During the 1960s the professional architecture program began, consisting of two years of engineering at one of seven Maritime universities, followed by four years at the School of Architecture, leading to a BArch degree. In 1969 the engineering prerequisite was changed to two years in any university subject.

In 1970 the School of Architecture took over the entire building and initiated the trimester system and co-op work term program. In 1973 the architecture portion of the professional program included a two-year pre-professional degree (later called Bachelor of Environmental Design Studies) and a two-year professional BArch degree. The BArch program was validated by the Commonwealth Association of Architects and a one-year, post-professional Master of Architecture program was offered. In 1976 the NSTC Faculty of Architecture was established, with the School of Architecture continuing as a constituent part of the Faculty. The main floor of the building was renovated, including the addition of a mezzanine for faculty offices. The Master of Urban and Rural Planning program was first offered in 1977. In 1978 the Department of Urban and Rural Planning was established within the Faculty of Architecture, becoming the School of Planning in 2001.

In the early 1980s, after the Nova Scotia Technical College had become the Technical University of Nova Scotia, the building's studio level was renovated and mezzanines were added. In the mid-1980s the professional program was transformed, leading to a two-year MArch (first professional) degree with a thesis component. The school began to participate in overseas activities with the International Laboratory for Architecture and Urban Design (ILAUD) and external adjuncts and examiners were appointed. In the late 1980s the Faculty opened a publishing department, Tuns Press, to produce architecture and planning publications. An arrangement with Apple Canada introduced an initial fleet of computers for student use. In 1989 a one-year, non-professional Master of Environmental Design Studies degree was offered.

In 1993, following an international design competition, the first phase of a new addition designed by Brian MacKay-Lyons was built in the rear courtyard of the existing building. In a second phase in 2002, upper floors for studios were added inside the addition. In 1994 the School's professional architecture program became the first in Canada to receive full accreditation from the Canadian Architectural Certification Board. Full accreditation was granted again in 1999, 2004, 2009 and 2015. In 1997, a decision by the Nova Scotia government to amalgamate universities led the three faculties of the Technical University of Nova Scotia (Architecture, Engineering, and Computer Science) to become part of Dalhousie University. In 2001 the Faculty of Architecture was renamed the Faculty of Architecture and Planning.

Dalhousie University. Faculty of Agriculture

  • Corporate body (Dalhousie University)
  • 2012-
Home to a working farm, 1000 acres of research fields, gardens and greenhouses, the Faculty of Agriculture was established in September 2012 with the merger of the century-old Nova Scotia College of Agriculture (NSAC) and Dalhousie University. The institutions were first affiliated in 1985 by an academic agreement for degree granting purposes in association with Dalhousie and representation by NSAC on the Dalhousie Senate. This agreement was expanded in the 1990s to include MSc and PhD degrees and, after the June 2012 merger, the former NSAC campus in Bible Hill, Nova Scotia, became home to the university’s Faculty of Agriculture.

Dalhousie University. Facilities Management

  • Corporate body (Dalhousie University)
In the University calendars published from 1869 –1907, below the list of members of the Board of Governors, Senate and teaching faculty, are the names of the university librarian, the instructor in gymnastics, and the single janitor responsible for maintaining and cleaning the college building. By 1929, the position had been elevated to the Engineer in Charge of Building and Grounds, who was an Officer of Administration, alongside positions such as the university president, deans and registrar. In 1975 a vice president of University Services was responsible for overseeing the work of both the University Planner and the Director of the Physical Plant, and in 1988 the overall unit became known as Physical Plant and Planning, which was renamed Facilities Management in 1998.

Dalhousie University. Dalhousie University Debating Society.

  • Corporate body (Dalhousie University)
The Dalhousie University Debating Society was formed in 1879 as SODALES, and was the first general-interest society on campus. Membership is open to students from both Dalhousie University and the University of King’s College, and the club is a founding member of Canadian University Society for Intercollegiate Debate (CUSID).

Dalhousie University. Dalhousie Art Gallery

  • Corporate body (Dalhousie University)
  • 1953 -

For over fifty years the Dalhousie Art Gallery has been offering a diverse program of exhibitions, films, lectures and artists' presentations, serving as a cultural resource to the university and its community.

Prior to the establishment of the physical gallery, the University Art Group was formed by faculty members and administers in 1943. Housed in an ad-hoc space in the science department, the group sponsored exhibitions, screened films and loaned out its small collections of art reproductions. They also joined the Maritime Art Association, which enabled them to host travelling exhibitions from the National Gallery as well as to promote Maritime artists across other regions of Canada.

The Dalhousie Art Gallery was officially opened in October 1953 in a single room in the Arts and Administration Building, run by a volunteer committee of faculty members. The same year marked the beginning of the annual Student, Staff, Faculty and Alumni Exhibition, which both showcased Dalhousie’s talent and firmly identified the Gallery as a university facility.

During the 1950s and 1960s the University Art Gallery underwent rapid expansion in its collections and programming. In 1963 Classics professor Mirko Usmiani served as Honorary Curator, succeeded the following year by Evelyn Holmes, who was appointed as Acting Curator. Since 1972 the gallery has employed a series of professionally qualified directors, curators and registrar-preparators, assisted by part-time staff and volunteers and guided by an advisory committee of individuals from across the university and community.

In the early 1970s the Art Gallery held exhibitions in the Killam Library, but in November 1971 it moved into its current home in the newly built Dalhousie Arts Centre. The permanent exhibition area and work and storage spaces enabled the gallery to establish itself as a credible cultural organization, able to meet international standards for displaying and handling works of art. The move also allowed for the expansion and care for the gallery’s permanent collection.

The University Senate officially approved the gallery as an Academic Support Unit in 1985. In 1994, threatened with closure due to funding cuts, the gallery was saved by a donation from Dalhousie alumnus, John Scrymgeour. Currently the gallery’s operating budget is paid by the university and supplemented by an endowment fund. Additional financial support for programming is achieved through provincial and national grants.

Dalhousie University. College of Arts and Science

  • Corporate body (Dalhousie University)
  • 1988-
The College of Arts and Science was established in 1988 to oversee the newly formed Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences that emerged as a result of the 1987 Smith Report, which recommended the division of the former Faculty of Arts and Science.

Dalhousie University. Board of Governors

  • Corporate body (Dalhousie University)
  • 1821 -

The Board of Governors is responsible for the overall conduct, management, administration and control of the property, revenue and business of Dalhousie University.

On 11 December 1817 Lord Dalhousie made a submission to his Council proposing the establishment of a college in Halifax, naming an interim Board of Trustees made up of the lieutenant governor (himself); the chief justice, the Anglican bishop; the provincial treasurer; and the Speaker of the Assembly (later adding the minister of St Matthews Church).

Two years later, in the face of mounting building debt, it was expedient to incorporate the governors of the college, which comprised Lord Dalhousie (now the Governor General of North America); Sir James Kempt (the current Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia); the Anglican Bishop of Nova Scotia; the chief justice; the treasurer of the province; the Speaker of the Assembly; and the president of the college (who was yet to be named). The 1821 Act was passed, incorporating the governors of Dalhousie College and beginning Dalhousie’s legal existence.

By August 1838, due to deaths, resignations and absences, the board was reduced to three: the lieutenant-governor, the treasurer of the province and the Speaker of the House. Despite disagreement and opposition, the board appointed three professors for the college’s first term, including Thomas McCulloch as president. In 1840 the Dalhousie Act reconfigured the board established by the Act of 1821. The Governor General of North America, the chief justice and all other ex-officio members were dropped, with the exception of the lieutenant governor and the president of Dalhousie College. Twelve new members were named and it was decided that future vacancies would be selected by the Legislative Council, with two members chosen by the Assembly and one by the Council. If cumbersome, the new 17-member board was more representative across political and religious spheres than earlier renditions. In 1842 the board drew up rules of governance, including age of admission and requirements for the Bachelor of Arts, and laid down principles of liberality with regard to religious affiliation. They reduced professorial salaries and tried to clarify their rights to the Grand Parade. Despite their renewed efforts, Dalhousie closed its doors in 1844 following the death of Thomas McCulloch.

The 1848 Dalhousie Act reduced the Board of Governors to between five and seven members to be appointed by the governor-in-council, and William Young, Joseph Howe, Hugh Bell, James Avery, William Grigor, Andrew MacKinlay and John Naylor were named to the board. Their efforts to make Dalhousie useful and solvent included opening it first as a collegiate school, then as a high school, and finally as a small university in union with Gorham College in Liverpool, England. None of these was successful and by 1862 the Board was down to four members and had not met in two years.

Three new appointments were made to the board along with amendments granting it greater authority, and in 1863 a new Dalhousie College Act was passed that gave the board power to appoint all college officers, including the president and professors, and, while internal governance was the responsibility of an academic senate, their rules were subject to board approval. The college was reconstituted as a university, conferring bachelors, master and doctoral degrees. In November 1863 Dalhousie College opened under the new board.

Dalhousie University. Arts Centre.

  • Corporate body (Dalhousie University)

In the 1970s and early 1980s Dalhousie Cultural Activities referred to the department responsible for operating the Dalhousie Arts Centre and the university program of arts related activities it oversaw.

Senate Standing Committee on Cultural Activities

The department originated from a Senate Standing Committee on Cultural Activities created in 1964 to coordinate arts events on campus. The committee worked with three arts advisory sub-committees (one each for music, art, and theatre) and was Dalhousie’s first coordinated approach to cultural activity planning on campus. In addition to organizing specific events such as concert series, exhibitions, and workshops, the committee pressured senior administration to build a university centre for the arts which would house teaching and office space, an auditorium, a theatre, and a gallery.

General Committee on Cultural Activities

The Senate dissolved the committee two years later in favour of creating a formal university committee with a similar mandate. In 1966 President Hicks selected the members of the new General Committee on Cultural Activities which would be directly responsible to him. This committee continued to work with subcommittees who were allocated their own budgets and who were responsible for programming in specific areas: art, music, and theatre (a film subcommittee was also added in 1969). Members of the general committee included the chairmen of the sub-committees, students, alumni, representatives from the theatre and music departments, faculty, and other members from the community.

In addition to developing and overseeing a well-rounded, university wide, cultural activity program on campus, the general committee was also involved with the development of the Dalhousie Arts Centre. The committee provided input on layout and design, set priorities for completion, and helped determine how the new facility would be managed. The committee played a pivotal role in securing a coordinator for the centre and professional director for the gallery. John Cripton was hired to be the university’s first coordinator of cultural activities while Dr. Earnest Smith was appointed director of the gallery.

Dalhousie Cultural Activities

The committee evolved again with the opening of the Arts Centre in 1970. Both administrators were given seats on the general committee as ex-officio members and the department now became known collectively as Dalhousie Cultural Activities. Still responsible for providing a rounded cultural program, the general committee now also determined the policies of the Dalhousie Arts Centre and oversaw the activities of the coordinator. The new coordinator was responsible to the general committee and for administering the arts centre with the teaching programs in mind; cooperating with similar organizations in the community; preparing activity programs for the approval of the general committee; negotiating bookings for visiting performers; managing the daily activities of the centre and its staff; preparing budgets for committee approval; and publishing event calendars.

Although an executive committee was formed in 1976 to help manage the affairs of the centre, the committee structure began to break down by the 1980s. Many of the sub-committees, the general committee, and the executive committee were meeting rarely and lacked enthusiasm, in part due to severe budget cuts and the growing complexity of operating the department. As a result, in 1984 the general committee was dissolved and the coordinator of cultural activities became directly responsible for the Arts Centre, liaising with the Art Gallery and other departments, and reporting to the vice president, finance and development.

Dalhousie Arts Centre

In 1985 Dalhousie Cultural Activities formally changed its name to the Dalhousie Arts Centre. As of 2006, the department continues to be responsible for the administration of the arts centre and remains one of four autonomous departments (the others being the Art Gallery, and the music and theatre departments) within the facility, responsible for managing the Rebecca Cohn Auditorium and three reception rooms. Thirty-five years after opening, the centre maintains a vibrant arts program for the university and greater Halifax community.

Chief Officers

Known chairmen of the General Committee of Cultural Activities include C.B. Weld (ca. 1966-1968), Malcolm Ross (ca. 1969-1971), George Nicholls (ca. 1972-1974), Rowland Smith (ca. 1975-1976), and Sonia Jones (ca. 1976-1980).

Coordinators of the Arts Centre include John Cripton (1970-1973), Erik Perth (1973-1984), John Wilkes (1984-1987), Murray Farr (1987-1988), Robert Reinholdt (1988-1989), and Heather McGean (200?).

Dalhousie Student Union

  • Corporate body
  • 1853-

The Dalhousie Student Union (DSU) has its roots in student-led associations dating from 1863 that provided services to and represented the interests of Dalhousie students. In 1899 the General Students’ Meeting became known as the University Students’ Council, continuing to organize social events, publish The Gazette (for which they had accepted ownership in 1869), and operate the reading room. By 1912 the council was also nominally in charge of student discipline and administering funds for student clubs and organizations.

By the late 1950s there was a movement to establish a permanent facility for student activities; in 1957 Dalhousie students voted $20,000 to establish a student union building fund, and in 1960 they voted in favour of a $10 fee increase to help pay for its construction. On 8 November 1968 the Student Union Building (SUB) was opened.

The Dalhousie Student Union has been associated with a number of larger student organizations, including the National Federation of Canadian University Students (later known as the Canadian Union of Students), the Atlantic Federation of Students, and the Alliance of Nova Scotia Student Associations. The DSU is supported through student fees and revenues generated via food and other services, investments and contracts. The union’s executive and council are elected annually and have the authority to approve and implement budgets and expenditures on behalf of the student body.

The union represents students to external organizations and governments and is granted three seats on the Dalhousie Board of Governors and six seats on the Senate. By tradition, a member of the executive takes one of these seats, while the remainder are filled by elected students, each of whom who also holds a seat on the DSU Council.

As part of its mandate the DSU supports and funds over 250 student societies and hosts numerous events, campaigns and programs. It facilitates services such as health and dental plans, student legal counsel and student advocacy, and employs and manages both full- and part-time staff to operate the SUB, the campus bar, research, communications and reservations for building facilities.

Dalhousie Staff Association

  • Corporate body
  • 1971-July 1, 1992

The Dalhousie Staff Association (DSA) was formed in 1971 to unite clerical, technical and non-professional library employees at Dalhousie University in an effort to improve staff communications with the university administration. As a voluntary organization, it achieved several primary objectives: the establishment of a job evaluation program, standardized working hours and vacations, and a committee to air common concerns and complaints.

Despite pressure from the Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) to organize the university’s non-academic employees, on 5 September 1974 university staff voted in favour of the DSA as their exclusive bargaining agent. The DSA applied for and received a voluntary recognition agreement from the university, which was signed on 23 January 1975. The first collective agreement between the DSA and the Board of Governors took effect on 9 May 1975.

In 1991 the DSA decided to merge with a larger union to gain the advantages of greater resources and a stronger bargaining position. Talks were initiated with the Nova Scotia Government Employees Union (NSGEU), and a merger agreement was signed in the spring of 1994, retroactive to 1 July 1992. In the interim, the DSA negotiated a final contract on its own, covering the period from 1993-1997.

Dalhousie Nursing Alumni Association.

  • Corporate body
  • 1973-1979
The Dalhousie Nursing Alumni Association was formed in 1973. The association was financed by the Alumni Fund and its executive met four times a year. They produced an annual newsletter and organized both social events and educational programs. The association was dissolved in 1979 due to lack of activity.

Dalhousie Medical Alumni Association

  • Corporate body
  • 1958-

The Dalhousie Medical Alumni Association (DMAA) was founded in 1958 with a mandate to address alumni concerns and affairs within the medical school. Initially funded through membership dues, in 1966 the university established an operating grant to facilitate the association's activities, which ranged from organizing reunions to commissioning portraits of medical school deans. The same year, the DMAA began publishing its own alumni magazine, VOXMeDal, now known as MeDal. Several longstanding awards were created, including the Honorary President Award, granted annually to an outstanding accomplished senior alumnus/alumna, and the Gold and Silver D's Awards, given to current students who display exemplary leadership qualities and positive attitudes.

The DMAA's operations were disrupted in the late 1980s when Dalhousie withdrew its financial support, due in part to disagreements over who should control the association and its activities. In response, the DMAA began to solicit funds from Medical School alumni, requesting at the same time that the university refrain from doing so. This provoked challenges from other departments, resulting in the DMAA being prohibited from fundraising. By 2001, Dalhousie had discontinued all funding to the association, which had a direct and negative impact on the DMAA's capacity to support many of the student projects and activities that it served. Subsequent negotiations re-established a revenue stream that enabled the DMAA to resume its work, and new initiatives and projects were undertaken, including the creation of The Young Alumnus of the Year Award (2001) and Family Physician of the Year Award (2007). By 2017 the DMAA was able to contribute a substantial annual sum to the Dalhousie Medical Students Society to support extracurricular activities and health advocacy initiatives.

Dalhousie Library and Information Alumni Association (DLIAA)

  • Corporate body
  • 1974-

Dalhousie Library and Information Alumni Association was founded in early 1974, being approved by the school's alumni and accepted as a legitimate entity by the Dalhousie Alumni Association. Its founding members included school director Norman Horrocks, John Murchie, who was appointed chairfellow, Elaine Rillie as chairfellow, and Bernie Coyl as secretary.

The Associated Alumni meet on a regular basis and sponsor social gatherings and professional workshops to advance the interests of the library profession, particularly education for librarianship; to promote the best interests of the Dalhousie School of Information Management; and to promote the professional objectives and interests of its individual members.

Dalhousie Legal Aid Service

  • Corporate body (Dalhousie University)
  • 1970-

Dalhousie Legal Aid Service is a community-based office in the north-central neighbourhood of Halifax, Nova Scotia. It also is a clinical program for law students operated by the Schulich School of Law at Dalhousie University. Its funding is provided by the Schulich School of Law, the Nova Scotia Legal Aid Commission, the Law Foundation of Nova Scotia and clinic alumni, friends of Dalhousie Legal Aid Service and special events.

Dalhousie Legal Aid Service has been in operation since 1970, when it began as a summer project out of the former Halifax Neighbourhood Centre. It was the first legal Service for low-income communities in Nova Scotia and is the oldest clinical law program in Canada. In fact, it is the only community law clinic in Nova Scotia. The Clinic is a unique partnership of community groups, law students, community legal workers and lawyers working together.

In addition, Dalhousie Legal Aid Service does community outreach, education, organizing, lobbying and test case litigation to combat injustices affecting persons with low incomes in Nova Scotia. Community groups and community based agencies with mandates to fight poverty and injustice may apply for legal advice, assistance, and community development and education services. The Service offers advocacy workshops and legal information sessions, and works with other groups to lobby the government on social assistance policy and other policies negatively affecting persons with low incomes.

Dalhousie Faculty Club

  • Corporate body
  • 1971 -

Dalhousie Faculty Club was incorporated in August 1971 under the Societies Act of Nova Scotia. In 1972 the club took over the main floor of its current premises, a 1922 building designed by Andrew Cobb and built to house the Law School, but used variously by the administration, the library, the English and maths departments, and the computer centre. The club eventually expanded to absorb the building’s Great Hall as well as its basement, which became the Earl of Dalhousie Pub.

While the club did not incorporate until 1971, an accounts ledger for 1932-1959 indicates that an association called the Dalhousie Faculty Union collected membership fees, charged for lockers, magazines, tea services and the use of a squash court, and incurred expenses for catering and office supplies, but there is no indication where its members met. In 1952—one year after the founding of the Dalhousie Faculty Association (DFA)—the name begins to appear in the ledger as the Dalhousie Faculty Club, although the only notable difference in the accounts is the new and regular occurrence of “steward’s services” and "snooker balls and equipment" among the disbursements.

In the late 1950s and 1960s, the DFA socialized and held its meetings on the top floor of the Arts and Administration Building, while a Dalhousie Faculty Club Committee was appointed and charged with establishing a club. A decade later, in 1971, President Hicks offered the committee the former Law Building, along with $20,000 from the Board of Governors in matching funds for the building's renovation as a club house for faculty and senior administrators. The seven members of the Faculty Club Committee formed the club's first Board of Directors to govern the association, which was was a legal entity both separate from the university and independent from the DFA, although founded primarily for its members.

By the late 1970s financial considerations had prompted a change in the club’s by-laws to broaden membership eligibility to include clerical, secretarial, library and technical staff, and in 1984 the club changed its name to the Dalhousie University Club. In 2014 membership access further expanded to include all employees and retirees of Dalhousie and King’s universities, along with graduate students, postdocs, grant-paid employees, professional students and alumni. The club continues to be privately managed under the auspices of its Board of Directors.

Dalhousie Faculty Association

  • Corporate body
  • 1951-

The Dalhousie Faculty Association (DFA) originated in 1951 as an informal alliance of professors primarily concerned with low salaries and their mistrust of the university’s senior administration. By the mid-1970s its officers represented senior faculty members from across the disciplines and the association had established the Dalhousie Faculty Club, in which it held its meetings.

In 1978 the DFA proposed that the Board of Governors grant the association the right to collective bargaining by voluntary recognition. Rejected by the Board, the DFA moved to apply for certification from the Nova Scotia Labour Relations Board under the Trade Union Act, and in November 1978 the DFA was officially certified as the union representing the interests of all Dalhousie professors and professional librarians in the matters of employer-employee relations.

The DFA is affiliated with the Canadian Association of University Teachers (CAUT). Currently the union represents more than 900 faculty, professional librarians and counselors working at Dalhousie University in both Halifax and Truro, Nova Scotia.

Dalhousie Co-vettes

  • Corporate body
  • 1946-
The Dalhousie Co-vettes was a society formed by physician and anatomy professor Roberta Nichols in May 1946 to bring together the wives of student veterans, many of whom lived far from campus, housed in Nissen huts in the north end of Halifax. The group's first general meeting was held on May 29, 1946 in the engineering students' common room, with 29 women in attendance. In addition to social events such as teas, dances, lectures, concerts and theatre outings, the Co-vettes raised funds for charities and sometimes worked in tandem with the Dalhousie Alumnae Society. The society elected officers including a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, as well as members responsible for entertainment, refreshment, publicity and dramatics. It is unknown when or whether the Co-vettes officially disbanded; membership dwindled during the fifties, but in the late 1990s there were five women still meeting on a regular basis.

Dalhousie Association of Graduate Students

  • Corporate body
  • 1965 -
The Dalhousie Association of Graduate Students (DAGS) was founded in 1965 as the official body representing graduate students at Dalhousie University. The association's objectives include the furthering of the intellectual, political and cultural interests of its members and promoting their unity and welfare. DAGS is governed by an elected council, including a board of directors and an appointed operations officer, and is funded by fees levied on Dalhousie graduate students. DAGS owns and operates the Grad House Social Club.

Dahn, Jeff

  • Person
  • 1957-
Dr. Jeff Dahn was born in Bridgeport, Conn in 1957. His family immigrated to the Lunenburg area in Nova Scotia in 1970, and in 1978 he graduated with a BSc from Dalhousie. During his time at Dal he played on the men’s soccer team, which won AUS championships all 4 years he played. After graduating, he pursued a PhD at UBC, finishing in 1982. He worked for various energy companies and did research before returning Dal in 1996 as the NSERC/3M Industrial Research Chair. He started teaching in Physics and Chemistry and is now based in the Department of Physics. He has worked on pioneering developments in materials used in lithium-ion batteries. He and his team invented a new set of materials now used in about one-third of all lithium-ion batteries worldwide in everything from cars to cell phones. Dr. Dahn started the Jeff Dahn Research Group at Dalhousie and established research partnerships with 3M. The group is now starting a new five year contract with Tesla, to create/improve the batteries in their electric cars. The Dahn Research Group is considered one of the world’s top research teams investigating battery technology. Dahn is a world-renowned physicist, a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and the recipient of the Governor General’s Innovation Award in 2016.

D. Logan and Company Store

  • Corporate body
  • 1872-1919
D. Logan and Company Store was a grocery business on Water Street in Pictou, Nova Scotia, owed by David Logan.

Curtis, Herb

  • Person
  • 1949-
Herb Curtis grew up in Blackville, New Brunswick and now lives in Fredericton, New Brunswick. He is an author who is best known for writing the Brennen Siding Trilogy, which includes The Americans are Coming, The Last Tasmanian and The Lone Angler. Some of his books have been adapted for the stage. Curtis won the 1992 Thomas Head Raddall Award for The Last Tasmanian. He has also been nominated for the Commonwealth Prize and the Stephen Leacock Memorial Medal for Humour.
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