Showing 4114 results

Authority Record

Birkets, Andrea

  • Person
Andrea Birkets became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 1980 when she was featured on a video recording titled “Tele-Video: Four Halifax artists." The compilation is part of the artist-run centre's tape collection.

Birse, Ian

  • Person
Ian Birse has been working within various types of music since the early 1990s. Birse became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in the 1990s because their audio recording became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Bishop, Anne Charlotte

  • Person
  • 1950-

Anne Charlotte Bishop is an activist, author, educator, food security advocate, labour organizer and community development worker. Since the 1980s she has advocated for LGBTQ rights, union organization, equity and anti-racist policies in the province of Nova Scotia.

In the 1970s she attended the University of Toronto's Centre for Christian Studies, where she was introduced to social analysis and collective approaches to education. In 1979 she worked on the People's Food Commission, a participatory research project that held hearings across Canada on issues of food security. In the 1980s she helped to organize a union of predominantly female workers at a Pictou County fish plant. In the summer of 1987, she joined Dalhousie University's Henson College as the coordinator of the Community Development and Outreach Unit. From 1987-1992 Bishop played a central role in Lesbian and Gay Rights Nova Scotia (LGRNS), which successfully lobbied the provincial government for the inclusion of sexual orientation in the Nova Scotia Human Rights Act. As an adult educator, she helped to develop a course on grassroots leadership development and wrote two influential books on consciousness-raising, anti-oppression organizational change and allyship. With Brenda Beagan, she founded a women's chorus, The Secret Furies. Bishop is currently an organic farmer in rural Nova Scotia with her partner Jan.

Black River Productions

  • Corporate body
Black River Productions Limited was founded in 1987 by Neal Livingston, a documentary filmmaker. Livingston is a director, producer and filmmaker who wanted to enhance his film and television capabilities, so he started his own production company. He has exhibited films and videos nationally and internationally, including four at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. Livingston’s education includes a BFA in film (1976). Black River Productions became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in the 1990s because their video recordings became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Black, Don

  • Person
Don Black became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in the 1986 because of their involvement in the video recording “Projects to boost Cape Breton” which became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Blackburn Family

  • Family
  • fl. 1837-1949
The Blackburn family were farmers in Shubenacadie and Milford, Nova Scotia. John Alexander was born in 1867 to Joseph J. Blackburn and Margaret Wardrap. He married Emily Walker in 1895. Thomas A. Blackburn, born in Shubenacadie in 1865 and possibly a cousin to John Alexander, was the son of Thomas Blackburn and Louisa Ellis.

Blackett, Arthur Edwin

  • Person
  • 1892-1957
Arthur Edwin Blackett was born in 1892 and graduated from Dalhousie Medical School in 1915. After completing his medical training, he moved to New Glasgow and established a practice, which he maintained until the mid-1950s. He died in 1957.

Blaikie, John M., 1837-1929

  • Person

John M. Blaikie was a merchant and shipbuilder in Great Village, Nova Scotia. He was born in Upper Stewiacke in 1837 to Harris and Maria Blaikie and moved to Great Village from Maitland ca. 1850. In 1863 he went into partnership with his brother-in-law, A.W. McLellan, with whom he would be associated for many years in merchandising and shipbuilding.

Blaikie, first in partnership and later on his own, commissioned the building of many ships during the period 1863 to 1891, including the John M. Blaikie, a 2000-tonne, four-masted barque, which was launched in October 1885 from Great Village. A model of this ship was among the exhibits at the Great London Exhibition in 1886 as well as the World's Fair in Paris.

He had at least one son by his first wife, and by 1898 he was widowed and married to Malinda Gould. Blaikie passed away in 1929.

Blaikie, W.G., The Reverend, 1829-1899

  • Person
W.G. Blaikie (1820-1899) was a Scottish divine, writer, philanthropist, and temperance reformer. He edited the The Catholic Presbyterian, an international monthly journal published in London by J. Nisbet and in New York by A.D.F. Randolph ca. 1879-1883.

Blair, Duncan Black, The Reverend, 182?-1893

  • Person

The Reverend D.B. Blair was born in Strachur on Loch Fyne, Argyleshire, Scotland, to John Blair and Catherine MacGregor. His father was employed as manager of a large sheep farm. Blair received his education at Edinburgh University and was licensed to preach in 1844. Two years later he left Scotland for Barney's River, Pictou County, where he was ordained on 29 October 1846. From 1850-1890 he preached at the Free Church congregation established in Barney's River, which derived from the Garden of Eden, Blue Mountain and Barney's River, and was named "Blair Presbyterian Church" in his honour.

In 1851 he married Mary Sibella of Brolas, Mull, Argyleshire. She died in 1882. They had six children: Anna Margaret, Thomas Chalmers, Laughlan MacLean, John Knox, Ewan Alexander and David Welsh. Blair was considered, in his day, to be the best Gaelic scholar in North America. He died in 1893 and is buried at Laggan, Pictou County.

Blakeley, Phyllis R.

  • Person
  • 1922-1986
Phyllis R. Blakeley was born in Halifax, N.S., on 2 August 1922, the daughter of Cecil Pearson Blakeley and Clara Amanda McLearn. She received a BA (1942) and MA (1945) from Dalhousie University. She taught briefly at Alexandra School in Halifax and joined the staff of the Public Archives of Nova Scotia as a research assistant in 1945. She served as Assistant Provincial Archivist, 1959-1977; Associate Provincial Archivist, 1977-1981; and Provincial Archivist, 1982-1985. She received an honourary LLD from Dalhousie University in 1977, was a member of the Order of Canada (1978) and a Fellow of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society (1979). She wrote extensively under her own name, as well as under her early pseudonym, Ruth Blake. Phyllis Blakeley died in Halifax on 25 October 1986.

Blinn, Roland

  • Person
Roland Blinn is a Halifax-based songwriter and experimental musician. Blinn became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 1994 because their audio recording “Only Till it Hurts” became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Bliss, Tony

  • Person
Tony Bliss is a recording artist known to have made sound recordings at Solar Audio.

Bluenose II (Ship).

  • Corporate body

In 1962, Oland and Son Limited commissioned a replica of the famous schooner "Bluenose." The company's marketing and promotion activities were strictly regulated by the Nova Scotia Liquor Commission and it was eager to find acceptable ways to promote Oland products. The Oland Family were also strong promoters of economic development and maritime heritage in Nova Scotia, so the company commissioned the Bluenose II to promote its Schooner beer and to serve as a floating ambassador for the province.

Bluenose II was built by the Smith and Rhuland Shipyard of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, the same shipyard that build the original Bluenose. Smith and Rhuland consulted with Angus Walters, the captain of the Bluenose and based the design of the Bluenose II on the W.J. Roue's designs for the Bluenose. The ship's design was modified to accommodate its role as a public relations asset for the company.

The Bluenose II was launched from the ways at the Smith and Rhuland shipyard on July 24, 1963. The schooner was chartered on trips and tours around the Maritimes during the summer months and spent some winters doing charters in the Carribbean. Oland and Son frequently hosted business and industry executives, government officials, and other guests on the Bluenose II. The schooner participated in the annual Lunenburg Fisheries Exhibition and in 1967, the Bluenose II acted as the official Expo '67 host vessel for Nova Scotia.

The schooner was a resounding success as a public relations tool and a provincial ambassador, but maintenance of the ship became too costly for the company to keep up with. In 1971, the "Bluenose II" was sold to the Province of Nova Scotia by the Oland Family for one dollar. The schooner still serves as an ambassador for the province and is now operated by the Lunenburg Maritime Museum Society.

Bob Murphy and Big Buffalo.

  • Corporate body
Bob Murphy and Big Buffalo is a country music group that formed in mid-1970. Their single "Don't Put the Blame on Me" reached #25 on the RPM charts in 1975. They were known to record at Solar Audio between the 1970's and 80's.

Boechler, David

  • Person
David Boechler is a Canadian designer. He studied at the University of Alberta, the University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne (England), and the University of Regina. He has worked with various theatre companies across Canada, including the Shaw Festival, Buddies in Bad Times, Winnipeg Jewish Theatre, Citadel Theatre, Alberta Theatre Projects, Globe Theatre, Manitoba Theatre Centre, Theatre Network, and Northern Light Theatre, among others.

Bondarchuk, Karen

  • Person
Karen Bondarchuk became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 1990s because of their involvement in a video recording, “Heartblock” which became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Bondaroff, Amber Phelps

  • Person
Amber Phelps Bondaroff is an interdisciplinary artist who has performed and exhibited across Canada and the United States. Her artwork aims to bring people and environments together in unfamiliar surroundings. Bondaroff’s education includes a BFA from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (2007). She became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 2008 because their video “Cricetus Explorporator” became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Bookchin, Natalie

  • Person
Natalie Bookchin is an artist who works within digital mediums. She has exhibited internationally in various galleries and museums. Bookchin is currently a professor of Media and Associate Chair in the Visual Arts Department at Rutgers University. Bookchin became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 2008 because a video of her artist presentation became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Boosey & Company

  • Corporate body
  • 1760-1930
Boosey & Company was founded in the 1760s by John Boosey as a music lending library in London, England. In 1892 they expanded in New York, and in 1930, they merged with the publishing house Hawkes & Son (founded in 1865) to form Boosey & Hawkes.

Booth Fisheries Canadian Company Limited.

  • Corporate body
Booth Fisheries was a scallop processing plant located in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, a branch of Booth Fisheries Canadian Co., which was the Canadian company of the American company Booth Fisheries Ltd. based out of Chicago, Illinois. Graham Knickle was the operations manager for the plant. The plant was located on the property of Adams and Knickle on the waterfront in Lunenburg. The plant processed the loads of seven of Adam and Knickle's scallop trawlers. Ninety-seven percent of the product packaged in the plant was shipped to the U.S. market. The main processing plant was located in Petit de Gras, Cape Breton.

Boran, Tom

  • Person
  • [196-?]-
Tom Boran is a professor in Dalhousie's Faculty of Dentistry and former dean.

Borealis, Laura

  • Person
Laura Borealis became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 1994 because their audio recording “Thrush hermit ("french inhale")” became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Borgese, Elisabeth Mann

  • Person
  • 1918-2002

Elisabeth Mann Borgese was born in Munich in 1918 to Katia Pringsheim and Nobel Prize-winning author Thomas Mann. The fifth of six children, Elisabeth was raised in an intellectual family whose views supported the post-war movement for World Federalism. In exile from Nazi Germany, Elisabeth earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Classics and a diploma from the Conservatory of Music in Zurich before her family immigrated to the United States in 1938. The following year, Elisabeth married Giuseppe Antonio Borgese, an Italian-born writer and professor at Princeton University, with whom she had two children, Domenica and Angelica.

Working as a research associate with Giuseppe Borgese and other international scholars at the University of Chicago, Elisabeth helped to form "The Committee to Frame a World Constitution" and edited their monthly journal, Common Cause. Her publishing and translation work expanded to include editorial positions in Italy with the Ford Foundation's Intercultural Publications, Perspectives USA, and Diogenes, a UNESCO quarterly. She also served as Executive Secretary with the Board of Editors of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Widowed in 1952, Elisabeth continued to pursue the ideas articulated by the committee, writing a critical introduction to the Constitution of the World, which was reissued in 1966 by the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions in Santa Barbara, California. It was through the Center, where she was Senior Fellow from 1964 to 1978, that Elisabeth first focused her attentions on the law of the sea as an area of critical international concern. She began to publish ocean-related research, including The Ocean Regime, a blueprint for a "constitution for the world's oceans," in an effort to urge world leaders to re-examine ocean governance. In the late 1960s, she organized the first Pacem in Maribus conference as a forum for discussing the law of the sea, bringing it to the attention of international governmental and non-governmental organizations.

The first Pacem in Maribus conference was held in Malta in 1970. The annual event has since been hosted by countries including Algeria, Cameroon, Canada, China, India, Japan, and Sri Lanka. Over time, the dialogue of diplomats, civil servants, industrialists, fisheries experts, oceanographers, biologists, economists, and legal experts regarding the factors affecting "the common heritage of mankind" laid the foundation for the United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea. A founding member of groups such as the Club of Rome, the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation, and the Group of '78, Elisabeth invested great effort in working with organizations to influence international policy. In 1972, she established the International Ocean Institute (IOI) at the Royal University of Malta with the cooperation of the United Nations Development Programme and the Government of Malta. As Chairman of the Planning Council, she worked with the IOI to sponsor Pacem in Maribus, to conduct training programmes, and to facilitate and publish research with the goal of promoting peace and a deeper understanding of oceans and their resources in world policy and sustainable economic development.

In 1978, Elisabeth relocated to Halifax, Nova Scotia, taking up Canadian citizenship. As a Killam Fellow at Dalhousie University, she taught courses in political science and continued to pursue projects relating to disarmament, international development, integration of marine resources, and marine management. Serving as a member of the Austrian Delegation to the Third United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea, the Preparatory Commission for the International Seabed Authority and the International Tribunal of the Law of the Sea, Elisabeth was instrumental in the 1982 adoption of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and its entry into force in 1994.

Elisabeth's career was prolific and diverse. Attracted by Ghandi and his policy of sovereignty through peace, fascinated by the lives of animals and their methods of communication, a curious and creative writer of poetry, plays and fiction, Elisabeth expressed her interests and dedication to the environment through the written word and countless addresses. She published fifteen books, including The New International Economic Order and the Law of the Sea, The Drama of the Oceans, and The Ascent of Woman, as well as essays and short stories in publications such as New Directions, Nation and Atlantic Monthly. Embracing challenge and diversity, Elisabeth acted as a consultant to the World Bank, UNIDO and UNESCO, lectured internationally, and was awarded with three honorary doctorates. She received prizes and honours from the governments of Austria, Canada, China, Colombia, Germany and the UK, as well as awards from the Francis of Assisi Environmental Committee, the United Nations and the World Conservation Union. In 2001Germany bestowed its most prestigious award on her, the Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit. She was also nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. A true citizen of the world, Elisabeth Mann Borgese — the "Ambassador of the Seas" — died at the age of 83 in St. Moritz after a morning on the slopes.

In 2018 Elisabeth Mann Borgese was named one of 52 Dalhousie Originals, a list of individuals identified as having made a significant impact on the university and the broader community since Dalhousie's inception in 1818.


  • Corporate body

Botrel, Théodore

  • Person
  • 1868-1925
Botrel was a French singer-songwriter from Brittany, most widely known for his song "La Paimpolaise."
Results 251 to 300 of 4114