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Authority Record

Morash, Weldon Guy

  • Person
  • 1896 - 1978
Weldon Guy Morash was born 13 February 1896 in West Dover, Nova Scotia, the eldest of four siblings. After his father, Lawson Morash, was killed in a fishing accident in 1905, his mother moved from West Dover to Windsor Street in Halifax, where she remarried and had five more children. Weldon stayed in West Dover and continued to fish. He enlisted in the 63rd Regiment and sailed for England as part of the Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force in the summer of 1918. He served at the front in both France and Belgium and returned to Halifax with the 85th Canadian Infantry Battalion (Nova Scotia Highlanders). After his return from the war he married Florence (Florie) Morash, and resumed fishing in West Dover, where he lived until his death on 20 July 1978.

Moreira, Jamie

  • Person
Jamie Moreira is a folklorist who is an Assistant Professor at the University of Maine. His education includes a BA in Theatre and English from the University of King’s College, a MA and a PhD in Folklore at Memorial University. Moreira participated in the Centre for Art Tapes Benefit in 1987.

Morgan, Graham J.

  • Person
  • 1940-

J. Graham Morgan was a social anthropologist, Dalhousie professor and President and Vice Chancellor of the University of King's College from 1970-1977. Born in Barrow-in-Furness, England, on 11 August 1940, he studied at the University of Nottingham, McMaster University, and Balliol College, Oxford. In 1966 he joined Dalhousie's Sociology Department (later Sociology and Social Anthropology), serving as chair from 1995-2000. From 1970-1978, he held a joint appointment at the University of King's College, where he guided the creation of the university's Foundation Year Programme.

Morgan was an active scholar and member of dozens of departmental, faculty, university and national committees, including University Senate (1987-1991) and chair of the Senate Library Committee (1995-1998). He retired from teaching in 2004.

Morine, Jerry

  • Person
Jerry Morine is a recording artist known to have made sound recordings at Solar Audio in the 1980's.

Morpurgo, Jean

  • Person
  • 1946-2010
Jean Morpurgo was born in London, England on August 27, 1946. She moved in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1980 and worked as a physiotherapist before returning to university to study theatre at Dalhousie. She went on to work as a director, actor, and dramaturge in Nova Scotia, including with Neptune Theatre and Festival Antigonish. She was the co-founder of Shakespeare-by-the-Sea and a founding member of the Performing Arts Lodge (PAL) Halifax. She received the Merritt Legacy Award in 2010 in recognition of her contribution to theatre in Nova Scotia.

Morris, Edmund

  • Person
The Hotel Employees and Restaurant Employees International Union (HERE) received its original charter from the American Federation of Labor in 1891, organizing separate local affiliates for bartenders, waiters, cooks, waitresses and other skilled workers. In 1973, the Union was reorganized, merging all local unions into one Local to represent all hospitality workers within a given region, regardless of craft. The Hotel and Restaurant Employees and Bartenders International Union,Local 662 was chartered in Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1944.

Morrison, George Gardner

  • Person
  • 1861 - 1932
George Gardner Morrison was a master mariner from Economy, Nova Scotia. He was the captain of the schooners Nellie Blanche and the Nellie Carter. Morrison purchased the Nellie Carter on 29 February 1901 from Mark Phinney of West Bay, Nova Scotia.

Morrison, James H.

  • Person
  • 1944 -

James Morrison is an oral historian and researcher with interests in global, Southeast Asian and oral history. He was born and raised in Truro, Nova Scotia, and received his BA and BEd degrees from Acadia University. Between 1965 and 1969 he was enrolled in a Naval Officer Training Program, worked for Frontier College (now called United for Literacy), and taught both English and mathematics in Ghana. In 1969 he received a Commonwealth Scholarship from the University of Ibadan, Nigeria, where he completed his PhD in 1976 on the oral traditions of the Nigerian highlands.

He returned to Nova Scotia in 1976 to work as an oral historian and researcher with Parks Canada, conducting an oral history of Kejimkujik National Park. In 1979 he was appointed Executive Director of the International Education Centre at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, where he helped to foster the university's institutional commitment to international education. He served as Dean of Arts from 1983-1989, and later as Coordinator of the Asian Studies Program and the International Development Studies Program.

Morrison has held visiting fellowships at the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies (Singapore), Hokkaido University of Education (Japan), and Jawaharlal Nehru University (India). He was an advisor to the Black Cultural Society for Nova Scotia and the Black Loyalist Museum, and a researcher and oral historian for the Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21. He is past president of the Japan Studies Association of Canada, the Canadian Oral History Association, the Nova Scotian Federation of Heritage, the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society, and the Society for the Study of Ethnicity in Nova Scotia.

He is a former editor and current book review editor for FORUM, the Canadian Oral History Association journal. He has written and published in areas including oral history, military history, social history, ethnicity and adult education. In 2008 Morrison was named a Member of the Order of Canada, and in 2013 he received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal for his research and contributions to the field of oral history.

Morrison, Murdoch Daniel

  • Person
  • 1868-1946

Murdoch Daniel Morrison was born 8 April 1867 in Englishtown, Nova Scotia, the eldest son of Neil and Margaret Morrison. He taught school for several years after graduating from Sydney Academy and later studied medicine at Dalhousie University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York.

Morrison was licensed in Nova Scotia in 1895 and practised first in Reserve Mines and then in Dominion, Cape Breton. In 1899 he married Katy McDonald, with whom he had at least one son, Clarence Morrison. He moved to Halifax in 1917 to take up an appointment as the medical officer for the newly formed Workmen's Compensation Board, where he was primarily responsible for advising on permanent disability estimates. He retired from medicine in 1937.

Morrison was a member of the North British Society and the Nova Scotia Historical Society. He had a keen interest in the history of the Highland Scots in Nova Scotia and the work of the Gaelic College at St. Anne's and its annual Mod (Gaelic cultural competition). He wrote and published several historical articles, including Religion in Old Cape Breton, which appeared in The Dalhousie Review (1940), and The Migration of Scotch Settlers from St. Ann's, Nova Scotia to New Zealand, 1851-1860, in Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society 22 (1933). He died in Halifax on 14 May 1946 after being hit by a taxi.

Morris-Poultney, D'Arcy

  • Person

D'Arcy Morris-Poultney is a Canadian set, lighting, and costume designer. He has worked with several theatre companies, including Neptune Theatre, Onelight Theatre, and Mulgrave Road Theatre. He has received three Robert Meritt Awards for Outstanding Set Design of "The Toxic Bus Incident" (with Onelight Theatre); Outstanding Costume Design of "A Christmas Carol: The Musical" (with Neptune Theatre); and Outstanding Costume Design of "The Veil" (with Onelight Theatre, Neptune Theatre, and Mermaid Theatre). More recently, he worked as the Executive Director for the Cecilia Concert Series (2015-2017), and he currently works as a Small Business Advisor at Scotiabank in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

He received a BA in Political Science and Economics from Bishop's University (1987); Diploma in set and costume design from the National Theatre School in Montreal, Quebec (1992); Certificate in set and costume design from the Banff Centre for the Arts (1993); Certificate in Computer Graphics from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design (NSCAD) in Halifax, Nova Scotia (2001); and Certificate in Small Business Management from Dalhousie University (2004).

Morrissey, Donna, 1956-

  • Person

Donna Morrissey was born in 1956 and grew up in the small outport community of The Beaches on Newfoundland’s west coast. She was the first of six children born to logger and fisherman Enerchius Osmond and his wife Claudine. After dropping out of high school and working in the local fish plant, she left Newfoundland at age sixteen to travel across Canada. She moved throughout the country, spending time in Toronto and Alberta employed as a cook and bartender, among other things. At age nineteen, she married a fellow Newfoundlander. They were together for fifteen years and had two children. After ten years away, Morrissey returned to Newfoundland in her mid twenties. At age thirty-two, she was admitted to Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) as a mature student where she earned a Bachelor of Social Work degree. After working as a social worker for a year and a half, she returned to school and obtained a Diploma in Adult Education. Donna Morrissey has lived and worked in Halifax since 1993.

Morrissey is a well-known, colourful author of short stories, screen plays, and novels whose works draw heavily on her childhood experiences and Newfoundland background. She began writing in her late thirties and published her first novel, Kit’s Law, in 1999. Morrissey has published two Canadian bestsellers, Kit’s Law, translated into three languages, and Downhill Chance. Her literary accomplishments include winning the Libris First Time Author of the Year Award, the international Winifred Holtby Award for regional fiction, the Alex Award, and the Thomas Raddall Award. Two of her short stories have also been adapted as scripts, each winning the Atlantic Script Writing Competition. Her screenplay The Clothesline Patch aired on CBC and won a Gemini Award for Best Production.

Morse, Charles

  • Person

Charles Morse, KC, was born in 1860 in Liverpool, Nova Scotia, to Margaret and Charles Morse, Judge of Probate for Queen's County. He was educated at Liverpool Academy, Dalhousie University (LLB, 1885; LLD, 1908), and Trinity College, Toronto (DCL, 1900). He was called to the bar in Nova Scotia in 1885 and made a KC in 1908. Morse became Registrar of the Exchequer Court of Ottawa in 1912, from which he retired in 1932 to enter private practice.

In 1885 Morse married Susan M. Peters, with whom he had two sons and one daughter. He died c. 1945.

Morse, Harry Havelock

  • Person
  • 1883 - 1918
Harry Havelock Morse was born in Paradise, Nova Scotia, on 9 August 1883. He was a soldier and the author of The Acadian Hunter, or Jean Breau, the "French Brother," an historical romance published posthumously in a limited edition by his brother, William Inglis Morse. He died 7 July 1918 in Bar Harbor, Maine.

Morse, Lisa

  • Person
Lisa Morse is an artist who currently explores and practices experimental film animation and painting. Morse has originally been trained as a printermaker. Morse has done work for MTV Networks and the Toronto Animated Image Society. Morse became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 2005 because their video recording “The Crease” became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Morse, Norman H.

  • Person
  • 1921-2007
Norman H. Morse was an economic historian and taught at Dalhousie University from 1965-1984, serving as chairman of the Department of Economics from 1968-1972. He was born in West Paradise, Nova Scotia, in 1921 and was raised on the family farm. He earned his BA from Acadia University (1940) and MA from the University of Toronto (1942) before joining the RCAF. After active duty during World War Two, he returned to the University of Toronto to complete his PhD (1952) as a student of Harold Innis. From 1945-1965 he taught economics at Acadia University, becoming head of their Department of Economics and Sociology and acting dean before moving to Dalhousie. He died in 2007.

Morse, Norman Harding, 1920-2007

  • Person
  • 1920-2007
Norman Harding Morse was an economist and professor at Dalhousie University. He was born on 6 November 1920 in West Paradise, Nova Scotia, son of Harris Harding and Annie Marion (Longley) Morse. He obtained a BA (1940) and MA (1941) from Acadia University, and an MA (1942) from the University of Toronto. He served with the RCAF as co-pilot of Canso aircraft on night patrol over the North Atlantic from 1942-1945. After the war he taught economics at Acadia before completing his PhD at the University of Toronto (1952). He returned to Acadia in 1953 and became head of the Department of Economics in 1964, and served as Dean of Arts from 1964-1965. During 1963-1964 he was a visiting professor at Dalhousie University, then took a full-time appointment in the Department of Economics from 1965-1984. Morse was on the Canadian Council of Rural Development and published several dozen papers and articles. He died on 13 August 2007 in Bridgewater, Nova Scotia.

Morse, William Inglis

  • Person
  • 1874-1952
William Inglis Morse was born in Paradise, Nova Scotia, on 4 June 1874. He graduated from Acadia College in 1897 and the Episcopal Theological School in 1900. Morse preached in Connecticut and Massachusetts until 1929 and then devoted himself to historical research. He collected maps, books and manuscripts relating to Nova Scotia and Canada, donating his collection to Acadia University, Dalhousie University, Harvard University and Yale University. He died in Cambridge, Massachusetts, on 4 June 1952.

Morton, Angus McDonald

  • Person
  • 1871-1944
Angus MacDonald Morton was a graduate of Dalhousie Medical School and a physician in Nova Scotia. Born in 1871, he earned his MDCM in 1898 and practised family medicine in Bedford and Sackville until his death in 1944.

Morton, Ralph S. , 1908-

  • Person

Ralph Sedley Morton was born in 1908 in Bedford, Nova Scotia, to Dr. Angus McDonald and Bessie A. Morton. He was educated at Dalhousie University, where he received his BA (1929) and LLB (1931). Morton was a founding member of the Phi Delta Theta fraternity chapter and served as class president, business manager of The Gazette and editor of the yearbook. He was also an active writer, actor and debater.

In 1930 Morton received a one-year scholarship to study journalism at the University of London. His subsequent journalism career took him to Boston, New York and Australia. He became a correspondent for both the Canadian Press and the Associated Press, founded and edited New England’s Canadian News, and established the Dartmouth Free Press, which he operated from 1954-1970s. As its associate editor, he played a pivotal role in the success of Kenneth Leslie’s Protestant Digest. He also authored a number of plays, including My Father was a Doctor, Reunion in Jakarta, and Sam Slick Rides Again, in addition to a book on the Nova Scotia Legislature.

Morton, Richard

  • Person
  • 1931-2011
Richard (Dick) Morton was born on 23 March 1931 in Peterborough, Ontario, and raised in Kentville, Nova Scotia. He graduated from Nova Scotia Agricultural College in 1952 and settled in Bible Hill, Nova Scotia, where he was employed by the Department of Agriculture for 38 years as a horticulturalist in charge of ornamentals. He was very active in the Nova Scotia Association of Garden Clubs (NSAGC) and in the formation of Landscape Nova Scotia. He died on 31 August 2011.

Moscheles, Ignaz

  • Person
  • 1794-1870
Ignaz Moscheles was a Bohemian composer and piano virtuoso. He spent most of his career in London, England and Leipzig, Germany where he taught and worked with Felix Mendelssohn at the Leipzig Conservatory.

Moule, George Richard

  • Person
  • 1921 - 2003
Richard "Dick" Moule was born on November 24, 1921 in Revelstoke, BC, and lived in Malakwa, BC. He served overseas in England in the RCAF as a Radar Technician.

Moulton, Kris

  • Person
Kris Moulton became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 2000 because their video recording “Turbo Z20” became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Moumblow, Monique

  • Person
Monique Moumblow is a video artist, born in 1971 in Hamilton, Ontario. Moumblow’s education includes a BFA from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design and a MFA from Concordia University. Early in her career, Moumblow was primarily interested in performance and often collaborated with Anne Russell. Since 1993, Moumblow has focused on installation artwork and single-channel video art. She has exhibited works nationally and internationally, with pieces of her artwork belonging in the collections of the National Gallery of Canada and the Netherlands Media Art Institute. Moumblow currently teaches at Concordia University.

Movement for Citizens Voice and Action

  • Corporate body
  • 1971-1982

Movement for Citizens’ Voice and Action (MOVE) was a coalition of community groups in the Halifax-Dartmouth area established to enable community groups to access resources previously difficult to obtain. The agenda of the MOVE coalition focused primarily on social issues ranging from unemployment, poverty, affordable housing, women’s rights, civil rights, welfare rights, to urban planning and development, transportation, education and environmental issues.

In February 1970 the Nova Scotia Voluntary Economic Planning Board conducted an Urban Encounter week in the Halifax area to allow citizens to express their ideas, observations, frustrations and criticisms. As a result, a group of citizens concerned with the lack of participation in the regional planning process formed the Citizens’ Involvement Committee in order to involve as many voluntary associations as possible in the development of an active group within the Halifax-Dartmouth regional community. At a three-day conference held in Kentville, Nova Scotia, in February 1971, it was agreed to establish a citizens’ group coalition under the name “Citizens Inc.” In June it became “Movement for Citizens Voice and Action” to facilitate incorporation.

MOVE assumed full organizational status with the election of a Board of Directors. By the end of 1971, MOVE received a Local Initiatives Programme grant for $61,000, which enabled the organization to rent central office facilities, hire and organize staff for coalition member groups. MOVE’s objectives were to develop and strengthen the ability of people and groups in the region to identify needs and issues and to organize people to take informed and effective action; to serve as a mechanism within which community groups from different geographical, issue, and need areas could meet and exchange information and possibly form issue-centered coalitions; provide resources that included information made available through their library while also providing staff, printing services, monies, and mediation to municipal, provincial, and federal government departments.

Throughout the 1970s, MOVE obtained and maintained an average of about 35 group members (some groups withdrew while newer groups were added). Some of their most involved groups included the Ecology Action Centre, Dalhousie Legal Aid, Halifax Welfare Rights, and Ward Five Resource Council. MOVE also established representation with groups such as the Municipal Development Planning Committee (MDPC), Metropolitan Area Planning Committee (MAPC), the Halifax Downtown Committee and Neighbourhood Housing Association (NHA).

Some of MOVE’s most notable achievements include: co-ordinating interested groups and individuals in presenting a proposal for a Planning Advisory Committee to be established in Halifax; organizing the Canadian Council of Resources and Environment Ministers Conference in Nova Scotia and participating in the Nova Scotia delegation to the national conference; promoting public hearings on Harbour Drive North; co-ordinating submissions to a regional version of the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment; establishing a Dartmouth Cable-TV program on community affairs; and sponsoring a public forum on the Halifax Transit strike. Most importantly, MOVE played an integral role in the dissemination of prominent local issues to the public as the organization received an abundance of media coverage throughout the 1970s and produced many controversial publications.

Towards the end of the 1970s, MOVE started facing financial difficulties. The core of MOVE's funding had been provided by the Ministry of State for Urban Affairs, which was cut. As a result, MOVE eventually shut down their facility and sold off their office equipment. The organization's last recorded activity was a final meeting in 1982 after nearly three years of inactivity.

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus

  • Person
  • 1756-1791
An extremely well-known Austrian composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's output include symphonies, concertos, chamber music, and operas. Born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg, Austria, he toured Europe extensively with his sister, Nannerl, as a child prodigy under the tutelage of their father, Leopold Mozart. He quickly gained fame as a pianist and composer and spent time in Salzburg, Italy, Paris, and Vienna. He died in Vienna on December 5, 1791.


  • Corporate body

Muir, Robert Keith

  • Person
  • 1902-1999
Robert Keith Muir was born in Eureka, Pictou County, in 1902. After teaching school for three years he earned his BA from Mount Allison University, then went to Dalhousie and graduated with a BSc and MD, CM in 1931.He joined the Canadian Armed Forces, serving as a pathologist in the RAF, IMS, and the Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps. Dr. Muir practised pathology in Toronto for twenty years. In 1984 he suffered a stroke and began writing poetry. He died on 12 February 1999.
Results 2651 to 2700 of 4114