Showing 4114 results

Authority Record

Forti, Simone

  • Person
  • 1935-
Simone Forti (1935-) is American postmodern choreographer and musician. Forti was born in Florence, Italy but moved to Los Angeles, California in the early 1940s. Forti is known for developing a style of dancing and choreography that is largely based on basic everyday movements, such as games and children's playground activities.

Foster, Eryn

  • Person
Eryn Foster is a Canadian interdisciplinary artist. Foster’s education includes a BFA from Concordia University (1997) and a MFA from the University of Guelph (2004). Foster became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 2006 because their film “Mamboo over Mumbai” became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Fougere, Bob

  • Person
Bob Fougere is an LGBT+ activist from Halifax, Nova Scotia. Fougere was a memver of the Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project, an organization that conducts services and advocacy work for 2SLGBTQIA+ Nova Scotians. He served as Coordinator beginning in 1996, finishing his role on the Board of Directors in 2007. He has acted as Facilitator for the Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Youth Project [now called the Youth Project], a support group for 2SLGBTQIA+ youth since 1999. He was also a board member for Safe Harbour Metropolitan Community Church from the 1990s until its closure in 2008. In 1991, Fougere met his partner, Sam Wilson, whom he married in 2006.

Fountain, Elizabeth

  • Person
Elizabeth Fountain was born in Halifax, NS, and graduated from Mount Saint Vincent University in 1979. Formerly employed by the law firm Franklin, Mitton, Fountain & Thompson (1979 - 1986) and by The Great Eastern Corporation (1983 - 1992). Currently works part time for Champlain Properties Limited and October Mountain Holdings Limited. Activities include and have included those countless volunteer commitments associated with raising children as well as the boards of St. Margaret Sailing Club, St. Margaret's Bay Skating Club and Laing House Association. Together with Fred Fountain established the Alex Fountain Memorial Lecture at University of King's College (2011), The Stay Connected Mental Health Project with the QEII Health Sciences Centre Foundation (2013) and The Fountain School of Performing Arts at Dalhousie University (2013). Awarded the degree Doctor of Canon Law, honoris causa, from the University of King's College in 2012.

Fountain, Fred

  • Person
Fred S. Fountain C.M., LL.B. Fred Fountain was born July 29, 1948 in Truro, Nova Scotia. He holds an A.B. in French from Dartmouth College and a Law degree (1974) from Dalhousie University. He received an Honorary Doctor of Law degree from Dalhousie in 2000. Mr. Fountain is a founding partner of the law firm formerly Franklin, Mitton, Fountain and Thompson. He is currently Counsel to the law firm Burke Thompson. He has been a member of the Nova Scotia Barristers’ Society since 1975. He was a Judge and Chairman of Regional Assessment Appeal Court from 1980 to 1989, and has been President and Chief Executive Officer of The Great Eastern Corporation Limited since 1985. Former Chairman of the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, and formerly a Trustee of the National Gallery of Canada. He was Chair of the Working Miracles Capital Campaign for the QEII hospital which raised over $44 million. Other volunteer commitments have included Board of Governors at Dalhousie University serving on various committees; Board of Directors of the Scotia Festival of Music; World Wildlife Fund Canada (Atlantic Advisory Council). His charitable support has created new facilities and programs, including Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, King’s-Edgehill School, Dalhousie University, Mount Saint Vincent University, King’s College, Symphony Nova Scotia, QEII Hospital Foundation, IWK Hospital, among others. He was awarded Philanthropist of the Year in 1999. Mr. Fountain served as Chancellor of Dalhousie University (2008-2015) and was named a Member of the Order of Canada in 2008. Recently he was named Humanitarian of the Year by the Canadian Red Cross in Nova Scotia. He was also awarded both the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal and the Diamond Jubilee Medal. In 2014 he donated $10M to create the Fountain School of Performing Arts at Dalhousie University.

Fournier, Robert

  • Person
Dr. Robert (Bob) O. Fournier was born in Providence, Rhode Island on October 29, 1939. He went to the University of Rhode Island for a BA in Biology, the College of William and Mary for an MA in Biological Oceanography, and then Rhode Island again for a PhD in Biological Oceanography. He held post-doctoral fellows in Oslo, Norway and Plymouth, England. From 1969-1971 he taught at the University of Hawaii. In 1971 he came to Dalhousie and was a professor and researcher in Oceanography, in the Marine Affairs Program. He was appointed Associate Vice President (Research & International Relations) in 1988. He was the Executive Direction of Ocean Studies at Dalhousie. Dr. Fournier’s work has focused on the biology of the marine environment and research with continental shelves. He has worked on many coastal, oceanographic, and environmental projects in Nova Scotia and away. He has worked as a science commentator on CBC radio and television for many years on contemporary science topics.

Francis, Mayann

  • Person
Mayann Francis was born in Sydney, Cape Breton on February 18, 1946. She grew up in Whitney Pier, Cape Breton and attended St. Mary’s University and New York University. She was the one of the first Black corporate paralegals hired in Manhattan, where she lived for 16 years. Upon returning to Nova Scotia, Mayann became the first Employment Equity Officer at Dalhousie University. She was also the first female Ombudsperson of Nova Scotia (2000-2003), CEO of the Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission from 1999-2006. In 2006 she was appointed as the 31st Lieutenant Governor of Nova Scotia (2006-2012), becoming the second female and first African Nova Scotian to hold the position. Mayann Francis’ work has been focused on gender equality at universities and in the workforce, eradicating issues of race in the workforce, and affirmative action towards the hiring of women, people of different races, and people with disabilities. She is currently the Distinguished Public Service Fellow in the Faculty of Management at Dalhousie.

Frank, Michael

  • Person
Michael Frank became associated with the Centre for Art Tapes in 1993 because their video “My New Roommate” became a part of the centre’s tape collection.

Frankish, Leslie

  • Person
Leslie Frankish is an Ontario-based set and costume designer. Born in Edomonton, Alberta, she attended the Banff Centre for the Arts to study theatre design in 1980 and began her career at the Citadel Theatre in the 1980s as a resident designer for the Citadel Youth Theatre. She has also worked with the Shaw Festival (1988-1999); National Arts Centre; Canadian Stage; Theatre Calgary; Vancouver Playhouse; Stratford Festival; and Neptune Theatre. She was the senior production designer for the opening and closing ceremonies for the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver, British Columbia.

Fraser, James

  • Person
  • fl. 1878-1947
James Fraser was a fish merchant in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Fraser, John

  • Person
  • 1928 -
John Fraser taught English at Dalhousie University until his retirement in 1993 as George Munro Professor of English. He was born in London in 1928, completed his PhD at the University of Minnesota and, in 1961, he and Minnesota artist Carol Hoom Fraser moved to Halifax. During his academic career, Fraser published three books and numerous articles. He is an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada.

Freedman, Bill

  • Person
  • 1950 - 2015

Bill Freedman, born 20 January 1950, was a dedicated naturalist, conservationist and environmental scientist. He was a professor and researcher in the Department of Biology and in the School for Resource and Environmental Studies at Dalhousie University from 1979–2015, teaching classes in introductory biology, environmental science and environmental ecology. From 2000–2007 he served as Chair of the Biology Department; he held the George H.S. Campbell Chair in Biology from 2007–2010 and was appointed Professor Emeritus on his retirement in 2015.

Freedman’s research examined the impact of human economic activities on ecosystems and biodiversity. His interests included the ecological repercussions of a wide range of industrial activities, in particular those associated with forestry, including the effects of pesticides, metals, sulphur dioxide, acidification and nutrient inputs to freshwater. He studied forests as CO2-emission offsets, urban ecology, the design of environmental monitoring programs, and ecologically sustainable systems of resource use. Although much of his research was carried out in the Arctic and in boreal and temperate forest regions of Canada, he travelled widely to observe ecosystems and biodiversity on a global scale. He participated in environmental impact assessments of proposed and operating industrial facilities, and served on several government advisory panels. Freedman was a prolific writer who published 10 books (including the first Canadian Environmental Science textbook), more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles, hundreds of scientific papers and research reports, and several thousand encyclopedia entries.

Freedman was a dedicated volunteer with the Nature Conservancy of Canada, serving as a national trustee and sitting for 26 years on the national Board of Directors (1991–2015). He also chaired the Atlantic Regional Board and the NCC's National Science Advisory Network, as well as sitting on the Board of Directors of the Tree Canada Foundation, which raises funds and awareness for planting non-industrial trees in urban and rural settings.

In 2006 Freedman received the Canadian Environmental Award, Gold Medal Level, in the category of Community Awards for Conservation from the Canadian Geographic Society; in 2007 he received a Career Achievement Award from the Canadian Council of University Biology Chairs. Shortly after his death on 26 September 2015, the NCC dedicated a coastal reserve in Prospect, Nova Scotia, in his honour, renaming it the Dr. Bill Freedman Nature Reserve.

Frehner, Harry

  • Person
Harry Frehner is a lighting designer who began his career at the Centaur Theatre and is currently the resident designer at the Stratford Festival. He has also designed for Tarrago Theatre, Theatre Calgary, and Neptune Theatre.

Frieze and Roy

  • Corporate body
  • 1839-

Frieze and Roy were shipping merchants from Maitland, Nova Scotia. David Frieze started the company in 1839, when he ran a general store as well as owning and operating sailing vessels. Adam Roy joined Frieze in business in the 1860s and they became Frieze and Roy in 1868. In addition to running his business, Adam Roy served as a justice of the peace and was associated with the Maitland School. Frieze and Roy both had connections to the Maitland Presbyterian Church and the Sons of Temperance chapter. Alexander Roy, Adam Roy's brother, built many of their ships, while Adam Roy's brother Thomas Roy, along with members of the MacDougall and Douglas families, served as captains. Their vessels included the well-known Barque Snow Queen (1876-88), the Esther Roy, the Linwood and the Brig Trust. With the decline in the shipping industry during the 1880s, they switched their focus to their general store, which sold a wide range of goods such as hardware, lumber, candy, groceries, kitchenware, fabric, shoes and toys. David Frieze's son George was also involved with the business.

Roy's son, Adam Frederic (Fred) Roy, took over the business when he was 19, and his daughter, Margaret Sanford, in turn inherited it. The 1970s saw a decline in business due to the building of a bridge that linked Maitland closer to Truro. In 2004 Glenn Martin purchased the store from the Sanfords to preserve it, with the agreement that he would maintain store's long history. The Frieze and Roy General Store still operates in Maitland, primarily selling giftware and souvenirs. It remains one of the oldest businesses in Nova Scotia.

Frith, Fred

  • Person
  • 1949-
Jeremy Webster "Fred" Frith is an English musician, composer, and improviser, best known as a guitarist. He is a founding member of the avant-rock group Henry Cow, and has performed with a number of other ensembles and musicians. He is a professor of composition at Mills College in Oakland, California.

Frost, Wade Hampton

  • Person
  • 1880-1938
Wade Hampton Frost was a prominent figure in US public health and epidemiology in the first half of the twentieth century. He was educated at the University of Virginia and from 1905-1929 he worked as a surgeon with the United States Public Health Service. In 1919 he became a resident lecturer at the Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health; in 1929 he was appointed a professor of epidemiology; and from 1931-1934 he served as the school's dean.

Froude, J.A., 1818-1894

  • Person
J.A. Froude was a historian, novelist, biographer, and editor of Fraser's Magazine (1861-1874). His essay were published in The Contemporary Review.


  • Corporate body

Fuller, Michael

  • Person
Michael Fuller is a Canadian director, set and lighting designer since 1973. He also works as an artist at the Art Lab Studios and Gallery in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia (2010-present) and has been the chairman of the Board of Directors of Parrsboro Creative since 2014.

Fulton, Allan

  • Person
  • [18--] - [19--?]
Allen Fulton was the captain of the barque Oseco in the 1870s.

Fulton, Allen

  • Person
  • fl. 1870s
Allen Fulton was a Nova Scotia mariner who served as captain of the barque Oseco ca. 1872-1877. This ship was owned and built by Jotham O'Brien of Maccan, Nova Scotia.
Results 1301 to 1350 of 4114