Florence (Italy)



43.766667, 11.25 Map of Florence (Italy)

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  • Coordinates derived from http://geonames.nga.mil/namesviewer/

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Florence (Italy)

BT Italy

Florence (Italy)

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Florence (Italy)

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Florence (Italy)

8 Archival Description results for Florence (Italy)

8 results directly related Exclude narrower terms

Correspondence by subject

Subseries contains Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence regarding a wide range of subjects, including his visits to China, his research on the teaching of international law at Canadian universities and other topics, the development of various of his books, Dalhousie University, Dalhousie Law School Journal, Dalhousie Law School centenary, the Hague, the United Nations, the Canadian Council on International Law, and many other matters. Subseries contains correspondence between Ronald St. John Macdonald and different individuals, including Paul Martin, Quing-nan Meng, Edgar Gold, Paul Fauteux, Dominique Alheritiere, Tom Hick, R. C. Strother, W.A. MacKay, Wang Fusun, J.D. Kingham, Patti Allen, John Vandermeulen, Rene Jean Dupuy, M.C.W. Pinto, Jacqueline Dauchy, Leo Nevas, Avard Bishop, Charles B. Bourne, John Willis, and many others.

Correspondence concerning "Encyclopaedia Universalis"

File contains correspondence with Claude Gregory, John Dodge, F. Weizsacker, Jean R. de Salis, John Kendrew, P. Kapitza, Salvatore Quasimodo, Daniele Bovet, Georg Likacs, D. Lavergne, Linus Pauling, S. Radhakrishnan, C.F. Weizsacker, Werner Heisenberg, Robert Forbes, Robert Hutchins, and Theodor Svedberg. Correspondence mainly includes invitations to join the Encyclopedia Universalis' project. Also includes comments written about the encyclopedia by Marcello Colocci (on the "Physics" and "Chemistry" pieces) and Guiseppe Barbreri (on the "Geography" section). Contains English, Italian, and German correspondence.

Correspondence regarding "The Drama of the Oceans"

File contains correspondence with Pilkington Bros. Ltd., Princeton University Press, Alessandro Olschki, Claire McDonald, Sheila Martin, Boston Museum of Fine Arts, N. B. Marshall, Tom Mahnken, The Metropolitan Museum, Harry N. Abrams, Cyril Glasse, Judith Munns, Brian J. Rothschild, Donna D. Schwartz, A. M. Kennedy, Kjel Sandved, Srpoka Knizevna Zadruga, Flip Schulke, Professor Vigneaux, John Sylvester, Jack Drafahl, Deirdre Silberstein. Most of the correspondence relates to clearing pictures for inclusion in Elisabeth Mann Borgese's "The Drama of the Oceans."

'M' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with Pus McCloy, Michael Dempsey (Managing Editor, MacGibbon and Kee Ltd.), Larry Eugene McGinesey (on "The Drama of the Oceans)", and George MacLeod. Also inlcudes a newspaper clipping ("Global Body Urged for Sea Control").

'P' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with Nicholas Peckham, M.A. Parry, Elaine Parent, Aris Papas, Pesci d'Oro, Norbert Psuty, and Mario Primicerio. Also includes "A Sociological Hypothesis" by M.A. Parry, "A Scientific Approach to World Organization for Peace" by M.A. Parry, and "The New Cosmopolitans" by Aris Papas and memos.

Ronald St. John Macdonald fonds

  • MS-2-615
  • Fonds
  • 1823 - 2006
Fonds comprises Ronald St. John Macdonald's records regarding his personal, academic, and professional activities as a jurist, judge, and professor. Records include those related to Macdonald's involvement with Osgoode Hall, University of Western Ontario, University of Toronto, Dalhousie University, the European Court of Human Rights, the Hague, Peking University, World Academy of Arts and Science, Canadian Council of International Law, United Nations, Institute of International Law, African Society of International Law, British Institute of International Law, Canadian Institute of International Law, International Law Association, and others. Records types include correspondence; meeting minutes and agendas; research materials; photographs; newsletters; newspaper clippings; manuscripts; and off-prints.

Macdonald, Ronald St. John, 1928-2006

Ronald St. John Macdonald’s correspondence

Series comprises correspondence regarding Macdonald's professional and academic involvement with institutions including Osgoode Hall, University of Western Ontario, University of Toronto, Dalhousie University, the European Court of Human Rights, the Hague, Peking University, World Academy of Arts and Science, Canadian Council of International Law, United Nations, Institute of International Law, African Society of International Law, British Institute of International Law, Canadian Institute of International Law, International Law Association, and others. Series also contains correspondence between Ronald St. John Macdonald and individuals including Joseph Philippe Pierre Yves Elliott Trudeau, Paul E. Martin, Jean Chrétien, Elisabeth Mann Borgese, Wang Tieya, A. Donat Pharand, and others.