Hofmann, Josef

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Authorized form of name

Hofmann, Josef

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Born outside Kraków, Poland, Josef Hofmann was a pianist, composer, conductor, and professor of piano and harmony at the Warsaw Conservatory. A child prodigy, he performed from an early age, before studying with Anton Rubenstein and Moritz Moszkowski. He moved to the United States during World War I and became an American citizen in 1926. He was the first head of the piano department at Philadelphia's Curtis Institute of Music. In addition to performing and teaching, he also composed a symphony, piano concertos, and solo piano music, which he published under the name "Michel Dvorsky." He died in Los Angeles, California on February 16, 1957.


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General context

Relationships area

Related entity

Ballon, Ellen (1898-1969)

Identifier of related entity

Category of relationship


Dates of relationship


Description of relationship

Ellen Ballon moved to Switzerland to study with Josef Hofmann in 1914 but was forced to return to New York due to wartime conditions in 1916.

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