Includes copies of "Seen any buses lately? A Dartmouth handbook on public transit", the Transportation Information Paper "Where Do We Go and How Shall We Get There", and handwritten research notes.
Fonds contains research notes, reports, essays, and other records that document student movements in Toronto during the late 1960s and early 1970s when Lackey was a student at the University of Toronto.
Fonds comprises a history of Nova Scotian physicians compiled by Alexander Mackenzie in 1950. There is also a scrapbook, correspondence, papers, published articles, and a history of Camp Hill Hospital in Halifax.
File contains notes and manuscripts written by Alexander Murchison and Norris Turner between 1972–1975 reviewing child guidance clinics and group homes in Nova Scotia. File also contains the June 1973 issue of the Nova Scotia Association of Social Workers Newsletter, with articles by Norris Turner , Patricia Hardy, Ernie Rafuse, F.M. Fraser, Martin M. Dolan, Linda Isitt, and Barrie R. MacFarlane.
Item consists of handwritten research notes about Dr. A.P. Reid's medical work in Nova Scotia, mainly a selection of cited quotations from Dr. Reid's articles.
Fonds consists of Eldrid Young's records regarding his chemical warfare research, including correspondence, reports, notebooks, articles, and manuals. There is also his unpublished manuscript "Adventures of a Chemist in Search of Poisons," in which he recount his 25-year career as a forensic chemist.
Fonds consists of records documenting a research project conducted in 1961 regarding distribution patterns of physicians and facilities across Nova Scotia; records include physician and patient questionnaires.
Fonds consists of registration cards and student tickets from Dalhousie Medical School, published articles about Dr. Campbell (including obituaries), papers regarding his medical practice, correspondence, medical notes with sketches, personal notes and patient records.
Fonds consists of papers documenting Dr. Stewart's professional career, including files on the Tupper Commission and the Hall Review Commission, research notes on aviation medicine and decompression sickness, correspondence, lectures, books, publications, photographs, and other manuscripts from his personal life and years at Dalhousie University.
Fonds consists of the archival records of Thomas John (Jock) Murray, which includes correspondence and research materials on neurological disease, the humanities and the history of medicine.
File contains textual records pertaining to the history of pharmacy in Prince Edward Island, including magazine, journal and newspaper articles, research papers, notes, and lists.
Item consists of facsimiles of handwritten research notes collected by J. Gordon Duff, related to Thomas DesBrisay and the history of the DesBrisay Block and Apothecaries Hall, Charlottetown.
File contains documents relating to Alexander Leighton's 1959 trip to Nigeria. Includes a photograph, several bundles of research notes, schedules, graphic materials, and patient medical notes. Includes an article from the New York Times on the Nigerian election, and no. 10 of the Western Nigerian Illustrated quarterly publication featuring an article about psychiatric treatment at the Aro Hospital. Also includes an envelope labelled 'thought disorder pills' containing five spherical pills.
File contains notes and lists of Cornell-Aro study respondents' occupations. Also includes memoranda and notes on coding categories for occupational data and relevant ethnographic background information.
File contains an appendix (Appendix F) outlining procedures in comparing psychiatric evaluators' thought processes and conclusions surrounding the mental health of respondents of the Cornell-Aro study. File also includes information on analysis coding and a chart outlining mental health symptom statistics.
File contains memoranda on psychiatric statistics and analyses and a guidebook for symptom evaluation information card coding. File also includes notes on psychiatric findings.
File consists of notes on psychiatric conditions and symptoms found in Cornell-Aro study respondents. Data tables and analytical explanations accompany datasets and evaluations.
File contains notes on data processing and coding, medical findings, and psychiatric social data. Also includes correspondence between Dorothea Leighton and Alice Longaker regarding coding process and classification procedures.
File consists of a second draft of the handbook by Charles C. Hughes written as part of the Cornell-Aro study. File also contains a page of notes on indicators of disintegration.
File contains notes on respondents' answers to the social science data questionnaire. Answers are compiled by question and percentages and coding notes are included.
File includes statistics on the socioeconomic statuses of Cornell-Aro study respondents and information for the psychiatrist's random sampling results.
File contains notes on village data, socioeconomic information, and psychiatric symptom statistics. File also includes a letter to Alex (Leighton?) from Ray (?) on the subject of sampling techniques and a further study on the role of physical depletions in the etiology of Yoruba psychiatric disturbances.
File consists of pages of calculations determining the differences between male and female respondents and between the Nigerian and Stirling County data samples.
File contains notes on and general questions about analysis of the Nigerian data samples. Also includes a draft summary of a discussion meeting with Jane Murphy, David Macklin, Veronica Shaw, and Laurel Hodden.
Files contains documents relating to the film "Mental Health Research in Nigeria" that was filmed during the 1961 Cornell-Aro study. Included are memos discussing the film's production and release, notes on filming scenes, a brochure for Cornell's program in social psychiatry, film production and narration notes, comments from researchers, and letters between researchers, librarians, and contacts in the Nigerian government. File also includes a publication called "African film bibliography 1965" by the Committee of Fine Arts and the Humanities of the African Studies Association.
File contains notes on respondents who showed resistance during their interviews. Resisters' responses, actions, and symptoms are listed. File also includes letters between Alexander Leighton and Veronica Shaw discussing how to process resisters' interviews and comparing psychiatrists' evaluations of their responses.
File contains notes on and tables of psychiatric rating and impairment statistics. There is much comparison between Yoruba villages, Abeokuta, and Stirling County and analysis of respective physical and mental health symptoms and patterns.
File contains notes on psychiatric symptoms and diseases present in Nigerian respondents, and on the respondents' beliefs regarding illness. Also contains notes between researchers sharing thoughts and findings. File also includes Jane Murphy's field notes from discussions of disease with respondents. File also contains a copy of the study "The psychiatric examination of native African patients" by Edward L. Margetts.
File contains notes on medical data relevant to hemoglobin. Includes lists of Sahli percentages and charts comparing averages. Also includes a memo regarding summary data from random village hemoglobin samples.
File contains a summary of reliability tests made by comparing psychiatric and social data protocols of the Cornell-Aro study. Also includes a memo regarding Jane Murphy's study on literacy, sociocultural chance, and mental illness in rural Yorubans.