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The Mission to Lepers leprosy treatment statistics

Item consists of statistics and observations gathered by Florence Murray related to leprosy treatment at The Mission to Lepers locations in Korea, ranging from December 1963 to May 1964. Includes information related to the Taegu, Kyungsan, Uisung Bongyang, Uisung Kaum, Kuni Uiheung, Yongchun, Chungdo P.H.D., Chungdo Tongkok, Chungdo Esau, Sunsan, Sunsan Jangchun, and Hyunpoong clinics.

Board of directors of the International Centre for Ocean Development : [meeting documents]

File contains meeting minutes and agenda for the ICOD Board of Directors meeting held January 9, 1987. File includes supporting documentation, such as: memos, financial documents, project proposals and summaries, corporate plan, reports, and briefing notes. Topics discussed include: international directors, status of recommendation concerning Canadian directors, staffing activities, International Ocean Institute (IOI) Indian Ocean training programme, increased funding for CIDA/ICOD cooperation, Report of Secretary-treasurer, report of President, Corporate plan, two project proposals, annual cost of living increase for staff, information on appraisal procedures and performance increases/information on classification exercise, and additional office accommodation requirements. File includes a copy of a report from the "Forum Fisheries Agency," funded by the ICOD as well. File contains a duplicate letter which has not been digitized.

Board of directors of the International Centre for Ocean Development : [meeting documents]

File contains meeting minutes and agenda for ICOD Board of Directors meeting held on April 17-18, 1986. Supporting documentation includes memos, financial documents, project proposals and summaries, correspondence, discussion notes, and background material. Topics discussed include salary scales, appointment of international directors, by-laws for the executive committee, signing authority, ICOD scholarship programme, World Maritime University (WMU) training modules, travel insurance, the president's report, the administrative and financial report, an ICOD brochure and commentary, international directors, the advisory committee to ICOD, and nine project proposals

Board of directors of the International Centre for Ocean Development : [meeting documents]

File contains meeting minutes and agenda for Board of Directors meeting held on October 15 - 16, 1986. File includes supporting documentation, such as: memos, financial documents, project proposals and summaries, reports, correspondence, briefing paper, Auditor's report and financial statements, and paper on the origins of ICOD. Topics discussed include: by-laws for the executive committee, signing authority, international directors, west coast representation, evaluation of WMU Training module, staffing, Indian ocean training programme, format for project summaries, Report of executive committee, Canadian directors, report of secretary-treasurer, president's report, corporate plan issues, eleven (11) project proposals, and The World of Ocean Management. File has had duplicate letters removed from digital copy.

Board of directors of the International Centre for Ocean Development : [meeting documents]

File contains minutes and agenda for ICOD Board of Directors meeting held on June 15- 16, 1989. File includes supporting documentation such as: memos, financial documents, project proposals and summaries, correspondence, reports, background material, and press release. Topics discussed include ICOD Seminar, MarLaw, Marine Edication Kits for St. Kitts/ Nevis, Coral Reef Research, future policy directions, an update on West Africa, report by the audit and evaluation committee, a financial report, project proposals, and a presentation of DELMAR. File contains a duplicate memorandum on budget cuts for 1989/1990, which has not been digitized.

Board of directors of the International Centre for Ocean Development : [meeting documents]

File contains meeting minutes and agenda for ICOD Board of Directors meeting held on November 30 and December 1, 1988. File includes supporting documentation, such as: memos, financial documents, project proposals and summaries, correspondence, reports, and corporate plan. Topics discussed include ICOD seminar, information policy, rotational program officer position for developing country candidates, board renumeration, president's report, report of the secretary treaturer, restructuring of ICODreview of corporate plan, and seven (7) project proposals.

Board of directors of the International Centre for Ocean Development : [meeting documents]

File contains meeting minutes and agenda for ICOD Board of Directors meeting held on November 1-2, 1990. File includes supporting documentation, such as: memos, financial documents, project proposals and summaries, correspondence, statement by Danielle de St. Jorre, background material, reports, and policies. Topics discussed include the ICOD Development Forum, the selection of candidates for the position of ICOD President, status of board membership, delegation of authority, report of the executive committee, president's report, report of the audit and evaluation committee, financial report, corporate plan, policy, issues, divisional presentations, and two project proposals.

Board of directors of the International Centre for Ocean Development : [meeting documents]

File contains meeting minutes and agenda for ICOD Board of Directors meeting held on June 24 - 25, 1991. File includes supporting documentation, such as: memos, financial documents, project proposals and summaries, statements, reports, and by-laws. Topics discussed include: ICOD Forum seeking sustainable development of the Oceans, selection of candidates for the position of President, Presentation by Mr. Jioji Kotobalavu, president's report, report of the executive committee, report of the audit and evaluation committee, financial report, four (4) project proposals, corporate plan and policy issues, election of committee members, and revisions of ICOD by-laws. File also contains a fax to "The Group of Fifteen" from the International Ocean Institute (IOI) on the implementation and ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLoS).

Corporate plans for the International Centre for Ocean Development

File contains the report "International Centre for Ocean Development Corporate Plan 1986/87 - 1990/91." This plan touches on the Centre's mandate, corporate organization, operational environment, corporate assessment, strategies and objectives, performance indicators and programme effectiveness, and operational plans, including technical assistance, information services, training, and finance and administration.

'C' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence between Elisabeth Mann Borgese and the following individuals: Sanjay Chaturvedi; Richard V. Carter; Dr. Hans Corell; Lucien Chabason (on the Regional Seas Programme); Krista Singleton-Cambage; Peter Cramer (concerning Thomas Mann); Pietro Carrigliol; Kevin Coady (concerning the death of one of Mann Borgese's dogs); Christopher Corkett (critiquing one of Mann Borgese's talks); Aldo Chircop; Dr. Edward Carr; Senator Alan Cranston; Christo and Jean Claude (outgoing only, includes prints of various art installations); Liara Covert; Winifred Caponigri; Rideau Hall; Pluto Press; Senator Alan Cranston; Ignacio Perez Caldentey; Fernando Henrique Cardoso (President of Brazil); Sergio D. Claure; Dr. Maria della Costa; Richard V. Carter; Erksine Childers; Professor Jonathan Charney; Judge Maurice Caruana Curran (Chancellor of University of Malta); Arthur H. Campeau; H. Reuben Cohen (Chancellor of Dalhousie); Elisabeth Cyran; Hon. David Coore; Ana Luisa Cortez; Frederick Clairmonte; Ingvar Carlsson (Prime Minister of Sweden); and others. Also includes copies of the following papers: "The Training Programme of the International Ocean Institute" by Elisabeth Mann Borgese; "Professionalization of the Field of Marine Affairs" by Aldo Chircop; "NATO's War of Aggression Against Yugoslavia: An Overview by Michel Chessudovsky. Some correspondence may be personal.

Correspondence between Elisabeth Mann Borgese and Indian Officials

File contains correspondence between Elisabeth Mann Borgese and various Indian individuals, organizations, government officials, and universities, including (among others): Indian Institute of Management (R.S. Ganapathy); Government of India (including Rajiv Gandhi, Department of Ocean Development, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of External Affairs, Fish Survey of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development, National Institute of Oceanography); Centre for Science and Technology; Society for Indian Ocean Studies; Metallurgical & Engineering Consultants (India) Limited; Asian-African Legal Consultative Committee; South Pacific Applied Geoscience Commission; the Indian Society of International Law; Confederation of Indian Industry; Dr. K.T. Damodaran; V.V.R. Varadachari; S.P. Jagota; Asim Kumar Mazumdar; Dr. V.S. Raju; Dr. V.K. Gaur; T.P. Sreenivasan; P.K. Jha; Prime Minister Narasima Rao; C.S. George; Azhar Shamim Zaidi; R.K. Sharma; Prasada Rao; Ambassador Wynn Lwin; Dr. Nehchal Sandhu; Professor Stish Chandra; and Krishan Saigal. Also includes correspondence and a speech from future Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh. Some correspondence concerns Training Programme, India's ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLoS), conferences, publications, and other matters. File also Includes a copy of a paper Mann Borgese wrote for a seminar on Indian Rim countries; Mann Borgese's comments on the paper "Law of the Sea" by Hedda Moeller; brochures; conference materials; an abstract ("Ocean Energy"); newsletters; announcements; a syllabus for an IOI course; and promotional material.

'L' miscellaneous correspondence

File includes correspondence with David Luke of Dalhousie University, Lev Ljubmov, Betty Lussier (Consultants in Development), Dennis Livingston, Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, Edward Landstrom (United States Department of State), Heldegard Lamfrom, The Law of the Sea Institute, and Jonathan Lu.

Correspondence with Fritz H. Landshoff

File contains correspondence with Landshoff of Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Kodansha Publishers Ltd, Encyclopedia Britannica, Aurelio Peccei (The Club of Rome), and La Nouvelle Agence. Most of the correspondence surrounds Mann Borgese's "The Drama of the Oceans," and securing the rights of various photographs for publication in that work. File also includes a mock-up of a brochure for the International Ocean Institute (IOI) and friends of the IOI ("What Can You Do to Save the Oceans?") as well as a newspaper clipping. See also MS-2-744, Box 95, Folder 2 and MS-2-744, Box 83, Folder 23 for more correspondence with Landshoff.

Correspondence and supporting documents regarding "Ocean Governance and the United Nations"

File contains correspondence with contributors to, and readers of, Elisabeth Mann Borgese's book, based on the Pacem in Maribus (PIM) XXI (21) conference. Also includes an advertisment for the book from Dalhousie's Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, and correspondence surrounding the Chinese translation of the book. File Includes copies of the preface and introduction to the book, the table of contents, and copies of two chapters from the book (Chapter 9: "Ocean Governance and the Secretary-General's Agenda for Peace," and the economics chapter).

'P' miscellaneous correspondence

File includes correspondence with Alexandera Post, T.V.R. Pillay (Food and Agricultre Organization of the United Nations), Princeton University Press, O.S. Plue, Prentice-Hall of Canada Ltd, Les Presse de la Cité, Elaine Partnow, Praeger Publishers Inc., M. Piovene, and PHP Institute Inc. Also includes "The Implications of Change in Mining Finance and Participation" by Alexandra Post, excerpts from "Ocean mining" by Alexandra Post, a proposal on deepsea mining by Alexandra Post and a report from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, "Progress of Aquaculture" by T.V.R. Pillay.

Correspondence concerning "Encyclopaedia Universalis"

File contains correspondence with Claude Gregory, John Dodge, F. Weizsacker, Jean R. de Salis, John Kendrew, P. Kapitza, Salvatore Quasimodo, Daniele Bovet, Georg Likacs, D. Lavergne, Linus Pauling, S. Radhakrishnan, C.F. Weizsacker, Werner Heisenberg, Robert Forbes, Robert Hutchins, and Theodor Svedberg. Correspondence mainly includes invitations to join the Encyclopedia Universalis' project. Also includes comments written about the encyclopedia by Marcello Colocci (on the "Physics" and "Chemistry" pieces) and Guiseppe Barbreri (on the "Geography" section). Contains English, Italian, and German correspondence.

'U' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with M.J. Anstee (Department of Technical Co-operation for Development) and K. Mushakoji (UN University - with "The United Nations University's Next Stage: Statement before the Sixteenth Session of the Council of the UN University on 1 December 1980"). File also includes handwritten notes by Elisabeth Mann Borgese for a United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) talk (on the new industrial revolution and the oceans).
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