Come out … come out ... wherever you are : [poster]
Queen City Cruise, Seattle, USA : [poster]
Letter from George W. Robinson to Archibald McKellar MacMechan regarding MacMechan's letter of support for Dr. Daniel Cobb Harvey
Address to Harvard Legal Aid Bureau : [manuscript]
Correspondence with Columbia University President Grayson Kirk regarding Kirk's memorial address for John F. Kennedy
Correspondence from Erwin Griswold, Dean, Harvard Law School
Two letters from Paul A. Freund, Harvard Law School
Correspondence with Adolf Meyer
Shipping records for Amazon
Save more lives : invest more money in US Liberty bonds : [poster]
A bond for every star : [poster]
Honor button — Liberty Loan : [poster]
Be ready — "keep him smiling!" : [poster]
Ring me again : third liberty loan - buy US government bonds : [poster]
America calls — join to-day : [poster]
Mary Celeste model at Atlantic Companies
The Mary Celeste : The odyssey of an abandoned ship
Correspondence between Movie Makers magazine and Alexander Leighton
Progress report on the second phase of the Alternative to Growth ten year program
Alternatives to Growth '77
Four summaries of major reports to The Club of Rome
The Mitchell Prize Competition 1977 : abstracts of papers selected as finalists
Mary Celeste model at Mystic Museum
Mary Celeste model at Mariners Museum
Letter from Alexander Leighton to his father, 1938
Correspondence between Theodore Lidz and Alexander Leighton
Carleton Stanley's address to the 1932 New York alumni banquet
The political scene in Canada. Carleton Stanley's address to the British Empire Club, December 13, 1933
Carleton Stanley's address before Dalhousie graduates at a Boston Alumni event
Universities and the international outlook : Carleton Stanley's address before the American Association of Colleges
Carleton Stanley's address to New York Dalhousie alumni
"Selected for Exhibit" at the First International Photographic Exhibition
Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence with Sienho Yee and Wang Tieya
Correspondence between Ronald St. John Macdonald, Myres S. McDougal, and others
Professor Myres S. McDougal, Sterling Professor of Law Emeritus, New Haven, Connecticut, interviewed by Judge R. St. J. Macdonald on Monday November 11, 1996
Note about the passing of Myres S. McDougal
Professor Myres S. McDougal, Sterling Professor of Law Emeritus, New Haven, Connecticut, interviewed by Judge R. St. J. Macdonald on Monday November 11, 1996 : [draft transcript]
List of questions prepared for an interview with Myres S. McDougal
Myres S. McDougal : a charmed life. In conversation with Judge R. St. J. Macdonald, European Court of Human Rights, August 7, 1995
Interview with Myres S. McDougal, Sterling Professor of International Law Emeritus, Yale Law School, May 11, 1994 : [draft transcript]
Interview with Myres S. McDougal, Sterling Professor of International Law Emeritus, Yale Law School, May 11, 1994
Memorial for Myres Smith McDougal, October 4, 1998, Yale Law School, New Haven, Connecticut
The significance of the Reformed Church tradition for modern education
Photograph of the "S.S. Trebia"
Paul Rudolph's Art and Architecture Building — Yale
Correspondence between Florence Jessie Murray and E.P. Dutton & Co., Inc. and the New Yorker magazine