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Nova Scotia File
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2238 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

Interview with Dalhousie president Doctor Howard Clarke

File is an audio reel containing an interview with Dalhousie president Doctor Howard Clarke on the pros and cons of provincial auditing. The interview was conducted by CKDU's Dan Gawthrope. The episode was recorded on November 7, and was broadcast on November 10 on Title Waves, a CKDU program.

Lynch Greater Exposition Shows contract forms

File contains five copies of Lynch Greater Exposition Shows contract forms. The stipulations include supplying a show suitable for ladies and children, the right to cancel the contract in the occurrence of unforeseen circumstances such as cyclones or war, and a space to set out the required number of performances per week. It specifies that the contract is for Canada only, but that the salary will be paid half in American and half in Canadian dollars.

Preliminary floor plans for a library at Dalhousie University

File contains 3 pages of blueline prints of floor plans for a library at Dalhousie University, drawn by C.D. Davison & Company, the architectural firm that designed Dalhousie's Student Union Building in 1967. Undated and stamped "preliminary," the plans indicate a library with three floors. The drawings for floors 2 and 3 are annotated with potential seating and/or stack capacity for social sciences, humanities, rare books, graduate students, research and audio visual users, as well as conceptual drawings of study carrels and audio visual booths.

Drawing of the Bluenose II in full sail

Item is a drawing of the Bluenose II in full sail, with measurements for all of the sails. The drawing also includes notes about the measurements for the masts, boom, and other components. The drawing was prepared by Smith & Rhuland Ltd. of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.

Drawing of a boat and graphs showing cross curves of stability and hydrostatic curves

File contains a graph of the cross curves of stability of the Bluenose II; a graph of the hydrostatic curves of the Bluenose II; and a top and side view of an unidentified ship, likely the Bluenose II. The two graphs were drawn by J. Rey Mauriz from the Halifax Shipyards drawing office.
See MS-4-135, Box 154, Folder 9 and Folder 160, Folder 3 for related records.

Chapel for Dalhousie

File contains three presentation drawings by Drew Sperry, probably as a part of his BA Architecture program at the Nova Scotia Technical College. Drawings include elevations; floor plans; sections; and a site plan. The chapel was designed to sit between Shirreff Hall and the National Research Council building on Oxford Street.

Sperry residence kitchen renovation

File contains 3 construction drawings for a kitchen renovation, including a layout, section and door schedule. There are also five construction drawings for a bathroom renovation or addition.

Upstream directory

File includes contact information for members of the Upstream Music Association: Bob Bauer, Mark Bursey, Paul Cram, Laura Hoffman, Mike LaLeune, Don Lawrence, Steven Naylor, Jeff Reilly, Ken Rozee, Suzanne Saul, Steve Tittle, and Paul E. Vandall, Jr.

Biographies and Curriculum Vitae for Upstream musicians

File contains biographies and CVs for the following musicians who performed with, or were part of, the Upstream Ensemble: Karen Young, Bob (Robert) Bauer, Jeff Reilly, Paul Cram, Don (Donald Charles) Palmer, Steven Naylor, Sandy Moore, Tom Roach, Norman Adams, Steve Tittle, and Jerry Granelli.
Results 1 to 50 of 25057