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Halifax (N.S.) File
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National Research Council building architectural plans

File contains architectural drawings for the National Research Council Laboratory and for the Institute for Marine Biosciences on Oxford Street in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The 1949 drawings, produced by Leslie Fairn and C. Gustave Brault, include plot plans; footings; floor plans; interior room and finish schedules; sections and details; and plumbing, heating and electrical plans. The 1964 and 1979 drawings are for additions and extensions, and were produced by Duffus, Romans, Kundzins and Rounsefell Ltd. The file also includes a set of drawings printed at reduced scale for a submission by Lydon Lynch issued September 2002 for a National Research Council New Industry Partnership Facility Institute for Marine Biosciences.

Gymnasium for Dalhousie University

File contains construction blueprints for the Studley Campus gymnasium, which was designed by architect Andrew Cobb and built by MacDonald Construction in 1932. Drawings include floor plans; elevations; footing plans; cross sections; and details for windows, cornices and other elements. The plans, which are labelled with job number U-311, are signed off by [W. Thompson?], Secretary of the Board of Governors.

Dalhousie Medical School architectural plans

File contains architectural drawings by Andrew Cobb for a proposed medical school building: two sets of basement, first and second floor plans; and single drawings of the front, end and rear elevations; cross and longitudinal sections; and a proposed layout for a physiology dark theatre.

Dalhousie College — proposed new library

File contains five unsigned drawings for a proposed new library for Dalhousie College, dated almost a decade before the purchase of Studley. Drawings include a front elevation and ground floor plan in ink on waxed linen, and a less detailed front elevation, as well as floor plans for the basement, first and ground floors, in ink on paper.

Renovations to Studley Apartments

File contains floor and site plans and elevations for a 1975 renovation to Dalhousie's Studley Apartments at 1452 Le Marchant Street. File includes set ID arrangement details.

Renovations and extensions to 6152 Coburg Road

File contains copies of drawings for 6152 Coburg Road, including 1967-68 plans for renovations and extensions to the building when it served as the Nova Scotia College of Art, and 1980 renovation plans when the building was occupied by Dalhousie University School of Management. All three sets of drawings were produced by C.A. Fowler Bauld & Mitchell Ltd. File also contains a list of set ID arrangement details.

Fenwick Place mechanical plans

File contains drawings by Dumaresq & Byrne Limited and D. J. Morris Engineering for Fenwick Place, including: area lighting plot plan; TV antenna, intercom and telephone system risers; electrical distribution schemes; and owner distribution system risers and details.

Dalhousie storage facility drawings

File contains four sets of drawings produced by Chebucto Engineering, Donald T. Matheson Engineering, Brandys McBride Richardson Engineering, and W. Roberts Engineering. Drawings include site plans, sections, electrical and floor plans.

'O' Building (Annex) revision drawings

File contains architectural drawings for revisions to the "O" Building (Annex) at the Technical University of Nova Scotia, which were produced by the Campus Design Centre. Drawings include floor plans, sections, plumbing, and details.

'T' Building revision drawings

File contains architectural drawings for revisions to the "O" Building (Annex) at the Technical University of Nova Scotia, which were produced by the Campus Design Centre. Drawings include floor plans, sections, and details.

Peter Green Hall revisions or issues drawings

File contains drawings for Peter Green Hall, labelled "Married Students Housing for Hfx Student Housing Society" on the earlier drawings. Drawings include floor plans, mechanical plans, details and specifications (1967, 1994 and 2000) and new metal siding details and elevations (1985).

Addition to Pharmacy Building drawings

File contains plans for the third floor addition to the Pharmacy Building, known now as the Burbidge Building. Drawings include floor plans, sections, roof plan, mechanical and plumbing plans.

Arts Building elevations

File contains 12 presentation drawings signed by Andrew R. Cobb, Architect, and dated between August and September 1921. There are six drawings of the north elevation and five of the south elevation, each featuring variations in window design, and some containing notes indicating suggestions or preferences of F.D. (Architect Frank Darling), A.S.M. (President Arthur Stanley MacKenzie) and G.F.P.

Central Services parkade drawings

File contains three sets of drawings for the Central Services parkade produced by Chebucto Engineering Limited Consulting Engineers, Brandys McBride Richardson Engineering, and Rendan Fabricators.

Gerard Hall architectural plans

File contains a set of architectural plans for Gerard Hall (originally the Halifax Infirmary and School of Nursing) produced by architects C.A. Fowler @ Co. and printed at reduced scale.

Student Union Building addition construction drawings

File contains a construction package set of drawings for a 2002 addition to the original Student Union Building at Dalhousie University. The drawings were produced by Fowler Bauld and Mitchell, Campbell Comeau Engineering and Morris & Richard Consulting Engineers. The file includes a listing of set ID numbers and notes from Facilities Management.

Blueprints for new Arts Building

File contains drawings created by Andrew Cobb for an arts building commissioned by the Board of Governors as part of their building plans during the late 1920s/early 1930s, which also included a gymnasium, power plant, men's dormitory, and extensions to the Science Building and Shirreff Hall. The planned site for the building, which was cancelled due to financial restraints, was adjacent to the temporary arts building, which had been built in 1921 to house the law school. Drawings include a preliminary sketch of the front (north) elevation; west, east, south and north elevations; skeleton section; and detailed floor plans.

Science Building construction drawings

File comprises a set of electrostatic prints on polyester of Andrew R. Cobb's architectural plans for the Science Building, dated March 31, 1913 and signed on June 2, 1913 by building contractors Falconer & McDonald and G.S. Campbell, Chairman of the Board of Governors, Dalhousie College. Drawings include floor plans, exterior and interior elevations and sections; and exterior and interior details.

Andrew Cobb's drawings for a new Arts Building

File contains ground and second floor plans created by Andrew Cobb for a building (never constructed) for Dalhousie College to be located opposite the Macdonald Library. File also contains basement, ground, second and third floor plans for a new arts building, along with an elevation and site plan showing the building located across from the Archives.

Building for Dalhousie College

File contains two sheets containing drawings of a building designed to serve as Arts offices and lecture spaces before being converted to a law library and eventually to a university museum.

MacDonald Library bookcase details

File contains full-scale and 3/4-scale shelving detail drawings; details for a chimney-top rain shield; and a leaded letters template for the O.E. Smith Wing addition built in 1956.

Full-scale detail drawings of external masonry elements for Dalhousie's Medical Science Laboratory

File contains seven sheets of FSD (full-scale detail) drawings of masonry for details such as cornices, pilaster boxes and string courses, window sills, and mouldings for the Medical Science Laboratory at Dalhousie University. There are also vestibule details, including the fanlight over the main entrance door. Drawings include elevations, plans and sections.

Construction drawings for Dalhousie University's Medical Sciences Laboratory

File contains a set of construction drawings by architect Andrew R. Cobb for the Medical Science Laboratory, known as the Medical Science Building, which originally housed the departments of physiology, biochemistry, pharmacology and hygiene. Eventually it became home to School of Pharmacy and was renamed the Burbidge Building. The drawings are labelled Job No. K. 147, Sheet Nos. 1-20, and were drawn and traced by P.K.A. and C.W. Drawing types include a foundation plan, elevations, sections, gas, air, electrical and wiring plans. Framing and footing plans were created in partnership with Pickings & Roland, Engineers. There is also an electrostatic print set reproduced on polyester. Included in the file is an original excavation plan dated August 25, 1921 and a front elevation labelled Dalhousie Medical School.

Site plans and maps of Studley campus

File contains proposed building site plans for Studley Campus drawn by H.R. Theakston, university engineer, as well as topographical maps of the Studley Estate prior to Dalhousie construction, including one created by engineering students. There are also several maps dating between 1922-1928 showing the campus's development.

Studley campus site and landscape plans

File contains potential site plans for Dalhousie University's Studley campus as well as landscape plans indicating actual plantings. There is also one drawing of a unrealized medical school site plan.
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