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China File
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Interview with James Petras on China and the Soviet Union's move towards a more decentralized economy

File is an audio reel containing an interview with Dr. James Petras, a sociologist from New York State University. Dr. Petras spoke with CKDU's Andy Willis about the implications and motivations of market socialism in China and the Soviet Union. The interview was recorded on January 7, 1988 and aired January 10, 1988 on Title Waves, a CKDU radio program. It was rebroadcast January 20, 1988 on Title Waves.


File is an audio reel containing an episode of Wired for Freedom, a radio program broadcast on CKDU radio 88.1. This episode features the death penalty in China. The episode was recorded on April 16, 1988, and was broadcasted on April 19, 1988.

Radio Free World with Mike Hymers

File is an audio reel that contains an episode of Radio Free World. This episode, hosted by Mike Hymers, features news stories on labour and unemployment in the West; the French foreign minister's visit to China; Kurt Waldheim and Austrian historians; and Quebec and the Canadian Constitution. It was recorded May 6, 1987 and aired May 8, 1987.

Radio Free World with Mike Hymers

File is an audio reel that contains an episode of Radio Free World. This episode, hosted by Mike Hymers, features news stories on Mikhail Gorbachev; Amnesty International and the Soviet Union; and border talks between the Soviet Union and China. It was recorded February 11, 1987 and aired February 13, 1987.

Citizen Ambassador Program information and other documents

File contains posters for the "1864" Historical Costume Showcase, a letter about the 1864 Costume Workshop, a schedule for Charlottetown Heritage and History Day, a paper called "Re-creating our Heritage: A paper, presented to the Charlottetown Confederation Players on the merits of recreating an image of the island historical heritage," other correspondence with the Charlottetown Confederation Players and the Historical Costume Initiative, correspondence with the Capital Commission, several fabric samples, and photocopies of a notebook with notes about the construction of various objects (possibly set pieces). The file also contains documents related to Doyle's participation in the Citizen Ambassador Program Theatre Education Delegation to the People's Republic of China, including an application for life and disability insurance and information about a short term travel grant from the Canada Council.

Chinese Subcommittee 2002-2004

File contains records related to the Chinese regional subcommittee for the Census of Marine Life. File includes information related to meetings in Qingdao in 2003 (the 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Algal Biotechnology) and 2004 (First China Workshop on Census of Marine Life). File also includes proposals submitted to the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation in support of a Chinese National Implementation Committee for the Census of Marine Life submitted by Yunqing Zhang and Song Sun. File also includes correspondence related to the conferences, and developing Chinese CoML activities. File includes correspondence from between Ron O'Dor, Qisheng Tang, Phoebe Zhang, Shuhei Nishida, Ximing Guo, Fred Grassle, Jesse Ausubel, Kristen Yarincik, and others.

Correspondence and supporting documents regarding "Ocean Governance and the United Nations"

File contains correspondence with contributors to, and readers of, Elisabeth Mann Borgese's book, based on the Pacem in Maribus (PIM) XXI (21) conference. Also includes an advertisment for the book from Dalhousie's Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, and correspondence surrounding the Chinese translation of the book. File Includes copies of the preface and introduction to the book, the table of contents, and copies of two chapters from the book (Chapter 9: "Ocean Governance and the Secretary-General's Agenda for Peace," and the economics chapter).

Board of directors of the International Centre for Ocean Development : [meeting documents]

File contains meeting minutes and agenda for the ICOD Board of Directors meeting held January 9, 1987. File includes supporting documentation, such as: memos, financial documents, project proposals and summaries, corporate plan, reports, and briefing notes. Topics discussed include: international directors, status of recommendation concerning Canadian directors, staffing activities, International Ocean Institute (IOI) Indian Ocean training programme, increased funding for CIDA/ICOD cooperation, Report of Secretary-treasurer, report of President, Corporate plan, two project proposals, annual cost of living increase for staff, information on appraisal procedures and performance increases/information on classification exercise, and additional office accommodation requirements. File includes a copy of a report from the "Forum Fisheries Agency," funded by the ICOD as well. File contains a duplicate letter which has not been digitized.

Board of directors of the International Centre for Ocean Development : [meeting documents]

File contains meeting minutes and agenda for Board of Directors meeting held on October 15 - 16, 1986. File includes supporting documentation, such as: memos, financial documents, project proposals and summaries, reports, correspondence, briefing paper, Auditor's report and financial statements, and paper on the origins of ICOD. Topics discussed include: by-laws for the executive committee, signing authority, international directors, west coast representation, evaluation of WMU Training module, staffing, Indian ocean training programme, format for project summaries, Report of executive committee, Canadian directors, report of secretary-treasurer, president's report, corporate plan issues, eleven (11) project proposals, and The World of Ocean Management. File has had duplicate letters removed from digital copy.

Corporate plans for the International Centre for Ocean Development

File contains the report "International Centre for Ocean Development Corporate Plan 1986/87 - 1990/91." This plan touches on the Centre's mandate, corporate organization, operational environment, corporate assessment, strategies and objectives, performance indicators and programme effectiveness, and operational plans, including technical assistance, information services, training, and finance and administration.

'F - H' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence. Correspondents include Valerie Facey; Carl-August Fleischhauer, Legal Counsel to the United Nations Secretariat (and address Part XI of the Convention,); Patrik Garnier (attached is an editorial Elisabeth Mann Borgese wrote for the "New York Times" on the Convention); Mate Granić (Croatian Minister of Foreign Affairs), which deal with the reasons for Croatia to ratify the Convention; Tom Harris; Bohdan Hawrylyshyn; Louis Henkin; and Charles Higginson of the Council on Ocean Law. See MS-2-744, Box 274, Folder 3 and MS-2-744, Box 279, Folder 8 for additional correspondence with the Council on Ocean Law.

'A - B' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with various individuals. Correspondents include Najeeb Al Nuimi (Legal Advisor to the Crown Prince on Qatar), which discuss Pacem in Maribus XXI, and the Secretary-General's consultations on the Law of the Sea, and attached is a paper by Mann Borgese: "Making the Convention 'Universally Accepatble';" Lennox Ballah of the Institute of Marine Affairs (attached is a copy of the Nonpaper); W. Balzan (personal assistant to Guido De Marco); Paul Berenger, Minister of Foreign Affairs for Mauritius; Martin Blakeway (who wrote to the Prince of Tonga about raitification of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea); United Nations Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, which advocate turing the Preparatory Commission into an Interim Authority, in light of the "boat paper; and Salvino Busuttil on Malta's failure to announce ratification of the convention.

'V - Z' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with: Anton Vratusa of the ICPE (International Center for Public Enterprise in Developing Countries) on adovating for ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLoS); Lojze Peterle (Slovenian Deputy Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, letter contains an appeal from Mann Borgese on why UNCLoS is important to Slovenia); Mark Wood (a journalist at "The Malta Independent"); Layachi Yaker (mainly on the Secreatary General Consultations, the boat paper, and the non-paper); and Günther Zade of the World Maritime University (the International Ocean Institute held a training programme with them in 1992).

'M - P' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence. Correspondents include the Permanent Ambassador of Jamaica to the United Nations Lucille Mair (attached is a copy of the G-77 Draft Paper); Ambassador Don Mills; Claude Morel (Ministry of the Environment, Economic Planning and External Relations for Seychelles) ; Satya Nandan (attached is a statement by Elisabeth Mann Borgese to the United Nation's Commission for Sustainable Development), Professor Kaldone Nweihed (sent with a list of countries that have ratified the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea); Chinese Premier Li Peng; M.C.W. (Chris) Pinto; Steve Polansky; Senator Claiborne Pell (sent with the non-paper: "Agreement on the Implementation of Part XI and Annexes III and IV of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea"); and Jan Pronk.

Correspondence regarding Canadian ocean assessment hearings : ['L' - 'P' miscellaneous]

File contains correspondence with Canadian government officials, including Huguette Labelle (president of the Canadian International Development Fund, or CIDA); and L.S. Parsons of the Ministry of Fisheries and Oceans (outgoing only), and Professor Dale Poel (outgoing only). Correspondence mainly about the funding of the Independent World Commission on the Oceans and its public hearings in Canada. File contains duplicate copies which have not been digitized.

'C' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence between Elisabeth Mann Borgese and the following individuals: Sanjay Chaturvedi; Richard V. Carter; Dr. Hans Corell; Lucien Chabason (on the Regional Seas Programme); Krista Singleton-Cambage; Peter Cramer (concerning Thomas Mann); Pietro Carrigliol; Kevin Coady (concerning the death of one of Mann Borgese's dogs); Christopher Corkett (critiquing one of Mann Borgese's talks); Aldo Chircop; Dr. Edward Carr; Senator Alan Cranston; Christo and Jean Claude (outgoing only, includes prints of various art installations); Liara Covert; Winifred Caponigri; Rideau Hall; Pluto Press; Senator Alan Cranston; Ignacio Perez Caldentey; Fernando Henrique Cardoso (President of Brazil); Sergio D. Claure; Dr. Maria della Costa; Richard V. Carter; Erksine Childers; Professor Jonathan Charney; Judge Maurice Caruana Curran (Chancellor of University of Malta); Arthur H. Campeau; H. Reuben Cohen (Chancellor of Dalhousie); Elisabeth Cyran; Hon. David Coore; Ana Luisa Cortez; Frederick Clairmonte; Ingvar Carlsson (Prime Minister of Sweden); and others. Also includes copies of the following papers: "The Training Programme of the International Ocean Institute" by Elisabeth Mann Borgese; "Professionalization of the Field of Marine Affairs" by Aldo Chircop; "NATO's War of Aggression Against Yugoslavia: An Overview by Michel Chessudovsky. Some correspondence may be personal.

'W' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with G. Weiss, G. Wassenberg, and Ambassador Karl Wolf, including a copy of the report "Fish Used to Eradicate Paddy-field Mosquitoes" by Song Ming.

The past 60 years of Peking University, 1898-1958 : [manuscript and clippings]

File contains records related to human rights teachings in China. File largely consists of a typed manuscript by Ronald St. John MacDonald, likely in 1958 or 1959, outlining the previous sixty years of the history of Peking University, includes discussions on the campus and its buildings and a brief account of its founding in 1898. File also contains clippings.

The Canadian-Chinese programme in international and comparative law : a proposal for human resource development and technology transfer in legal training and research : [report and correspondence]

File contains a copy of the report "A Canadian-Chinese Prorgamme in International & Comparative Law" drafted by the College of Law at Peking University and the Faculty of Law at Dalhousie University. File also contains correspondence between Ronald St. John Macdonald, Paul Brennan, Marc Dolgin, Peter Hoffman, W. Andrew Mackay, H.L. O'Brien, Alasdair Sinclair, and Wang Tieya.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 2000 to 2005

File contains unsorted correspondence with different individuals, including Hamdallah Zedan, Krystyna Kowalik, Obiora Chinedu Okafor, John Hobbins, Randle Edwards, Stephen M. Schwebel, Barbara Uteck, Jean Chrétien, Christian I. Dominice, Wang Tieya, Peter Malanczuk, Frederic L. Kirgis, Maureen O'Neil, J. Allan Beesley, Ivan L. Head, John F. Hamm, and others, regarding a wide range of topics. File includes correspondence from December 1999 that is attached to correspondence from 2000, a photograph of a group of four unidentified individuals, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, and other materials.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 1990 to 2006

  • MS-2-615, Box 60, Folders 9 and 10; MS-2-615, Box 61, Folders 1 - 7; MS-2-615, Box 62, Folders 1 - 6; and MS-2-615, Box 63, Folders 1 - 9
  • File
  • 1990 - 2006
  • Part of Ronald St. John Macdonald fonds

File contains unsorted correspondence with different individuals, including James A. Gibson, Peter MacKinnon, Frank Iacobucci, James C. MacPherson, Allahyar Mouri, Stephen M. Schwebel, Maxwell Cohen, H.W.Arthurs, Emile K.M. Yakpo, Doug Kirkpatrick, Antonio Cassese, Madeleine Proulx, Rudolf Bernhardt, Mohamed Munavvar, Carl-august Fleischhauer, Suse Schwarzenberg, Anne McLellan, Douglas M. Johnston, John Godfrey, Ted McWhinney, Christian Dominice, Edwin A. Goodman, Bill Graham, Michael Oliver, James Otieno Odek, Hugh Paton, Bruce P. Archibald, Jessica Carroll, Juan Antonio Carrillo Salcedo, Ronald S. Wood, Doug McArthur, Charles B. Bournes, Edgar Gold, J.P. Gardner, and others, regarding a wide range of topics. File includes Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific annual report of 1997, Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific newsletter of January 1997, University of Toronto Law School Faculty Council meeting agendas and meeting minutes, World Academy of Art and Science newsletter of March 1993, the British Institute of International and Comparative Law newsletter of January 1991, the American Society of International Law newsletters, the Group of 78 newsletter of May 1993, the African Society of International and Comparative Law newsletter of January 1990, a Dalhousie University Faculty of Law full-time staff contact list of 1973, a photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald with Maxwell Bruce and an unidentified man in 1999, a photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald with James Otieno Odek in 1994, an agreement between Canada Live in trust with Doubleday Canada Limited regarding the book "Canada live: English Canada speaks out", newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, and other materials.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence with Wang Tieya

File includes correspondence with Zheng Ping, Innes Christie, W.H. Charles, Dick Evans, C. Wiktor, John Yogis, Wen-Zong Liu, Arthur von Mehren, Prosper Weil, and D.W. Bowett. File includes Dalhousie Law School memoranda regarding the visit of Wang Tieya, Hunghui Lui, and Chen An at Dalhousie University in March 1984.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence with Wang Tieya

Includes handwritten and typed correspondence largely between Ronald St. John Macdonald and Wang Tieya, ranging from 1982-1989, related to the visit of Visit of Wang Tieya, Liu Hunghui, and Chen An to Dalhousie. Also includes correspondence to Innis Christie, W.H. Charles, Dick Evans, and others.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence with Wang Tieya

File contains handwritten and typed correspondence between Ronald St John Macdonald and Wang Tieya, between 1991 and 1994, around preparation for a series of interviews between the two, around the publication of a festschrift in honour of Professor Wang's career, and a conference at the Institute of International Law.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 1980 to 2006

  • MS-2-615, Box 30, Folders 13 - 15; MS-2-615, Box 53, Folders 5 - 9; MS-2-615, Box 54, Folders 1 - 6; MS-2-615, Box 55, Folders 1 - 15; MS-2-615, Box 56, Folders 1 - 5; MS-2-615, Box 57, Folders 1 - 6; MS-2-615, Box 58, Folders 1 - 5; MS-2-615, Box 59, Folders 1 - 10; and MS-2-615, Box 60, Folders 1 - 8
  • File
  • 1980 - 2006
  • Part of Ronald St. John Macdonald fonds

File contains unsorted correspondence with different individuals, including Lyman R. Robinson, Bruce P. Archibald, K.V. Raman, Mark A. Roy, Manfred Lachs, Blair Seaborn, G.V. La Forest, Leon E. Trakman, Jules Deschenes, H. Scott Fairley, Luzius Wildhaber, Horace Krever, Margaret H. Ogilvie, A. Watts, Dawn A. Russell, D.H.N. Johnson, John King Gamble, Choon-ho Park, Lorenne M.G. Clark, John Willis, Gerald-A. Beaudoin, Bin Cheng, Finlay MacDonald, Roma Andrusiak, Irving Abella, Anne Bayefsky, Gerald K. Helleiner, Brian Mulroney, May Lui, Robert D. Watt, Joseph W. Samuels, Douglas Lambert, Eugene Forsey, R.J. Moores, B.S. Chimni, Jimmy Carter, Taslim O. Elias, Joseph Caron, Volodymyr Butkevych, Judith A. LaRocque, Bertha Wilson, Stewart McInnes, William R. Slomanson, Hector Gros Espiell, Rudolph Bernhardt, Timothy Wilson, Murray Fraser, Wang Tieya, Richard L. Evans, Julien S. Mackay, R.K. Dixit, Marie-Helene Boyle, Frank Iacobucci, Nicholas d'Ombrain, Hans Corell, Henry J. Bourguignon, Charles B. Bourne, Luo Haocai, Irene Courage, Frau Ulrike Dorr, Peter Weiss, K. Venkatta Raman, Detlev F. Vagts, Vladimir Semenov, Charlotte Ku, Donat Pharand, Keith B. Jobson, Gabriel Warren, W.Z. Estey, and others, regarding a wide range of topics. File includes the University of Victoria Faculty of Law newsletter vol. 3, 4, and 5 of February 1983, April 1984, and May 1985, the Canadian Council on International Law meeting minutes, Dalhousie University Faculty of Graduate Studies meeting minutes, Dalhousie University Senate meeting minutes, Dalhousie University Executive Committee meeting minutes, Dalhousie University Faculty Council meeting minutes, Dalhousie University Joint Committee on Faculty Salary Data Base report of March 1990, DFA Dialogue vol. III, no. 10, of April 1990, the Canadian Council on International Law bulletin vol. 11, no. 1, of September 1984, the African Society of International and Comparative Law newsletter no. 7 of June 1992, the American Society of International Law newsletter of January and February 2003, Foundation for International Human Rights by-laws, World Academy of Art and Science by-laws of February 1988, two photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald - in which in one of them his sister Mairi Macdonald is present - in Ottawa during an unidentified ceremony in Ottawa, ON, a photograph of a newspaper article about C.P.R. Chief, the editor's agreement between Koninklijke Brill NV., Douglas M. Johnson, and Ronald St. John Macdonald regarding the book "towards world constitutionalism: issues in the legal ordering of the world community" of 2003, the publication agreement between Ronald St. John Macdonald, Columbia Journal of Transnational Law and Martinus Nijhoff Publisher regarding the work "derogations under the article 15 of the European Convention on Human Rights" of 1997, consulta contract between Ronald St. John Macdonald and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization regarding the framework of the United Nations Development Program "strengthenin training and research in selected key universities in the People's Republic of China", annotated typescripts, handwritten notes, and other materials.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 1970 to 2006

  • MS-2-615, Box 30, Folder 16; MS-2-615, Box 44, Folders 1 - 5; MS-2-615, Box 45, Folders 1 - 5; MS-2-615, Box 46, Folders 1 - 7; MS-2-615, Box 47, Folders 1 - 5; MS-2-615, Box 48, Folders 1 - 6; MS-2-615, Box 49, Folders 1 - 9; MS-2-615, Box 50, Folders 1 - 14; MS-2-615, Box 51, Folders 1 - 6; MS-2-615, Box 52, Folders 1 - 6; MS-2-615, Box 53, Folders 1 - 4
  • File
  • 1970 - 2006
  • Part of Ronald St. John Macdonald fonds

File contains unsorted correspondence with different individuals, including Franklin Berman, Hebert Petzold, Wilbur F. Bowker, Jianming Shen, Timothy T. Daley, Charlotte Ku, Ian M. MacKeigan, Ivan L. Head, John E. Read, John K. Akpalu, Emile K.M. Yakpo, Bozidar Bakotic, Donald S. MacDonald, W. Andrew MacKay, Eileen Janzen, B.A. Pollard, W.A. Charles, Ganshof van der Meersch, J. King Gordon, Kurt Herndl, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Horace E. Read, C. Trevor Anderson, Thomas R. Berger, Dawn Russel, Arnold W. Zeman, C. Rhodes Smith, Susan Mann, Wang Tieya, Niki Tobi, Sienho Yee, A. Kolodkin, Frank Milligan, M.L. Friedland, Brian Dickson, George C. van Roggen, D.H.N. Johnson, Lun S. Wong, Allan J. MacEachen, J. Zourek, Pierre Charpentier, John E.C. Brierley, Henry D. Hicks, Sandra Liebel, Marcel Cadieux, Alfred E. von Overbeck, Philip Girard, T.H.B. Symons, Edward McWhinney, Philip C. Jessup, Edward.G. Lee, E.E. Appiah, M. Jean Houston, David L. Johnston, John J. Quinn, Charles B. Bourne, L. Ferrari Bravo, John M. Davison, Edgar Gold, James C. Gervais, Ko Swan Sik, D.P. Verma, G.A. Klassen, Kathleen Fisher, Peter Malanczuk, Michael D. Harris, Alexander Marschik, Manfred Lachs, Thea E. Smith, J.S. Castel, Paul E. Martin, R.M. Warren, Hideo Takabayshi, and others, regarding a wide range of topics. File includes a transcript of an interview with Innis Christie in 1988, the Halifax Club pamphlet, a United Nations Economic and Social Council report of 1991, the British Institute of International and Comparative Law director's report for 1989, the Africa Society of International and Comparative Law supplement to the application for funding submitted to the Canadian International Development Agency of June 1988, the Africa Society of International and Comparative Law annual report of 1989, University of Western Ontario Faculty of Law newsletter vol. 1, no. 2, of May 1977, and vol. 5, no.1, of January 1981, Osgoode Hall Law School Continuum periodical, vol. 2, no. 1, of 1974, the American Society of International Law newsletter vol. 21, issue 4, of August/ October 2005, the World Academy of Art and Science newsletter of winter/spring 1999, the International Ocean Institute Across the Oceans newsletter, vol. 1, issue 1, of January 1982, Cyprus Bulletin, vol. 34, no. 23 and 24, of November 1996, University of Toronto Nexus periodical of February 1991, Dalhousie University Hearsay of January 1976, Amnesty International bulletin, vol. 1, no. 1, of January 1974, McGill University Quid Novi periodical, vol. 4, no. 9, of November 1983, Dalhousie Faculty Association Dialogue, vol. 3, no. 8, of March 1990, Dalhousie Law School programme for indigenous, blacks, and Mi'kmaqs of January 1994, Dalhousie University Marine Affairs Program, Dalhousie University Faculty of Graduate Studies meeting minutes, Dalhousie University Faculty of Law special meeting minute of January 1973, Council of Europe 67th plenary administrative session meeting minute of March 1989, Lester B. Pearson College Board of Trustees meeting minute of February 1979, Council of Europe report on the functioning of the organs of the European Convention on Human Rights of 1984, the editor's agreement between Koninklijke Brill NV., Douglas M. Johnson, and Ronald St. John Macdonald regarding the book "towards world constitutionalism: issues in the legal ordering of the world community" of 2003, photograph of John E.C.B. in front of Killam Memorial Library in 1985, a photograph of John Peters Humphrey possibly in 1995, two photographs of Ronald St. John Macdonald with a group of unidentified individuals in Calgary in 1974, a photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald with Bozidar Bakotic and an unidentified man possibly in the late 1970s, a photograph of Charles B. Bourne in 1995, three photographs of Dalhousie University Law School Students of 1982-1983, a drawing of an unidentified man - possibly a judge, a transcript of an interview with Myres S. McDougal in 1994, a transcript of an interview with Charles B. Bourne in 1992, annotated typescripts, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, and other materials. File includes a letter from Bozidar Bakotic to Ronald St. John Macdonald reporting that censorship forbade him to contribute to the development of one of Ronald St. John Macdonald's book.
Results 1 to 50 of 71