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North America With digital objects
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Young Triffie's been made away with

File contains original set designs and a copy of the light plot design for Neptune Theatre's studio production of "Young Triffie's Been Made Away With," directed by Mary Walsh and designed by Stephen Osler (set) and Michael Fuller (lights).

Osler, Stephen

Young people's concert

Item is a program for a concert for young people by the Boston Symphony Ensemble given under the auspices of the Director of Music, Alexander F. Cleary, and the Chelsea Teachers' Club.

You are here act 2

Item is a video recording of the Dalhousie Department of Theatre production of You Are Here by Daniel MacIvor, performed 19 March 2003. The production was produced by DalTheatre. The item is a recording of act II.

You are here act 1

Item is a video recording of the Dalhousie Department of Theatre production of You Are Here by Daniel MacIvor, performed 19 March 2003. The production was produced by DalTheatre. The item is a recording of act I.

Yankee notions

File contains set and light designs for Neptune Theatre's production of "Yankee Notions," directed by James Roy and designed by Pat Flood (set) and Brian Pincott (lights).

Flood, Patricia

Y Level summer symposium on validation

Item is a poster for exhibitions part of Y level summer exhibition series held from June 19-August 19, 1993. The exhibitions at Eye Level Gallery featured works by Vida Simon, Jane Williams, Jordan Broadworth, Leo Toner, Robert Nock, Jane Mothersell, Kelly Mark, Iris Seyler, Kate Monroe, Hall Smith, and Gordon Whiteside.

X-Change '89

Item is a poster for the tour of local artists' studio spaces in Halifax held from August 5-12, 1989.

Works defined by duration

Item is a poster for an event featuring performers Andrew Forster, Simon Scanes, Vera Lemecha & Alex Livingston, John Murchie, and Ellen Pierce & George Steeves, held from April 8-16, 1982.

Working theatre project : [episode one of Rock Meets Bone]

File contains an audio cassette with episode one of the radio program Rock Meets Bone hosted by Brian Guns. The episode highlights a performance of "Time Out" produced as part of the Working Theatre Project organized by Mulgrave Road Theatre. The episode aired on September 22, 1989. The recording is on side B of the audio cassette.

Working drawings of furnishings for Killam Library

File contains 11 pages of blueline prints of hand-drawn working designs for Killam Library furnishings, labelled F-100 though F-110, which include initial and revised plans (elevations and section drawings) for: cataloguer and bibliographer's work units; card catalogue units; consultation tables; newspaper storage units; display cases; atlas stands; file tubs; and dictionary stands. Annotations with dates include revisions based on requests by librarians.

Working drawings of central display unit and book display case for the proposed Kipling Room in the Killam Library

File contains 2 pages of blackline prints of working designs for a display unit and book cases for the planned Kipling Room in the Killam Library. The drawings include elevations and section details, are stamped "preliminary," numbered S-8 and S-8, and dated 31 March 1969. The Kipling Room ended up remaining in the O.E. Smith wing of the Macdonald Library; it is possible that these furniture plans were used instead for the Morse Room, which was located behind the MacMechan Auditorium.

working act 2

Item is a video recording of the Dalhousie Department of Theatre production of Working by Studs Terkel, adapted by Stephen Schwartz and Nina Faso, performed from 31 March to 4 April 1992. The item is a recording of act II. The production was directed by Patrick Christopher and produced by Dalhousie Theatre Department Productions with musical direction by Lisa St. Clair. The production was staged at the Sir James Dunn Theatre.

Working act 1

Item is a video recording of the Dalhousie Department of Theatre production of Working by Studs Terkel, adapted by Stephen Schwartz and Nina Faso, performed from 31 March to 4 April 1992. The item is a recording of act I. The production was directed by Patrick Christopher and produced by Dalhousie Theatre Department Productions with musical direction by Lisa St. Clair. The production was staged at the Sir James Dunn Theatre.

Working : [program]

Item consists of a program created by Dalhousie Theatre Productions for the 1991-92 season production of Stephen Schwartz and Nina Faso's adaptation of Studs Terkel's Working. The production was directed by Patrick Christopher and features a cast and crew of Dalhousie University students. The program is printed on one long, narrow sheet of paper folded in half. The program contains a list of the cast and crew and a director's note.

Women's bookworks

Item is a poser for a survey exhibition of contemporary artists' books by Canadian women, including unique book-objects and printed edition works. The exhibition was held from January 12-31, 1981 at Eye Level Gallery.

Women Willing To Work : An Exploratory Investigation of the Economic Integration of Women with Disabilities in Nova Scotia / researched and written by Elizabeth Doull

Item consists of a copy of the May 1993 report "Women Willing To Work : An Exploratory Investigation of the Economic Integration of Women with Disabilities in Nova Scotia", researched and written by Elizabeth Doull and edited by Brenda L. Beagan.

Women and the law in Nova Scotia

Item is a revised edition of Women and the Law in Nova Scotia published in 1972, and covers a range of legal issues affecting women in Nova Scotia, including marriage, abortion, rape, maternity leave benefits, tenancy law etc. It was written by Susan Perly with research and discussion by the Women and the Law Pamphlet Revision Committee: Deborah Dostal, Elizabeth Glenister, Elizabeth Lennon, Susan Perly and Judith Wouk.

Wizard of Oz

File contains set designs for Neptune Theatre's production of the "Wizard of Oz," directed by Ron Ulrich with designs by Art Penson. The file includes Penson's original drawings and annotated copies. File also includes two copied sheets of set designs for "Special Occasions," another Neptune Theatre production directed by Ulrich and designed by Penson (see MS-3-1, OS Folder 156).

Penson, Art

William Howard Taft : [photograph]

File contains a copy of a portrait of President Taft of the United States (1909-1913) with an inscription below to D.H. Ballon (Dr. David H. Ballon) of Montreal and his sister, Ellen Ballon.

Wilderness acts

Item is a poster(pamphlet) for the Wilderness Act performance, curated by Eyelevel Gallery, held from August 16-19, 2007. This event was part of a series of outdoor performances that took place at Kejimkujik National Park and National Historic Site, Nova Scotia. The artists that participated in this event were: Lori Blondeau, Rita McKeough, and Janet Morton.

Why do disease germs vary in virulence? / A.P. Reid : [facsimile]

Item consists of a facsimile of an article submitted by A.P. Reid to the November 1906 issue of Maritime Medical News (Vol. XVIII, No. 11), titled "Why Do Disease Germs Vary in Virulence?", which was also read at a meeting of the Medical Society of Nova Scotia, held in Lunenburg in early 1906.

Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf

File contains set designs for Neptune Theatre's production of "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf," directed by Robin Phillips and designed by Sue LePage. The file includes LePage's original drawings and annotated copies.

LePage, Sue

Where have all the radicals gone? / by Tanya Mars

Item is a poster for the public lecture by Tanya Mars as part of Eyelevel's lecture and exhibition series held on May 22, 2009, at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design Bell Auditorium. Tanya Mars is a feminist performance and video artist who has been involved in the Canadian art scene since 1973.

Where Do We Go and How Shall We Get There

Item consists of a brief publication prepared by Alderperson Barbara Hart (likely in 1977) in association with the Nova Scotia Division Community Planning Association of Canada, relating to public transportation in Halifax and Dartmouth.

West side story, Romeo and Juliet

File contains set designs for Neptune Theatre's productions of "West Side Story" and "Romeo and Juliet," directed by Tom Kerr and S. MacDonald with designs by Robert Doyle. The file includes Doyle's original drawings and annotated copies of sheets 1 and 5.

Doyle, Robert

West elevation

Item is a presentation drawing created by Drew Sperry of the west elevation of a proposed YMCA for Halifax, which was Sperry's terminal design project for his Bachelor of Architecture degree at the Nova Scotia Technical College.

Welcome to the planet

File contains set designs for Neptune Theatre's production of "Welcome to the Planet," designed by S.. Degenstein. The file includes Degenstein's original drawings and annotated copies.

Degenstein, Stephen

Welcome to the Ark Project : [manuscript]

Item consists of a facsimile draft manuscript outlining the history of the Solsearch Architects and New Alchemy Institute Ark project in Spry Point, Prince Edward Island, likely written in late 1976, discussing solar energy and food production at the facility.

Weeping willows, Op. 12, no. 2

Item contains the second piece in Rubin Goldmark's composition "In the Forest: Four Piano Compositions." This piece is dedicated to Paolo Gallico.

We remember : [poster]

File contains three copies of a poster for a concert by the Halifax Camerata Singers in collaboration with Xara Young Women's Choir, Nova Voce, and Halifax Girls Honour Choir. The concert took place at St. Patrick's Church in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

We are everywhere : [poster]

Item is a mock-up of a poster advertising a women's dance at Rumours and men's dance at the Church on North Street, held June 24, 1994, with proceeds from both in part going to fund the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Conference.

Wayves Magazine : Volume 5, Number 1 : February, 1999

Item consists of the first issue (February) of the 1999 run of Wayves Magazine, previously known as the Gaezette. Issue incorrectly identified as Volume 6.

Cover image is a photograph of actor/playwright Artistic Fraud.

Issue includes a preview of Artistic Fraud's performance of "Under Wraps: A Spoke Opera" about gay life in Newfoundland, an update from the Cape Breton Gay & Lesbian Equality Project, an article on the closure of Inside Out Books by Michael Vernon, a review of George Boyd's play about Africville called "Consecrated Ground", an article about the Northern New Brunswick Nor Gays Club written by David Lantz, an article by Michael R.H. Parsons about continuing gay rights activism for the HIV/AIDS community, part three of a short story by Rand Gaynor, an interview of EGALE Board members Kim Vance and Randall Perry conducted by Michael Wile, and other regular columns (James MacSwain, Steve Malone and Greg Morris), reviews (Steve Malone), news updates, and event listings.

Wayves Magazine : Volume 4, Number 9 : November, 1998

Item consists of the ninth issue of the fourth volume (November) of the 1998 run of Wayves Magazine, previously known as the Gaezette. The contents page incorrectly identifies this as Volume 5, Issue 8.

Cover image is a photograph of music group The Wyrd Sisters.

Issue includes a profile of the WInnipeg-based Wyrd Sisters on their east coast tour, a preview of a Nova Scotia Rainbow Action Project meeting, an editorial about discrimination in Fredericton, an article by Andrea Currie about chosen families, an article on same-sex pension benefits progress by Lara Morris, an interview with author Shyam Selvadurai conducted by Jane Kansas, an article on lesbian parenting by Joanne Bernard, an update on Inside Out Books after two years in operation, part one of a short story by Rand Gaynor, and other regular columns (Steve Malone and Greg Morris, Pandora), reviews, news updates, and event listings.

Results 1 to 50 of 15307