Photograph of Canadian Delegation at the International Council of Nurses Kongress June 1965
Photograph of Opening Session of the Council of National Representatives, International Council of Nurses - Evian, France
A student's letters, number 4 / A.P. Reid : [facsimile]
Christmas card from Lt. Col. John Stewart
Photograph of Oscar Glennie Donovan and another Canadian Army Medical Corps officer
Correspondence from the General Register Office, London, England, to Roy Laurence, February 26, 1937
Photograph of a parade of Canadian Armed Forces and a military band marching down a street in Holland
Photograph of a touring group, including Edith and Thomas Head Raddall, at the Marienlyst Hotel Elsinore, near Copenhagen, Denmark
Photograph of Maureen Beren and Thomas Head Raddall in the parking lot outside of the Pou du Ciel Inn in Belgium
Photograph of Angelo the courier, Thomas Head and Edith Raddall, and Bleach at the Staat Keller restaurant in Lucerne, Switzerland printed on a postcard
Photograph of George V at the grave of a soldier on the front lines of the Great War printed on a postcard
Photograph of Canterbury Cathedral and the Gate of Dark Entry in Canterbury, England printed on a postcard
Photographic negatives from the Raddalls' 1958 trip to Newfoundland and Europe
Photograph of Thomas Head Raddall, Sr. at W.E. Firmstone residence
Photographic negative of a photograph of the ship Narcissus
Photograph of four men, including T.H. Raddall, Sr., wearing aprons and standing outside a grocery store printed on a postcard
Photograph of T.H. Raddall, Sr., with another uniformed officer on or near Reach Field in Hythe, England
Photograph of T.H. Raddall, Sr. in uniform while on leave in England standing with a gentleman in plainclothes
Portrait of T.H. Raddall, Sr. in uniform printed on a postcard
Open Letter to the Missouri Knights of Columbus : [poster]
Tents in Arques, France
Tents in Arques, France
Photograph of Château d'Arques, Pas de Calais, France
Bassin d'Apollon, Versailles Palace, France
Bern, Switzerland
On the glacier in Jungfrau, Switzerland
River Cam, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Abbotsford, United Kingdom
Edinburgh, Scotland
Blarney Stone, Ireland
Photograph of Arthur Stanley MacKenzie in the Cavendish Laboratory at Cambridge University
Photograph of Harris Brown in Garden House
Charcoal and pencil drawing by Donald Cameron Mackay of a port scene at Suðuroy, Faroe Islands
Photograph of the Matheson Grave on Maré, Loyalty Islands, New Caledonia
Statement by Ambassador Perisic of Yugoslavia
Statement by Arvid Pardo (International Ocean Institute) before UNCLoS III
Correspondence from Gilbert Sutherland Stairs to Archibald MacMechan, January 28, 1919
Correspondence from Owen Bell Jones to MacMechan, December 20, 1915
Correspondence from Owen Bell Jones to MacMechan, December 14, 1928
Correspondence from Owen Bell Jones to MacMechan, December 5, 1930
Report of the Club of Rome's heads of state meeting in Salzburg
Letter from Gunter Pauli to Elisabeth Borgese requesting that she write the environment report for the Aurelio Peccei Tagung
Compte rendu de la premiere reunion des membres Europeens du Club de Rome
Guidelines for the future (draft)
Ten years respite : an interview with Aurelio Peccei
Journal, 1807, Edinburgh, London
Queries and hints on various philosoph. subjects, vol. 2