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Halifax Regional Municipality (N.S.) With digital objects
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Drawing of fish detail on on the base of the Dalhousie University mace

Item is a page with two drawings of the fish that adorns the base of the mace, an orthographic projection and bird's-eye view. The fish was a symbol employed to recognize the significance of fishing and the fisheries to Nova Scotia. The bird's-eye view has a seashell between the fish tails that was not incorporated into the mace carved by A.H. MacMillan.

Detail drawing of circular scene at the base of the Dalhousie University mace

Item is a pencil drawing that shows Saunders' design for the circular scene carved into the base of the Dalhousie University mace. The design represents the "deep gutter between sky and sea" and a sea nymph "calling across the waves toward the setting sun in representation of the impulse that led navigators to sail westward to our shores."

Drawing of a Scottish earl's coronet carved into the head of the Dalhousie University mace

Item is a pencil drawing by R.L. de C.H. Saunders showing his design for the five-rayed coronet carved into the head of the Dalhousie University mace. The drawing includes measurements and other notes written in pencil. The coronet is included in the mace "in recognition of the University founder, the 9th Earl of Dalhousie." This part of the mace was carved into a piece of oak cut from the estate of the Earl of Dalhousie.

Drawing of the Celtic cross on the head of the Dalhousie University mace

Item is a pencil drawing by Saunders showing his design for the sterling silver Celtic cross that decorates the head of the Dalhousie University mace. The drawing includes measurements and other notes written in pencil. The Celtic cross is set atop the cap of the coronet that forms the uppermost part of the mace's head.

Drawing of the Celtic cross on the head of the Dalhousie University mace

Item is a pencil drawing by Saunders showing his design for the sterling silver Celtic cross that decorates the head of the Dalhousie University mace. The drawing includes measurements and notes written in pencil. The Celtic cross is set atop the cap of the coronet that forms the uppermost part of the mace head. This drawing shows the University motto "Ora et Labora" and the five points of the coronet surrounding the cross.
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