Panama Agencies Company
Panama Agencies Company
Fraser, Mrs. - son of
Fraser, Mrs. - son of
Chisholm, John & friend
Chisholm, John & friend
Hubert, P., Mrs. - daughter of
Hubert, P., Mrs. - daughter of
Hubert, P., Mrs. - daughter of
Hubert, P., Mrs. - daughter of
Zwicker, Hattie L.
Zwicker, Hattie L.
McDonald, Isabel
McDonald, Isabel
Kerr, John, Mrs.
Kerr, John, Mrs.
McDonald, Allan
McDonald, Allan
McDonald, Duncan, Mrs. - baby of
McDonald, Duncan, Mrs. - baby of
McDonald, Duncan, Mrs. - baby of
McDonald, Duncan, Mrs. - baby of
Thompson, Harry
Thompson, Harry
Fraser, Catherine
Fraser, Catherine
Campbell, Elsie
Campbell, Elsie
Campbell, Elsie
Campbell, Elsie
Campbell, Elsie
Campbell, Elsie
Ernst C. G., Mr. - family
Ernst C. G., Mr. - family
Ernst C. G., Mrs. - children of
Ernst C. G., Mrs. - children of
Cameron, Flora
Cameron, Flora
Sailing Ship - "Ames William"
Sailing Ship - "Ames William"
McEachern, D. A., Mr. & Mrs.
McEachern, D. A., Mr. & Mrs.
Fraser, John C., Mr. & Mrs.
Fraser, John C., Mr. & Mrs.
Chisholm, E. R., Mr. & Mrs.
Chisholm, E. R., Mr. & Mrs.
Sailing Ship - "Ames William"
Sailing Ship - "Ames William"
Steam Ship - "Mulgrave"
Steam Ship - "Mulgrave"
McEachern, Mr. & Mrs.
McEachern, Mr. & Mrs.
Mrs. Anderson Gunn
Mrs. Anderson Gunn
Map of Blandford Rural Telephone Company's telephone line
Map of Blandford Rural Telephone Company's telephone line
Map of Broad Cove Rural Telephone Company's telephone line
Map of Cherry Hill Mutual Telephone Company's telephone line
Post office
Post office
George Nowlan Martime Conservative in National Politics by Margaret Conrad
George Nowlan Martime Conservative in National Politics by Margaret Conrad
Interview with Dorothy Perkyns
Interview with Dorothy Perkyns
Interview with Alma Houston about Inuit art
Interview with Alma Houston about Inuit art
Status of the Osprey, Pandion haliaetus, in Halifax and Lunenburg Counties, Nova Scotia : [manuscript and correspondence]
Status of the Osprey, Pandion haliaetus, in Halifax and Lunenburg Counties, Nova Scotia : [manuscript and correspondence]
Documents relating to a site assessment of the Nature Conservancy of Canada at Deep Cove (near Blandford), Nova Scotia
Documents relating to a site assessment of the Nature Conservancy of Canada at Deep Cove (near Blandford), Nova Scotia
Sermons of Reverend Peter De LaRoche
Sermons of Reverend Peter De LaRoche
IBEW Local 1928 negotiations with the Towns of Lockeport and Lunenburg re. collective agreements
IBEW Local 1928 negotiations with the Towns of Lockeport and Lunenburg re. collective agreements
The Masked Genre
The Masked Genre
Newspaper clippings concerning organ concerts by Allen M. Reid
Newspaper clippings concerning organ concerts by Allen M. Reid
Acadian Supplies Company fonds
Acadian Supplies Company fonds
George Douglas Elphinstone Anderson fonds
George Douglas Elphinstone Anderson fonds
Thomas Donal Linehan fonds
Thomas Donal Linehan fonds
Himmelman Supply Company fonds
Himmelman Supply Company fonds
Letters from students regarding Pit Pony
Letters from students regarding Pit Pony
Photographs with family and friends, including 75th birthday and vacations
Photographs with family and friends, including 75th birthday and vacations
Correspondence from Murray Barkhouse
Correspondence from Murray Barkhouse
Photographs of Susan Kerslake, Joyce Barkhouse, Budge Wilson, Jane Buss, and Norene Smiley
Photographs of Susan Kerslake, Joyce Barkhouse, Budge Wilson, Jane Buss, and Norene Smiley
Correspondence from Joyce Barkhouse to Zoe Lucas
Correspondence from Joyce Barkhouse to Zoe Lucas
Assorted documents and photographs of Joyce Barkhouse
Assorted documents and photographs of Joyce Barkhouse