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Business correspondence to William McMillan, Lockeport, regarding confirmation to ship goods, and receipt of shipments

File contains business correspondence addressed to (and a couple written by) William McMillan, Lockeport, between April 1920, and August 1920, regarding receipt of shipment of goods to be sold in his general store, or confirmation of goods to be sent overseas.

File contains both typed and handwritten correspondence and balance orders from the following brokers: Acadia Gas Engines Limited (Bridgewater), Edward Allen (Yarmouth), Amherst Pianos Limited, James H. Banks (Crowell's), G.E. Barbour Company (Saint John), Bauld Bros. (Halifax), Beaver Company Limited (Thorold, ON), W.R. Brock Company (Montreal), Brookfield Bros. (Halifax), Canada Cement Company (Montreal), Canadian National Railway, Canadian Oil Companies Limited, Cedar Products Limited (Amherst), Colonial Fertilizer Company (Windsor), M.P. Cook & Co. (Yarmouth), J.F. Creaser Co, (LaHave), W.G. Dexter (Barrington), Andrew Doane (Ingomar), Dominion Molasses Company (Halifax), Dominion Rubber System Limited (Halifax), Thomas A. Edison Inc. (Orange, NJ), Emerson & Fisher (Saint John), Frank Fales & Sons (Saint John), Chas. Hagar (Roseway), Trueman Hagar (Round Bay), Imperial Oil Limited, J.B. Jones (East Jordan), Wm. A. Kenney (Clark's Harbour), Lockett & Messenger (Bridgetown), R.J. Lovell Co. (Toronto), Lunenburg Foundry Co., T. McAvity & Sons (Saint John), McColl Bros. Limited (Montreal), Manchester Robertson Allison (Saint John), Maple Leaf Milling Company (Toronto), Martin-Senour Co. (Halifax), Meyer Brothers (Toronto, G.P. Mitchell & Sons (Halifax), J. & M. Murphy (Halifax), Z. Nickerson (Port Clyde), Mrs Leslie Nicol (Clyde River), North American Fisheries & Cold Storage Limited (Liverpool), Northern Electric Company (Halifax), Nova Scotia Fertilizer Company (Halifax), Peabody's Overalls (Walkerville, ON), Phillips & Marshall (Halifax), R.E. Pinkham (Barrington), A.L. Purdy (Barrington), Quaker Oats Company (Peterborough), Frank Reardon (Halifax), Retail Merchants Association of Canada, Rutherford Milling Company (Blenheim, ON), Shatfords Limited (Halifax), Simmons Limited (Montreal), E.K. Spinney (Yarmouth), Wm. Stairs, Son & Morrow (Halifax), John Starr, Son & Co. (Halifax), R. Steinmann & Co. (London), T.C. Swaine (Barrington), W.H. Thorne & Company (Saint John), Arthur N. Whitman Limited (Halifax), Wolverton Milling Company, Thomas Wood & Company, Worcester Manufacturing Company (London), T.E. Worthen & Son (Crowell's), among others.

Business correspondence to William McMillan, Lockeport, regarding confirmation to ship goods, and receipt of shipments

File contains business correspondence addressed to William McMillan and Fred Giffin, Lockeport, between January 1921 and April1921, regarding receipt of shipment of goods to be sold in his general store, or confirmation of goods to be sent overseas.

File contains a letter from E. Hawken, Department of Marine and Fisheries, regarding the changing nature of the fish industry, suggesting the retailers must adapt to the new realities of the industry, and that "never again shall we revert to conditions prior to 1914".

File contains both typed and handwritten correspondence and balance orders from the following brokers:
Acadia Gas Engines Limited (Bridgewater), Edward M. Alden (Boston), Edward Allen (Yarmouth), Amherst Boot & Shoe Co., Atlantic Underwear Limited (Moncton), L.E. Baker & Co. (Yarmouth), J.B. Bardsley Hat Co. (Saint John), The Barrett Company (Halifax), Bauld Bros. (Halifax), Sidney R. Baxter & Co. (Boston), The Beaver Company (Thorold, ON), Blue Bird Tea (Halifax), W.R. Brock Company (Montreal/Halifax), Brookfield Bros. (Halifax), Calder, Fraser Co. (Dartmouth), Canada Cement Company (Montreal), Canadian Oil Companies (Toronto), Cedar Products Limited (Amherst), Central Hay & Feed Exchange (Moncton), Clayton & Sons (Halifax), Colonial Fertilizer Company, M.P. Cook & Company (Yarmouth), Corona Company (Saint John), Cragg Bros. (Halifax), Wellesley G. Crouse (Middlewood), W.G. Dexter (Barrington), Andrew Doane (Ingomar), Dominion Rubber System (Maritime) Limited (Halifax), R.G. Dun & Co. (Halifax), Edinburgh Roperie & Sailcloth (Montreal), Emerson & Fisher (Saint John), T.H. Estabrooks Co. (Saint John), Frank Fales (Saint John), Farquhar & Co. (Halifax), A.E. Faucher (Riviere-du-Loup), Charles Fawcett (Sackville, NB), Fleetwood Footwear (Saint John), S.R. Giffin & Sons (Goldboro), Geo. C. Goodfellow (Montreal), Gurney-Massey Co. (Montreal), Charles Hagar (Roseway), Trueman Hager (Round Bay), G.J. Hamilton & Sons (Pictou), R. Hendsbee & Co. (Half Island Cove), Holeproof Hosiery CO. (London, ON), Robt. H. Ingersoll (Montreal), J.B. Jones (East Jordan), Killam Brothers (Yarmouth), John Lockett & Son (Bridgetown), Lunenburg Coal & Supply Company, T. McAvity & Sons (Saint John), John C. McKay (Clyde River), A. & W. MacKinlay (Halifax), Manchester Robertson Allison (Saint John), Maple Leaf Milling Company (Halifax), Martin-Senour Co. (Halifax), G.P. Mitchell & Sons (Halifax), W. & C.H. Mitchell (Halifax), Moirs Limited (Halifax), Mosher & Baker (Halifax), J. & M. Murphy (Halifax), National Drug & Chemical Company, Mrs Leslie Nicol (Clyde River), Northern Aluminum Company (Toronto), Northern Electric (Halifax), Parker-Eakins Company (Yarmouth), C.H. Peters' Sons (Saint John), Quaker Oats Company (Peterborough), G.N. Reagh (Middleton), Retail Merchants Association of Canada, Scythes & Company (Halifax), F.L. Seldon & Son (Liverpool), J.A. Silver (Liverpool), Simmons Limited (Montreal), Smith Brokerage (Saint John), A. & M. Smith (Halifax), E.K. Spinney (Yarmouth), John Starr (Halifax), Stanfields Limited (Truro), T.C. Swaine (Barrington), A.E. Thorbourn (Gunning Cove), W.H. Thorne (Saint John), Walker Bros. (Montreal), O.H. Warwick Co. (Saint John), among others.

Business correspondence to William McMillan, Lockeport, regarding confirmation to ship goods, and receipt of shipments

File contains business correspondence addressed to William McMillan and Fred Giffin (with a few written by McMillan), Lockeport, between June 1924 and October 1924, regarding receipt of shipment of goods to be sold in McMillan's general store, or confirmation of goods to be sent overseas.

File contains both typed and handwritten correspondence and balance orders from the following brokers:
Acadia Gas Engines (Bridgewater), Acme Glove Works Limited (Montreal), Ames Holden McCready (Saint John), Amherst Boot & Shoe Company, Walter Baker & Co. (Montreal), C.R. Banks (Torbrook Mines), Barrett Company (Saint John), Bates & Innes Limited (Carleton Place, ON), C.E. Bentley & Co. (Truro), W.R. Brock Company (Montreal), Brookfield Bros. (Halifax), Canada Cement Company, Canadian Drug Co. Limited (Saint John), Canadian Export & Import Trading Co. (Halifax), Canadian National Carbon Company (Toronto), Canadian Oil Companies Limited (Halifax), Canadian Pacific Railway Company, Christie, Brown & Co. Limited (Halifax), M.P. Cook & Co. (Yarmouth), H.H. Crosby Co (Hebron), S.A. Crowell & Co. (Yarmouth), R.H. Davis & Company (Yarmouth), Andrew Doane (Ingomar), Emerson & Fisher (Saint John), Fraser Companies Limited (Edmundston, NB), John Fry, bread (Halifax), Alden Giffin (Louis Head), Gordon, Mackay & Co. (Toronto), Chas. Hagar (Roseway), Freeman Hagar (Round Bay), Emma Harlow (Sable River), W.H. Hayward Co. (Saint John), A.W. Hebb (Bridgewater), Indian Garden Farm (Bridgewater), Imperial Tobacco Company of Canada, Robert Irwin (Shelburne), Mrs J.B. Jones (East Jordan), Lake of the Woods Milling Company (Montreal), Lakeside Farm (Hebb's Cross), T. McAvity & Sons (Saint John), J.D. McKenzie (Middleton), Manchester Robertson Allison (Saint John), Maple Leaf Milling Company (Toronto), Martin-Senour Co. (Halifax), Austin Mills (Halifax), L.H. Minard (Milton), G.P. Mitchell & Sons (Halifax), John Morrell & Co. (Boston), Neville Sons Limited (Halifax), Northern Electric Company (Halifax), Nova Scotia Sea Fisheries Association (Yarmouth), Frank S. O'Brien (Jordan Falls), H.M. Perry & Company (Toronto, via Craven & Speeding), Phonograph Salon Limited (Saint John), G.N. Reagh & Sons (Middleton), Frank Reardon Limited (Halifax), Retail Merchants Association of Canada, F.A. Robertson (Port Mouton), Schofield Paper Company (Saint John), Billie Shields (Halifax), Smith Brokerage Co. (Saint John), E.K. Spinney (Yarmouth), Wm. Stairs, Son & Morrow Limited (Halifax), Stanfield's Limited (Truro), C. Swain (Port Mouton, for Martin-Senour), Frank A. Taylor (Halifax), T.H. Taylor Co. Limited (Chatham, ON), Thompson and Sutherland Limited (Sydney), Thorbourn Bros. (Sandy Point), W.H. Thorne & Company (Saint John), Webster, Smith & Co. Limited (Halifax), Whiting Seed Co. (Halifax), J.L. Wilson & Co. (Halifax), among others.

Business papers re. Henry House

Series includes correspondence and papers relating to the business side of Henry House, including architectural plans for proposed additions/alterations to the building.

Buskers 1989 : part 1

File is an audio reel that contains an episode of Artscape, a radio program broadcast on CKDU radio 97.5. This episode is entitled "Buskers 1989, Part 1" and is on the annual Halifax International Busker Festival.

Buskers! Buskers! Buskers!

File is an audio reel with a feature on the 1989 International Street Performers Festival, now known as the Halifax International Busker Festival. It combines parts one and two, in which K.T. Mondragon interviewed buskers at the festival.

Buskers Festival 1990

File is an audio reel that contains an episode of Artscape, a radio program broadcast on CKDU radio 97.5. This episode features the annual Halifax International Buskers Festival of 1990 with Marylou Carmichael.

Butt, James

One young man wearing a cap and overcoat, standing with one arm on the back of a wicker chair and the opposite hand in his pocket; full pose

Butt, James

One young man wearing a ribbon with metal attachments pinned to his lapel, standing with one arm on the back of a wicker chair; full pose

Butterflies are free

File contains set designs for the Neptune Theatre production of "Butterflies are Free," directed by A. McKim with designs by Robert Doyle. The file includes Doyle's original pencil drawings as well as annotated copies.

Doyle, Robert

Byer, K.

One woman wearing glasses with nurse's uniform including cap, seated, facing to the side; 3/4 pose. Annotated: "St. Martha's Hospital"

Byers, K.

Four poses of one young woman standing in front of a window, facing to the side. Three are 3/4 pose; one is a bust pose

Byrne, Florida

File contains a handwritten letter created by Florida L. Byrne (of Tacoma, Washington) dated May 15, 1973, and sent to Kenneth Leslie. Letter gauges Leslie's interest in receiving copies of U.S. Farm News (whose publisher, Fred Stover, "spoke very highly of [Leslie] in one of his letters". Letter also expresses appreciation for receipt of a copy of Leslie's self-published poetry anthology "O'Malley and the Reds and other poems. Finally, letter inquires to the interest in Leslie's receipt of a few books from Mrs Byrne's personal collection.

Byron and the lightning cadets

File is an audio reel that contains an episode of Idle Reels, a CKDU radio program. This episode was recorded June 14, 1986; broadcast on July 6, 1986; and rebroadcast on January 4, 1986 and November 12, 1989.

Byron Ulric Hatfield Photograph Collection

  • MS-2-781
  • Collection
  • [before 1949]
Collection contains seventy-seven glass plate lantern slides created by Byron Ulric Hatfield in Nova Scotia during the early twentieth century. Hatfield took photographs of coastal landscapes, churches and other buildings, and people working and in social settings. He also photographed published illustrations of Acadian life, including several illustrations of scenes from Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's epic poem "Evangeline: A Tale of Acadie." Hatfield developed his own photographs and created "magic lantern" slides to use in an illustrated lecture titled "The Land of Evangeline: The Land of Romance, Legend, and Picturesque Beauty." He gave lectures in various locations throughout the eastern United States.

Hatfield, Byron Ulric

'C' - 'D' miscellaneous correspondence

File includes correspondence with Fisheries and Oceans, Pacific and Freshwater Fisheries Canada, Supply and Services Canada, and Dalhousie University. Correspondents include Roy Cheeseman; Aldo Chircop; Garry Comber (Secretary-Treasurer of ICOD); David Copp; Jeanne-Mance Cote (administrative assistant to the President of ICOD); Heather Creech; Luc Cuyvers; Mary Jo Duncan. File includes a copy of International Ocean Institute (IOI) statutes and lists IOI Board of Trustees. File contains one piece of personal correspondence.

'C - E' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence. Correspondents include Dr. T. Eitel, Member of Parliament Charles Caccia (includes a press release from his office), Richard C. Caruana (on ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea), The Right Honourable Joe Clark (Secretary of State for External Affairs), Harlan Cleveland (on the boat paper, and the reasons it must be resisted), law professor Thomas A. Clingan, Professor Umberto Columbo, Guido De Marco (Maltese Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs), Indonesian Ambassador Hasjim Djalal (on the non-paper, and the need to establish a sea-bed mining authority immediately), and Akiko Domoto. Also includes a draft paper by the Group of 77 ("Agreement on the Establishment of an Interim Regime from the Coming into Force of the Convention to the Time when Commerical Seabed Mining Becomes Economically and Ecologically Feasible").

'C - F' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with Paolo Fulci, the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Italy to the United Nations, on Elisabeth Mann Borgese's proposal to establish a United Nations Ocean Assembly. File also contains correspondence with Canadian Member of Parliament Charles Caccia, on the "Halifax Declaration" reached at Pacem in Marbius (PIM) XXVI.

'C - G' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with Alex Comfort, V. Dedijer, Da Capo Press Inc., Encyclopedia of the Sea, Rita Ettl, Fayard Editions, Peter Fricke, FAO (the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations), Donald Gledhill, and Jay Goldburg Cousteau Society.

"C" correspondence

File contains correspondence related to persons or organizations associated with the letter "C". These include the Canadian Society of Zoologists, Canadian Science Publishing, the Canadian Museum of Nature, the Chemistry department at Dalhousie, the Cells, Tissues, and Organs journal, and Dr. Clement at the University of Melbourne. Materials include the establishment of a student award, convocation addresses for May 28, 2006 and May 24, 2005, a 1-page resume, an invoice for a specimen loan, and information regarding Hall's winning of the 1994 Fry Medal from the Canadian Society of Zoologists.

C. L. Bennet's material relating to fraternities at Dalhousie University

The material includes a proposal to build a Sigma Chi Fraternity House on campus; information about creating a Halifax chapter of the Tau Kappa Epsilon Fraternity; correspondence concerning the Sigma Alpha Mu Fraternity and the code of chapter discipline for the gamma Rho Chapter of Sigma Chi Fraternity.

'C' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with the Commission of the European Communities, Rallph Collier, Consumers Union of US Inc., Centre d'Architecture de la Mer, Jerrgen Claus, Mae Cullin, Rafael Castello-Valdis, Ray Canterbury, Jonathan Charney, CBS, Nigel Calder (on "The Blue Revolution"), Michelle Canterella, and "Conjunctions."

'C' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence between Elisabeth Mann Borgese and the following individuals: Sanjay Chaturvedi; Richard V. Carter; Dr. Hans Corell; Lucien Chabason (on the Regional Seas Programme); Krista Singleton-Cambage; Peter Cramer (concerning Thomas Mann); Pietro Carrigliol; Kevin Coady (concerning the death of one of Mann Borgese's dogs); Christopher Corkett (critiquing one of Mann Borgese's talks); Aldo Chircop; Dr. Edward Carr; Senator Alan Cranston; Christo and Jean Claude (outgoing only, includes prints of various art installations); Liara Covert; Winifred Caponigri; Rideau Hall; Pluto Press; Senator Alan Cranston; Ignacio Perez Caldentey; Fernando Henrique Cardoso (President of Brazil); Sergio D. Claure; Dr. Maria della Costa; Richard V. Carter; Erksine Childers; Professor Jonathan Charney; Judge Maurice Caruana Curran (Chancellor of University of Malta); Arthur H. Campeau; H. Reuben Cohen (Chancellor of Dalhousie); Elisabeth Cyran; Hon. David Coore; Ana Luisa Cortez; Frederick Clairmonte; Ingvar Carlsson (Prime Minister of Sweden); and others. Also includes copies of the following papers: "The Training Programme of the International Ocean Institute" by Elisabeth Mann Borgese; "Professionalization of the Field of Marine Affairs" by Aldo Chircop; "NATO's War of Aggression Against Yugoslavia: An Overview by Michel Chessudovsky. Some correspondence may be personal.

C.A. Douglas retirement photographs

  • MS-14-116, PB Box 40, Folder 3
  • File
  • [1960-197-?]
File contains 7 photographs of C.A. Douglas' retirement. They are all stamped "Photo by Pridham Studio, Truro, N.S.". Charles Douglas was Deputy Minister of the Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing. Douglas also served as Assistant Agricultural Representative in Pictou, Agricultural Representative in Hants County, Assistant Director and, later, Director of Extension, and as Director of Livestock. Was inducted into the Agricultural Hall of Fame in 1979.


File contains set designs for Neptune Theatre's production of "Cabaret," directed by Ron Ulrich and designed by Art Penson. The file includes Penson's original drawings (drawn to a scale of 1/2" = 1') and annotated copies.

Penson, Art


Item is a poster for the event that was held on July 12 featuring Jim MacSwain as Emcee; Dayna McLeod; Stephen Lawson and Aaron Pollard; Kathy Kennedy; Rez Villian, AKA Darrell Bernard; Christy Wad; Fred Martin, AKA Whitey Littlefeather; Steven Slater; Pascale Malaterre; Derick Lengwenus, AKA Dr. Avacado; ECMA nominee, Kaleb Simmonds. Curated by Liz Mac Dougall.


File contains set designs for Neptune Theatre's production of "Cabaret," directed by Tom Kerr with designs by S.J. Degenstein.

Degenstein, Stephen


File contains set and light designs for Neptune Theatre's production of "Cabaret," directed by Tom Kerr with designs by S.J. Degenstein. The file includes Degenstein's original drawings, annotated copies of Sheets 6 and 8, and annotated designs for props.

File also includes an original drawing for the "Prison effect" in "Twelfth Night," by S.J. Degenstein. This design may have been used for reference in "Cabaret," or was simply misfiled.

Degenstein, Stephen


File contains set and prop designs for Neptune Theatre's production of "Cabaret," directed by Ron Ulrich and designed by Art Penson. The designs are drawn to the scales of 1/4" = 1', 1/2" = 1', and 1" = 1'. The file includes original drawings and annotated copies. The technical director for the production was Scott Miller.

Penson, Art

Results 3151 to 3200 of 44532