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Asia File
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73 results with digital objects Show results with digital objects

A memorandum on the exclusive economic zone and handwritten conference notes

File contains a memo is from the Federal Republic of Germany, Singapore, Nepal, and Zambia to Reynaldo Galindo Pohl, the Chairman of the Second Committee of the Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLoS III) on the concept of an economic zone. The file also contains handwritten notes by Elisabeth Mann Borgese.

Correspondence regarding United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

File contains project descriptions, documents related to Pacem in Maribus X and XIV (ten / 10 and fourteen / 14), correspondence to Pierre Elliott Trudeau, "Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution," "Report of the ad hoc Expert Group meeting on the Draft World Charter for Nature," and other miscellaneous reports. Reports written in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.

Correspondence concerning "Encyclopaedia Universalis"

File contains correspondence with Claude Gregory, John Dodge, F. Weizsacker, Jean R. de Salis, John Kendrew, P. Kapitza, Salvatore Quasimodo, Daniele Bovet, Georg Likacs, D. Lavergne, Linus Pauling, S. Radhakrishnan, C.F. Weizsacker, Werner Heisenberg, Robert Forbes, Robert Hutchins, and Theodor Svedberg. Correspondence mainly includes invitations to join the Encyclopedia Universalis' project. Also includes comments written about the encyclopedia by Marcello Colocci (on the "Physics" and "Chemistry" pieces) and Guiseppe Barbreri (on the "Geography" section). Contains English, Italian, and German correspondence.

'W' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with G. Weiss, G. Wassenberg, and Ambassador Karl Wolf, including a copy of the report "Fish Used to Eradicate Paddy-field Mosquitoes" by Song Ming.

'U' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with M.J. Anstee (Department of Technical Co-operation for Development) and K. Mushakoji (UN University - with "The United Nations University's Next Stage: Statement before the Sixteenth Session of the Council of the UN University on 1 December 1980"). File also includes handwritten notes by Elisabeth Mann Borgese for a United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) talk (on the new industrial revolution and the oceans).

The past 60 years of Peking University, 1898-1958 : [manuscript and clippings]

File contains records related to human rights teachings in China. File largely consists of a typed manuscript by Ronald St. John MacDonald, likely in 1958 or 1959, outlining the previous sixty years of the history of Peking University, includes discussions on the campus and its buildings and a brief account of its founding in 1898. File also contains clippings.

The Canadian-Chinese programme in international and comparative law : a proposal for human resource development and technology transfer in legal training and research : [report and correspondence]

File contains a copy of the report "A Canadian-Chinese Prorgamme in International & Comparative Law" drafted by the College of Law at Peking University and the Faculty of Law at Dalhousie University. File also contains correspondence between Ronald St. John Macdonald, Paul Brennan, Marc Dolgin, Peter Hoffman, W. Andrew Mackay, H.L. O'Brien, Alasdair Sinclair, and Wang Tieya.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 2000 to 2005

File contains unsorted correspondence with different individuals, including Hamdallah Zedan, Krystyna Kowalik, Obiora Chinedu Okafor, John Hobbins, Randle Edwards, Stephen M. Schwebel, Barbara Uteck, Jean Chrétien, Christian I. Dominice, Wang Tieya, Peter Malanczuk, Frederic L. Kirgis, Maureen O'Neil, J. Allan Beesley, Ivan L. Head, John F. Hamm, and others, regarding a wide range of topics. File includes correspondence from December 1999 that is attached to correspondence from 2000, a photograph of a group of four unidentified individuals, handwritten notes, newspaper clippings, and other materials.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 1990 to 2006

  • MS-2-615, Box 60, Folders 9 and 10; MS-2-615, Box 61, Folders 1 - 7; MS-2-615, Box 62, Folders 1 - 6; and MS-2-615, Box 63, Folders 1 - 9
  • File
  • 1990 - 2006
  • Part of Ronald St. John Macdonald fonds

File contains unsorted correspondence with different individuals, including James A. Gibson, Peter MacKinnon, Frank Iacobucci, James C. MacPherson, Allahyar Mouri, Stephen M. Schwebel, Maxwell Cohen, H.W.Arthurs, Emile K.M. Yakpo, Doug Kirkpatrick, Antonio Cassese, Madeleine Proulx, Rudolf Bernhardt, Mohamed Munavvar, Carl-august Fleischhauer, Suse Schwarzenberg, Anne McLellan, Douglas M. Johnston, John Godfrey, Ted McWhinney, Christian Dominice, Edwin A. Goodman, Bill Graham, Michael Oliver, James Otieno Odek, Hugh Paton, Bruce P. Archibald, Jessica Carroll, Juan Antonio Carrillo Salcedo, Ronald S. Wood, Doug McArthur, Charles B. Bournes, Edgar Gold, J.P. Gardner, and others, regarding a wide range of topics. File includes Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific annual report of 1997, Lester B. Pearson College of the Pacific newsletter of January 1997, University of Toronto Law School Faculty Council meeting agendas and meeting minutes, World Academy of Art and Science newsletter of March 1993, the British Institute of International and Comparative Law newsletter of January 1991, the American Society of International Law newsletters, the Group of 78 newsletter of May 1993, the African Society of International and Comparative Law newsletter of January 1990, a Dalhousie University Faculty of Law full-time staff contact list of 1973, a photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald with Maxwell Bruce and an unidentified man in 1999, a photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald with James Otieno Odek in 1994, an agreement between Canada Live in trust with Doubleday Canada Limited regarding the book "Canada live: English Canada speaks out", newspaper clippings, handwritten notes, and other materials.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence with Wang Tieya

File includes correspondence with Zheng Ping, Innes Christie, W.H. Charles, Dick Evans, C. Wiktor, John Yogis, Wen-Zong Liu, Arthur von Mehren, Prosper Weil, and D.W. Bowett. File includes Dalhousie Law School memoranda regarding the visit of Wang Tieya, Hunghui Lui, and Chen An at Dalhousie University in March 1984.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 1961 to 2005

  • MS-2-615, Box 40, Folders 20 and 21; MS-2-615, Box 41, Folder 4; MS-2-615, Box 42, Folders 1 - 10; and MS-2-615, Box 43, Folders 1 - 8;
  • File
  • 1961 - 2005
  • Part of Ronald St. John Macdonald fonds

File contains unsorted correspondence with different individuals, including Krystyna Kowalik-Banczyk, R.P. Anand, Dieter Tietz, Jeremy Thomas, Hugo Caminos, Peter H. Rohn, H.D. Hicks, W.A. MacKay, Matthew Garfield, Martin Cohn, Andrew J. Peter, Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Richard N. Gardner, Paul E. Martin, Stephen Hanson, Gerald A. Beaudoin, H. Wade MacLauchlan, J.D. Arnup, H. David Archibald, Ian G. Baxter, M.I. Bateman, G.V.V. Nicholls, Colonel Wendell Blanchard, J.F. Edmonds, Ivan L. Head, J.S. Nutt, M.B. Dymond, Eiichi Fukatsu, L. Brothers, John R. Cartwright, Diana Maughan, Amber Pashuk, Alexandre Kiss, Reem A. Bahdi, Wolgang Strasser, Tauno Bergholm, A. Ch. Kiss, Eileen Janzen, Suzanne Lalonde, Marianne Scott, Manuel Rama-Montaldo, Donat Pharand, Walter Truett Anderson, Barry L. Mawhinney, Hans Corell, and others, regarding a wide range of topics. File includes the American Society of International Law newsletter of March and May 1994, the American Society of International Law newsletter vol. 21, issue 3, of May and July 2005, the Society of Legal Scholars newsletter of winter 2003, the Canadian Council on International Law bulletin vol. 27, no. 2, of spring 2001, the Canadian Council on International Law bulletin vol .31, no. 1 and 2, of spring and summer 2005, a United Nations General Assembly reports of 1965 and 1970, a photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald with an unidentified man in 2001, a photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald receiving his Doctor of Laws degree at McGill University in 1988, a photograph of Ronald St. John Macdonald with B.L. Laskin and J.B. Milner in 1965, annotated typescripts, handwritten notes, and newspaper clippings.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence with Wang Tieya

Includes handwritten and typed correspondence largely between Ronald St. John Macdonald and Wang Tieya, ranging from 1982-1989, related to the visit of Visit of Wang Tieya, Liu Hunghui, and Chen An to Dalhousie. Also includes correspondence to Innis Christie, W.H. Charles, Dick Evans, and others.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence with Wang Tieya

File contains handwritten and typed correspondence between Ronald St John Macdonald and Wang Tieya, between 1991 and 1994, around preparation for a series of interviews between the two, around the publication of a festschrift in honour of Professor Wang's career, and a conference at the Institute of International Law.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence from the 1980s

File contains correspondence with different individuals including W. Donald Goodfellow, Jutta Brunne, D.P. Verma, Florentino P. Feliciano, Krzysztof Skubiszewski, K. Wang, Barbara J. St. Bernard, T.O. Elias, Shigemi Watanabe, Daniel Ish, Charles B. Bourne, Piero Ziccardi, Charles A. Lussier, K. Subrahmaniam, Peter J. Spiro, Peter J. O'hearn, Allan J. MacEachen, Geral A. Regan, W.A. MacKay, John Willis, Howard C. Clark, Lyman R. Robinson, Bertha Wilson, Donald McInnes, Roland Michener, James A. Coutts, Mark MacGuigan, Alan D. Stephens, Donat Pharand, R.J. Marin, L.H. Legault, Dimitri S. Constatopoulos, T.R. Berger, Constance Glube, Bora Laskin, Jim MacPherson, Innis Christie, James B. Fanning, Patti Allen, George F. McCurdy, Ton J.M. Zuijdwijki, Russell N. Fairbanks, Ian G. McLeod, Shamsul Morshed, Madeleine Wehberg, G.A.H. Pearson, Erik Suy, Eiichi Fukatsu, Julie Loranger, Jean Denis Gagnon, Alan Gotlieb, David Makonnen, Brian Flemming, Erwin N. Griswold, Myres S. MacDougal, Y.L. Chan, Armand de Mestral, Allan C. Dunlop, Berry Mawhinney, Rosalyn Higgins, James H. Lenihan, Laura Villarreal Bueno, Carl-Goran Heden, Bin Cheng, Antonio Cassese, Thomas R. Berger, B.G. Ramcharan, Ilsabeth Mann Borgese, Hu Shikai, James Grey, F.J.C. Newbould, James Vorenberg, A.W. Bradley, Etty George, Christopher S. Axworthy, Renate Platzoder, T.A. Cromwell, Michael I. Jeffery, Pamela Thomnson, Douglas M. Johnson, John McNait, J. King Gordon, Richard B. Lillich, Virginia A. Scott, Bing Ho, Ni Mengxiong, Samuel Freedman, Jean-Louis Magdelenat, Richard Falk, H.W. Arthurs, Stephen Clarkson, Max Habicht, Gerald-A. Beaudoin, Thea Smith, Nicolas Jackson, Carolyn H. Filteau, William C. Gilmore, Nicole Leplante, Oscar Schachter, R. Riedel, Li Yuguo, Dale Gibson, Geral A. Klassen, and others, regarding a wide range of subjects. File includes the issue vol. 4, no. 21, of November 1853, of the British Noth Ameican periodical, the issue no. 100, of June 1984, of the Canadian Department of External Affairs press-release, a Dalhousie University Faculty of Law Executive Committee meeting minutes of September 1989, the issue vol. 11, no. 23, of March 1988, of the Dalhousie Law Journal, a photograph of Renate Platzoder, Meng Quin-nan's resume, newspaper clippings, and handwritten notes.
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