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'U' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with M.J. Anstee (Department of Technical Co-operation for Development) and K. Mushakoji (UN University - with "The United Nations University's Next Stage: Statement before the Sixteenth Session of the Council of the UN University on 1 December 1980"). File also includes handwritten notes by Elisabeth Mann Borgese for a United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) talk (on the new industrial revolution and the oceans).

Correspondence regarding United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)

File contains project descriptions, documents related to Pacem in Maribus X and XIV (ten / 10 and fourteen / 14), correspondence to Pierre Elliott Trudeau, "Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution," "Report of the ad hoc Expert Group meeting on the Draft World Charter for Nature," and other miscellaneous reports. Reports written in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.

'W' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with G. Weiss, G. Wassenberg, and Ambassador Karl Wolf, including a copy of the report "Fish Used to Eradicate Paddy-field Mosquitoes" by Song Ming.

'D' - 'F' miscellaneous correspondence

Files contains correspondence with individuals with names beginning from D to F. Correspondents include Maltese politican Guido de Marco (on implementing Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLos)), Annick de Marffy-Mantuano; Al Duda (on deep sea-bed mining), and Professor Tsutomu Fuse (sent with attached recommendations for UNCLoS Part XI by Elisabeth Mann Borgese). All correspondence is outgoing only.

'H - I' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence with Nobuhiro Habuto, the Deputy Director of the Foreign News Department, NHK (on Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and ocean-mining), correspondence with and Guyana Ambassador to the United Nations Samuel R. Insanally (also on Part XI). All correspondence is outgoing only.

'M - P' miscellaneous correspondence

File contains correspondence. Correspondents include the Permanent Ambassador of Jamaica to the United Nations Lucille Mair (attached is a copy of the G-77 Draft Paper); Ambassador Don Mills; Claude Morel (Ministry of the Environment, Economic Planning and External Relations for Seychelles) ; Satya Nandan (attached is a statement by Elisabeth Mann Borgese to the United Nation's Commission for Sustainable Development), Professor Kaldone Nweihed (sent with a list of countries that have ratified the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea); Chinese Premier Li Peng; M.C.W. (Chris) Pinto; Steve Polansky; Senator Claiborne Pell (sent with the non-paper: "Agreement on the Implementation of Part XI and Annexes III and IV of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea"); and Jan Pronk.

Board of directors of the International Centre for Ocean Development : [meeting documents]

File contains meeting minutes and agenda for ICOD Board of Directors meeting held on June 24 - 25, 1991. File includes supporting documentation, such as: memos, financial documents, project proposals and summaries, statements, reports, and by-laws. Topics discussed include: ICOD Forum seeking sustainable development of the Oceans, selection of candidates for the position of President, Presentation by Mr. Jioji Kotobalavu, president's report, report of the executive committee, report of the audit and evaluation committee, financial report, four (4) project proposals, corporate plan and policy issues, election of committee members, and revisions of ICOD by-laws. File also contains a fax to "The Group of Fifteen" from the International Ocean Institute (IOI) on the implementation and ratification of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLoS).

China, 24 March 1794

Item is a journal kept by James Dinwiddie from March 24 - June 30, 1794, with entries written aboard ship on the return journey and in or near Batavia (now Jakarta).


Item is a notebook kept by Dinwiddie during his time in Madras (now Chennai), India, in which he wrote about mining saltpetre and diamonds.

Vol. 18 [Queries and Hints]

Item is volume 18 of James Dinwiddie's "Queries and Hints," which contains queries numbered 2457-2508 and was created when Dinwiddie was in China.

'P' miscellaneous correspondence

File includes correspondence with Alexandera Post, T.V.R. Pillay (Food and Agricultre Organization of the United Nations), Princeton University Press, O.S. Plue, Prentice-Hall of Canada Ltd, Les Presse de la Cité, Elaine Partnow, Praeger Publishers Inc., M. Piovene, and PHP Institute Inc. Also includes "The Implications of Change in Mining Finance and Participation" by Alexandra Post, excerpts from "Ocean mining" by Alexandra Post, a proposal on deepsea mining by Alexandra Post and a report from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, "Progress of Aquaculture" by T.V.R. Pillay.

Correspondence concerning "Encyclopaedia Universalis"

File contains correspondence with Claude Gregory, John Dodge, F. Weizsacker, Jean R. de Salis, John Kendrew, P. Kapitza, Salvatore Quasimodo, Daniele Bovet, Georg Likacs, D. Lavergne, Linus Pauling, S. Radhakrishnan, C.F. Weizsacker, Werner Heisenberg, Robert Forbes, Robert Hutchins, and Theodor Svedberg. Correspondence mainly includes invitations to join the Encyclopedia Universalis' project. Also includes comments written about the encyclopedia by Marcello Colocci (on the "Physics" and "Chemistry" pieces) and Guiseppe Barbreri (on the "Geography" section). Contains English, Italian, and German correspondence.

Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence with Wang Tieya

File contains handwritten and typed correspondence between Ronald St John Macdonald and Wang Tieya, between 1991 and 1994, around preparation for a series of interviews between the two, around the publication of a festschrift in honour of Professor Wang's career, and a conference at the Institute of International Law.

The past 60 years of Peking University, 1898-1958 : [manuscript and clippings]

File contains records related to human rights teachings in China. File largely consists of a typed manuscript by Ronald St. John MacDonald, likely in 1958 or 1959, outlining the previous sixty years of the history of Peking University, includes discussions on the campus and its buildings and a brief account of its founding in 1898. File also contains clippings.
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