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Asia With digital objects
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Item is a notebook kept by James Dinwiddie in Calcutta, in which he recorded his observations and experiments in galvanism and other electrical phenomena.

Vol. 18 [Queries and Hints]

Item is volume 18 of James Dinwiddie's "Queries and Hints," which contains queries numbered 2457-2508 and was created when Dinwiddie was in China.

Vol. 17 [Queries and Hints]

Item is volume 17 of James Dinwiddie's "Queries and Hints," which contains queries numbered 2361-2455 and was created when Dinwiddie was in China.

The past 60 years of Peking University, 1898-1958 : [manuscript and clippings]

File contains records related to human rights teachings in China. File largely consists of a typed manuscript by Ronald St. John MacDonald, likely in 1958 or 1959, outlining the previous sixty years of the history of Peking University, includes discussions on the campus and its buildings and a brief account of its founding in 1898. File also contains clippings.

Correspondence related to Ronald St. John Macdonald's visits to China

File includes correspondence between Ronald St. John MacDonald, Pierre Elliott Trudeau, Jacques Roy, Wang Tung, Mary Sun, Cheng Jian-Hua, M.D. Copithorne, R. Randle Edwards,a nd Jerome A. Cohen. File also includes MacDonald's essay "The People's Republic of China and the International Court of Justice", and a package of travel document preparation.