Letters written by Fred Thompson to John Bell
Letters written by Fred Thompson to John Bell
James Young's correspondence regarding his BA honours thesis proposal
James Young's correspondence regarding his BA honours thesis proposal
Annual report
Annual report
Richard Apostle fonds
Richard Apostle fonds
Email correspondence between Richard Apostle and John Phyne re. Norwegian aquaculture
Email correspondence between Richard Apostle and John Phyne re. Norwegian aquaculture
NSERC research grants statement of accounts, research proposal, project budget and correspondence
NSERC research grants statement of accounts, research proposal, project budget and correspondence
Notes from interviews with fishers
Notes from interviews with fishers
Individual quotas (IQ) group meetings minutes and notes
Individual quotas (IQ) group meetings minutes and notes
Employment trends survey correspondence
Employment trends survey correspondence
Returned mail regarding employment trends survey
Returned mail regarding employment trends survey
Correspondence and memoradum regarding the General Sementation Project's worker survey
Correspondence and memoradum regarding the General Sementation Project's worker survey
Sampling design notes and related correspondence
Sampling design notes and related correspondence
Letter from Richard Apostle to The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology and tables from "Segmentation and Wage Determination"
Letter from Richard Apostle to The Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology and tables from "Segmentation and Wage Determination"
Correspondence, memoranda and notes on sample designs for the Morphology Project survey
Correspondence, memoranda and notes on sample designs for the Morphology Project survey
The segmentation perspective as a middle-range conceptualization in sociology / Don Clairmont, Richard Apostle and Reinhard Kreckel
The segmentation perspective as a middle-range conceptualization in sociology / Don Clairmont, Richard Apostle and Reinhard Kreckel
Public Policing in Nova Scotia
Public Policing in Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia Police Commission annual reports, 1976-1984
Nova Scotia Police Commission annual reports, 1976-1984
Police organization, training standards and practices in Nova Scotia : analytic statement, research design and budget / Richard Apostle
Police organization, training standards and practices in Nova Scotia : analytic statement, research design and budget / Richard Apostle
Reviews and comments about Richard Apostle and Philip Stenning's first draft Review of Public Policing in Canada
Reviews and comments about Richard Apostle and Philip Stenning's first draft Review of Public Policing in Canada
A bottom-up solution to municipal amalgamation in the Faroes / Dennis Holm
A bottom-up solution to municipal amalgamation in the Faroes / Dennis Holm
Chapters 1, 2 ,3, 4 and 6 of a proposed book on the amalgamation of municipalities on the Faroe Islands
Chapters 1, 2 ,3, 4 and 6 of a proposed book on the amalgamation of municipalities on the Faroe Islands
Samuel Ernest Sprott fonds
Samuel Ernest Sprott fonds
Trongate fury : drafts and related correspondence
Trongate fury : drafts and related correspondence
Trongate fury : final proof
Trongate fury : final proof
Mystery lights at Blue Harbour : copy edited
Mystery lights at Blue Harbour : copy edited
The cat that barked : revised copy after Sheila Dalton's copy-editing and correspondence
The cat that barked : revised copy after Sheila Dalton's copy-editing and correspondence
The cat that barked : last corrections sent to the printer
The cat that barked : last corrections sent to the printer
The cat that barked : copies of illustrations and correspondence from Terry Roscoe
The cat that barked : copies of illustrations and correspondence from Terry Roscoe
Mary Vingoe fonds
Mary Vingoe fonds
Correspondence regarding Mary Vingoe's play The Herring Gull's Egg
Correspondence regarding Mary Vingoe's play The Herring Gull's Egg
Correspondence and reports regarding Biogen / Axia Research
Correspondence and reports regarding Biogen / Axia Research
Correspondence between Jessie MacNabb and Archibald MacMechan
Correspondence between Jessie MacNabb and Archibald MacMechan
Correspondence related to the Book of Ultima Thule by Archibald MacMechan
Correspondence related to the Book of Ultima Thule by Archibald MacMechan
Correspondence related to A Beacon Light chapter of There Go the Ships
Correspondence related to A Beacon Light chapter of There Go the Ships
Correspondence related to The Captain's Wife chapter of There Go the Ships
Correspondence related to The Captain's Wife chapter of There Go the Ships
Correspondence related to the Red Snow at Grand Pre by Archibald MacMechan
Correspondence related to the Red Snow at Grand Pre by Archibald MacMechan
Correspondence related to the The Red Snow at Grand Pre by Archibald MacMechan
Correspondence related to the The Red Snow at Grand Pre by Archibald MacMechan
Correspondence related to the The Red Snow at Grand Pre by Archibald MacMechan
Correspondence related to the The Red Snow at Grand Pre by Archibald MacMechan
Correspondence regarding Archibald MacMechan's Carlyle on heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history
Correspondence regarding Archibald MacMechan's Carlyle on heroes, hero-worship, and the heroic in history
Mary Vingoe's correspondence with Canadian theatre companies regarding her play Living Curiosities
Mary Vingoe's correspondence with Canadian theatre companies regarding her play Living Curiosities
Kipawo Heritage Society's funding application correspondence
Kipawo Heritage Society's funding application correspondence
HomeFirst's action plan for corporate and private sponsorship to produce Wendy Lill's Messenger
HomeFirst's action plan for corporate and private sponsorship to produce Wendy Lill's Messenger
Canada Council for the Arts Theatre Production Project Grants Established Artists program application and correspondence
Canada Council for the Arts Theatre Production Project Grants Established Artists program application and correspondence
Reviews of Glace Bay miner's museum
Reviews of Glace Bay miner's museum
Costume and prop sketches for Glace Bay miner's museum
Costume and prop sketches for Glace Bay miner's museum
Director's notebooks
Director's notebooks
Mary Vingoe's speech for Halifax West High School 1993 graduation exercises
Mary Vingoe's speech for Halifax West High School 1993 graduation exercises
Eastern Command Players fonds
Eastern Command Players fonds
Catherine Banks fonds
Catherine Banks fonds
Personal card to Laura McLauchlan from Catherine banks
Personal card to Laura McLauchlan from Catherine banks