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David Silverberg - batiks and sketches
David Silverberg - batiks and sketches
Shiryu Morita exhibition
Shiryu Morita exhibition
Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence regarding his visits to China
Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence regarding his visits to China
Material of the Honorary Consul General of Japan related to ambassadors of Japan visits to Nova Scotia
Material of the Honorary Consul General of Japan related to ambassadors of Japan visits to Nova Scotia
Bruce Oland's trip to Japan in 1983
Bruce Oland's trip to Japan in 1983
Bruce Oland's trip to Japan in 1983
Bruce Oland's trip to Japan in 1983
Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 1990 to 2006
Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 1990 to 2006
Bruce Oland's correspondence related to the Honorary Consult General of Japan
Bruce Oland's correspondence related to the Honorary Consult General of Japan
Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence regarding the Journal of the History of International Law
Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence regarding the Journal of the History of International Law
Bruce Oland's correspondence related to the Honorary Consult General of Japan
Bruce Oland's correspondence related to the Honorary Consult General of Japan
Bruce Oland's correspondence related to the Honorary Consult General of Japan
Bruce Oland's correspondence related to the Honorary Consult General of Japan
Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 2000 to 2005
Ronald St. John Macdonald's unsorted correspondence from 2000 to 2005
Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence with Onuma Yasuaki
Ronald St. John Macdonald's correspondence with Onuma Yasuaki
Note card from Masabo Seta, to Budge Wilson regarding the book Before Green Gables
Note card from Masabo Seta, to Budge Wilson regarding the book Before Green Gables
Bruce Oland's correspondence related to the Honorary Consult General of Japan
Bruce Oland's correspondence related to the Honorary Consult General of Japan