File contains correspondence with various individuals. Correspondents include Najeeb Al Nuimi (Legal Advisor to the Crown Prince on Qatar), which discuss Pacem in Maribus XXI, and the Secretary-General's consultations on the Law of the Sea, and attached is a paper by Mann Borgese: "Making the Convention 'Universally Accepatble';" Lennox Ballah of the Institute of Marine Affairs (attached is a copy of the Nonpaper); W. Balzan (personal assistant to Guido De Marco); Paul Berenger, Minister of Foreign Affairs for Mauritius; Martin Blakeway (who wrote to the Prince of Tonga about raitification of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea); United Nations Secretary General Boutros Boutros-Ghali, which advocate turing the Preparatory Commission into an Interim Authority, in light of the "boat paper; and Salvino Busuttil on Malta's failure to announce ratification of the convention.
File contains correspondence between Elisabeth Mann Borgese and the following individuals: Sanjay Chaturvedi; Richard V. Carter; Dr. Hans Corell; Lucien Chabason (on the Regional Seas Programme); Krista Singleton-Cambage; Peter Cramer (concerning Thomas Mann); Pietro Carrigliol; Kevin Coady (concerning the death of one of Mann Borgese's dogs); Christopher Corkett (critiquing one of Mann Borgese's talks); Aldo Chircop; Dr. Edward Carr; Senator Alan Cranston; Christo and Jean Claude (outgoing only, includes prints of various art installations); Liara Covert; Winifred Caponigri; Rideau Hall; Pluto Press; Senator Alan Cranston; Ignacio Perez Caldentey; Fernando Henrique Cardoso (President of Brazil); Sergio D. Claure; Dr. Maria della Costa; Richard V. Carter; Erksine Childers; Professor Jonathan Charney; Judge Maurice Caruana Curran (Chancellor of University of Malta); Arthur H. Campeau; H. Reuben Cohen (Chancellor of Dalhousie); Elisabeth Cyran; Hon. David Coore; Ana Luisa Cortez; Frederick Clairmonte; Ingvar Carlsson (Prime Minister of Sweden); and others. Also includes copies of the following papers: "The Training Programme of the International Ocean Institute" by Elisabeth Mann Borgese; "Professionalization of the Field of Marine Affairs" by Aldo Chircop; "NATO's War of Aggression Against Yugoslavia: An Overview by Michel Chessudovsky. Some correspondence may be personal.
File contains a VHS videocassette with a recording of a talk concerning coastal management given by Elisabeth Mann Borgese at the International Symposium on the Ocean in Oita, Japan in 1992.
File contains correspondence with contributors to, and readers of, Elisabeth Mann Borgese's book, based on the Pacem in Maribus (PIM) XXI (21) conference. Also includes an advertisment for the book from Dalhousie's Centre for Foreign Policy Studies, and correspondence surrounding the Chinese translation of the book. File Includes copies of the preface and introduction to the book, the table of contents, and copies of two chapters from the book (Chapter 9: "Ocean Governance and the Secretary-General's Agenda for Peace," and the economics chapter).
File contains project descriptions, documents related to Pacem in Maribus X and XIV (ten / 10 and fourteen / 14), correspondence to Pierre Elliott Trudeau, "Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution," "Report of the ad hoc Expert Group meeting on the Draft World Charter for Nature," and other miscellaneous reports. Reports written in English, French, Spanish, and Arabic.
Files contains correspondence with individuals with names beginning from D to F. Correspondents include Maltese politican Guido de Marco (on implementing Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLos)), Annick de Marffy-Mantuano; Al Duda (on deep sea-bed mining), and Professor Tsutomu Fuse (sent with attached recommendations for UNCLoS Part XI by Elisabeth Mann Borgese). All correspondence is outgoing only.
File contains correspondence with Nobuhiro Habuto, the Deputy Director of the Foreign News Department, NHK (on Part XI of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, and ocean-mining), correspondence with and Guyana Ambassador to the United Nations Samuel R. Insanally (also on Part XI). All correspondence is outgoing only.
File contains correspondence with Japanese Member of Parliament Yuzuru Shimazaki (on the implementation of Part XI of the United Nations Convention of the Law on the Law of the Sea), Keith Suter, Danielle de St. Jorre (on problems with the Secretary-General's Consultations on the Law of the Sea), Margaret Wood of the International Ocean Institute (IOI), and Layachi Yaker (the letter to Yaker is missing a page).
File includes one audio cassette with recordings of the proceedings of the third Pacem in Maribus VI committee, held on October 2, 1975 in Okinawa, Japan.
File contains correspondence with M.J. Anstee (Department of Technical Co-operation for Development) and K. Mushakoji (UN University - with "The United Nations University's Next Stage: Statement before the Sixteenth Session of the Council of the UN University on 1 December 1980"). File also includes handwritten notes by Elisabeth Mann Borgese for a United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) talk (on the new industrial revolution and the oceans).