Aerial photograph of the GATR site in Gypsumville, Manitoba
Commercial bowling league team in action
District one hockey team winners of Winfield cup
Drawing by Andrew R. Cob of the Plan for a garage at the New Glasgow exchange
Drawing by Andrew R. Cob of the Plan for a garage at the New Glasgow exchange
Drawing by Andrew R. Cob of the Plan for the Antigonish exchange building
Drawing by Andrew R. Cob of the Plan for the Antigonish exchange building
Drawing by Andrew R. Cob of the Plan for the Antigonish exchange building
Drawing by Andrew R. Cob of the Plan for the Antigonish exchange building
Drawing by Andrew R. Cob of the Plan for the Antigonish exchange building
Drawing by Andrew R. Cob of the Plan for the Antigonish exchange building
Drawing by Andrew R. Cob of the Plan for the Antigonish exchange building
Drawing by Andrew R. Cob of the Plan for the Antigonish exchange building
Drawing by Andrew R. Cob of the Plan for the Antigonish exchange building
Drawing of the buildings of the Maritime Telegraph and Telephone Company
Employees' benefit fund booklet
Employees' stock savings plan
Employees' stock savings plan booklet
Exterior of Halifax office at 5788 North Street in Halifax Nova Scotia
Exterior of Halifax office at 5788 North Street in Halifax Nova Scotia
Exterior of Howe avenue Maritime Telegraph and Telephone service centre building in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Exterior of Howe avenue Maritime Telegraph and Telephone service centre building in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Exterior of Howe avenue Maritime Telegraph and Telephone service centre building in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Exterior of office in Hubbards Nova Scotia
Exterior of the front of the Halifax Office at 5788 North Street in Halifax Nova Scotia
Exterior view from Agricola Street of the Halifax office at 5788 North Street in Halifax Nova Scotia
Exterior View of Towers on the Halifax office at 5788 North street in Halifax Nova Scotia
Group of delegates at a general assembly session
Group shot of pioneers at T.E.A. dinner and dance
Group shot of pioneers at T.E.A. dinner and dance
Group shot of pioneers at T.E.A. dinner and dance
Group shot of pioneers at T.E.A. dinner and dance
Group shot of pioneers at T.E.A. dinner and dance
Group shot of woman's hockey team the Automatics winners of the Hayes cup
Halifax commercial hockey league team
History of Mulgrave Forks exchange
Laying cable in Mulgrave Nova Scotia
Laying cable in Mulgrave Nova Scotia
Laying cable in Mulgrave Nova Scotia
Laying cable in Mulgrave Nova Scotia
Laying cable in Mulgrave Nova Scotia
Laying cable in Mulgrave Nova Scotia
Map of Abercrombie Mutual Telephone Company's telephone line
Map of Athol Rural Telephone Company's telephone line
Map of Baddeck Bridge Mutual Telephone Company's telephone line
Map of Baddeck Forks Mutual Telephone Company's telephone line
Map of Bayfield and Summerside Mutual Telephone Company telephone line
Map of Beaconsfield Mutual Telephone Company's telephone line
Map of Beaver Bank Rural Telephone Company's telephone line
Map of Beinn Breagh Rural Telephone Company's telephone line